

E-mail Address: *q*p*z*n*g*g*@*t*z*n*v*y*.*p*b*z*
Remove the asterisks. Rotate.

Oh hai. I was gone for 10 years, since 2005. It is now 2015 and I am here again. I am only slightly more mature now. The site looks absolutely identical, which I truly love.

[Sep 01 2004, last modified Mar 04 2015]

Billiackey (+13, -5)
Egg Dating (+3, -5)
External Mandibular Advancement Device (+1, -4)
Gym Equipment Queue Wristband (+3)
Hydrodynamic Ballistic Urinal (-4)
Increasing Turn Signal Volume (+18, -6)
Non-Newtonian Bed (+13, -2)
Omnidirectional Cantenna Array (+8, -3)
Restaurant 4'33 (+39, -28)
The Cue-tip View (+5, -9)

random, halfbakery