Culture: Magazine
scratch 'n' sniff porno   (+7, -5)  [vote for, against]
scratch 'n' sniff porno

explains itself!
-- bretts, Nov 10 2003

// explains itself! //

.. as does the mountain of fishbones.
-- dobtabulous, Nov 10 2003

Next is porn magazines where the pages feel like human skin.

Actually, not such a bad idea.
-- phundug, Nov 10 2003

...before you know it... you'll get a paper cut!
-- Tiger Lily, Nov 10 2003 a really bad place.

Oh, Benfrost...
-- RayfordSteele, Nov 10 2003

[+]Those fishbones are coming any day now...
-- Voice, Apr 20 2010

random, halfbakery