
[Dec 12 2015, last modified Dec 13 2015]

Debt Consolidation that Rewards Debt Payoff (+2)
Democratizing railroads (+1, -1)
Drone with Air-to-Ground Power Tether (+5)
Efficiency Improvements for Window A/Cs (+4)
Japanese "Coffin Style" Sleeper cars with commual shower & lounge space (+6)
Mini Water-Chiller Air Conditioner (0)
Mom-and-Pop directory with small business tools (+11)
Perforated Flooring with a Drained Basin subfloor (+4)
Piggyback car shipping pulled behind semi trailer (+5)
Price Tracker that buys a item on-your-behalf for a reasonable cost (+1, -1)
Road train of buses (Bus Train) (0)
Stagger workdays to spread rush hours (+5, -1)
Triple Thick 3.5” Hard Drives (0)

random, halfbakery