Product: Phone: Signal
telephone proximity detector   (+1, -6)  [vote for, against]
stops ringing, justs as you're about to pick up

A complete waste of time I'm afraid.
-- slancaster, May 04 2001

No sorry I can't see where you're at with this one. Now, the ants was a stroke of genius. How about re- applying ant/hair theories to telephone answering machines?
-- Ivy, May 04 2001

I was hoping this was going to be a useful invention that would let me find my mobile on my person before it stops ringing, or before everyone else in the theatre has had time to turn and stare.
-- mcscotland, May 04 2001

That's baked already. It's called 'Vibrate'.
-- StarChaser, May 05 2001

random, halfbakery