Business: Funeral
virtual funeral simulation   (+1, -4)  [vote for, against]
Now you know who really cares for you...

Have you ever come to a funeral service? Some mourns, some look like they've been hit by a bus, some look relieve, and some even look like there's nothing happening. Then you wonder... how will it be on my funeral? But you can never find out, right? Coz you already too busy travelling on the other side. Why don't we create virtual funeral simulation. Actually I don't know how the heck it can be done. But you can't be playing dead - so? Maybe with some kind of hypnotism in a family gathering or some kind... Or a high-tech virtual dream device... Have any idea?
-- pritzbitz, Sep 09 2002

Nope. No idea.
-- bristolz, Sep 09 2002

Just fake your own death. But now I'm wondering, is there a law against that?
-- RayfordSteele, Sep 09 2002

[RS] Just hope it's not a cremation.
-- skinflaps, Sep 09 2002

Print an obituary for yourself in the local papers. Put in an 0800 number that people can phone to record tribute messages "that will be read out at the memorial service". Send out cards to your more distant friends and relatives. Stick an answering machine on the line. Then all you have to do is wait.

If you don't get any calls, that should tell you a lot about what people think of you.
-- 8th of 7, Sep 09 2002

I think you could get a similar effect through the slightly less painful method of getting married or having a 40th birthday party or some such thing. Maybe the responses wouldn't be so heartfelt, but by setting the "difficulty of attending vs. amount of free drink" ratio correctly, you could see who cares enough, or who is desperate enough for any company.
-- pottedstu, Sep 10 2002

pottedstu, it is a very nice idea... But nothing freally can be done about the simulation, unless you're playing dead by printing an obituary and hoping it will not be a cremation
-- pritzbitz, Sep 16 2002

Baked in Mash, and again in Empire Records.
-- miggavin, Mar 31 2006

random, halfbakery