Home: Barbecue
oxy-propane grill   (+2, -2)  [vote for, against]
A nitros system for the bar-b

Add an oxygen tank and ports to the typical home outdoor propane grill for a restaurant-temperature flame.
-- horsesandkayaks, Sep 14 2007

How about a HHO generator and torch? Youtube hho torch
-- Shapharian, Sep 14 2007

Like a torch for your hotdogs?

Welcome to the HB.
-- quantum_flux, Sep 15 2007

Nah.. like a welders water torch
-- Shapharian, Sep 15 2007

Be careful not to run it with excess oxygen. The grill might not survive warm-up.
-- lurch, Sep 15 2007

Or add an air sleeve around each jet, as in a Bunsen burner (no relation)
-- BunsenHoneydew, Sep 15 2007

Just as good as [Shapharian]'s hydrogen torch idea!
-- the dog's breakfast, Sep 15 2007

and where does the NO2 come in?
-- the dog's breakfast, Sep 15 2007

And what happed to the q?
-- ldischler, Sep 15 2007

Aussies have bar - bees.
-- the dog's breakfast, Sep 15 2007

restaurants don't use compressed oxygen.
-- GutPunchLullabies, Sep 15 2007

How about an oxymoron torch?
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 15 2007

random, halfbakery