
Retro-fit iconoclast from the days dinosaurs walked the earth and Clark Gable ruled the silver screen.

Design websites & advertising. Tell people how to spend their money to make more money. Write and design and direct. Let's compromise and do it my way.

Have followed many interests: Physics, Astromony, Ancient History, Archeology, Biology, Art, Women... I can bore you on practically any subject you can name.

Marvelous to find a bunch that think, not just laterally, but hyper-laterally and in several dimensions. But, it's much like a MENSA Social where everyone wants to show off.

The longer you live, the more stupider you get. And then you get so old that you suddenly have "wisdom."

[May 16 2005, last modified Oct 25 2008]

A Better Mouse Trap? (+1, -1)
Bark-Activated Dog Collar (+1, -4)
Cat Snapple (+3, -3)
Occam's Butter Knife Award (+7, -19)
Security Money Clip (-6)
Talking Trash (+7, -3)
The Slacker Mach 1.5V Running Shoe (+4, -5)
Whacky Wiki Wiki (+8, -7)

random, halfbakery