
I like to day dream and think about improving the standard of life on earth. I play with my concepts and inventions. But I still want to build them. It seems to me that everyone is content to go along with the status quo. I do not. Ideas, theories, and laws scientific or otherwise should be challenged. Humanity is young and naive. We don't know everything as individuals or as a society, and probably never will. What was conventionally considered "wrong" centuries ago. Is widely accepted as fact nowadays. I don't believe in god or divinity. don't go near me with religion. The Universe created us, and it will be the Universe that ends us. I believe we evolved here on earth as a test of intelligence. Are Humans intelligent enough to get off this rock before it gets sucked into the Sun? Maybe, maybe not. I say that the "Universe is watching our every move" because it is... figuratively. We are being tested everyday. Do humans have the humility, restraint, respect, knowledge, cooperation and strength to survive in this harsh Universe. If we do we will become the epitome of intelligent life. If we don't we and our precious legacies will be burned from this planet and it will be like Humanity never existed at all.

[Mar 26 2010, last modified May 16 2010]

counter oscillating magnet generator (+2, -2)
flash glove/gauntlet (+2)
Omni-Ship (-6)
vacuum sphere (+2, -3)

random, halfbakery