
[This account was destroyed in a disk crash in October 2004 and has been partially restored from a cached copy. If it is yours, please send e-mail to <bakesperson@halfbakery.com> to reclaim it. ]

If there were some easy way to remove toenails, and prevent them from growing back, Medicare could save a fortune by just removing problem nails in all those patients who are having their nails cut by podiatrists, at $$$/month. Toenails are not the most useful part of the human body, although I am sure you are all attached to your own (and tightly attached at that).

[Aug 12 2003]

Anti-Rape (+6, -11)
Compression tents for mountain climbers (+4)
cure baldness (0)
DEntistry (+2)
garage buddy (+1)
Health evaluation (+4)
HealthCareSavings (+2, -7)
homeECG (+1)
I agree button (0)
Learning by Exam (+5)
Prevention of mountain sickness (+2)
RealRealityTV (0)
religion world count (+1, -2)
Self-defense (+2)
sport safety (+1, -3)
test (+1)
WeightLossMethod (+2)

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