Brian the Painter

Non loquor latin. Etsi id vestibulum (Ego quasi lacquer)

I'm a painter or on the facebook. (go ahead, slam me there! I'll beat you like a one armed man!) Feel free to speak your mind.

Robbed the Ooolongftangftangbank, the whole thing. I stole it, swore at it, farted in its face and put it back.

Reasons I signed up

[Dec 06 2012, last modified Jan 18 2013]

Bathroom Mufflers (+4, -2)
Cam free movie theater (+6, -1)
Courtesy Flush Eliminator (+4, -3)
Gold Separator (+1, -2)
Gyroscopic stunt bike (+7)
Jobs 'R' Us (-5)
oceanic shipping tram (+7, -2)
Olympic Skiing Safety Tarps (+2, -2)
"Post"mortem (+10)
Roomba Jolly Walker (+3, -1)
Un-tinted Windows (+2, -3)

random, halfbakery