Computer: Telepresence
videoTV   (0)  [vote for, against]
make a videophone from cable TV

Since cable has much better transmission speed, why not to connect a camera and a microphone to cable TV. Creating additional channel for videophone and using account numbers to dial to another TV/videophone. Maybe creating some build in equipment in TV can be a good idea, so it can ring if there is a call.
-- egik, Mar 03 2003

Intel Video Phone
Uses your cable connection [reap, Oct 04 2004]

Hardware and technical issues aren't the problem, it's legal technicalities. Government doesn't want cable companies competing with phone companies. It's becoming moot, however, I can already send and receive phone calls on my computer. Eventually, TV and computer will merge into a combined, universal appliance.
-- whlanteigne, Jul 27 2003

random, halfbakery