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Google Earth Your Head

Do you want it blocked, rounded, or tapered…
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i love how Google Earth lets you look at any part of the globe, from any altitude or angle, with simulated fly-over navigation. GEYH is an app that lets you look at your head the same way. After using your smartphone camera to do a simple scan and some calibration, you can see your head the same way your barber does, or zoom in to look at parts of your noggin at angles that your barber would never think of. The basic app would allow a simple scan, easily updated. Optional in-app purchases would let you periodically add data from x-rays, MRI or other medical imaging to extrapolate views of the inside - which could be shown as if the camera was zooming into your ear or up your nose.

Inspiration really was the barber shop, where I’m always stumped when asked “Do you want it blocked, rounded, or tapered in back?” I tell them to use their best judgement but really have no idea what it looks like to others. Even if I can see it from various angles in a mirror it’s not the same view others get.

Does it look better tapered or blocked? How’s that bald spot progressing? Did you trim your ear and nostril hair well enough? If you fly in, what do those sinuses look like?

a1, Jun 04 2023

Hair drier devices https://www.elle.co...ng-message-in-2016/
most suitable for supplanting with head scanners [xenzag, Jun 05 2023]


       This is merely an extension of the general idea that Google will photograph more and more things as time goes on, and will stitch them together ever more finely and ingeniouslyey, so that in the end the Google simulation will be more detailed than the real thing.
pocmloc, Jun 04 2023

       // in the end the Google simulation will be more detailed than the real thing.// um...
Voice, Jun 04 2023

       Approved but in modified form. As a child I remember women sitting in hairdressers under large conical shaped drier hoods. It seems to me that these could be modified to contain an array of camera lenses so that multiple views of the head were possible, with software stitching them together to create a continuous image and send it to a screen or your phone.
xenzag, Jun 05 2023

       If it's made by Google it will, like their search service, select what it shows you in order to serve the needs of its advertisers. I'm not quite sure how they'll manage that with this service, but I'm sure they'll find a way
hippo, Jun 05 2023

       [hippo] Yes, ads… like “Miss Clairol can cover those greys!” or “Click here for a free sample of Minoxidil!” … could appear as text overlays in the app. These would be targeted to consumers by the app itself recognizing grey hair or bald spots.   

       [xenzag] I like your version. Can we get a CT scanner or similar fitted into one of those to do the internal scanning I mentioned?
a1, Jun 05 2023

       Associated product: Adblocker head gear. Picture a possibly-invisibly-patterned bowler, trilby, or hijab with transmitters to befuddle the GooglePlex data collection cameras.
Sgt Teacup, Jun 05 2023

       [a1] and [zennie], you two would make a great LLC. Get together at [a1's] house and make some more collaborative ideas. We'd be rich...I mean you guys, you know...   

       I love the hair dryer style. I've always wanted to feel what those are like anyway. While there I could learn how big the tumor in my head has grown. No, just kidding.
blissmiss, Jun 06 2023

       At least you have -something- in your head, rather than an empty space like most of us here!
pocmloc, Jun 06 2023

       This is So GEYH. (+)   

       Wow a1, I didn't think there were still 11 people here. You should be very proud of your idea. It's a huge hit.
blissmiss, Jun 12 2023

       Thank [blissmiss]!   

       Despite the diminishing pool, there are probably more folks here than you realize. In the past two months, 27 different 'bakers have posted new ideas. And that's just active creators. Visitors who don't post ideas are harder to tally but there are probably a lot of more of them.
a1, Jun 12 2023

       //a lot of more of them//
There's at least one.
neutrinos_shadow, Jun 12 2023

       Lurker for life? You've posted 13 ideas and annotated thousands. Not exactly a wallflower there.   

       Or did you mean someone else?
a1, Jun 12 2023

       I haven't posted any ideas in a while, & you said "who don't post ideas are harder to tally".
(Disclaimer: although I've been here for a disturbingly long time, I've never played with "Views" & all that sort of fancy stuff.)
neutrinos_shadow, Jun 12 2023

       They also serve
who only stand and wait.
a1, Jun 13 2023

       They also serve
who only annotate and vote.
hippo, Jun 13 2023

       The world would be so different if Milton had access to the 'bakery.
a1, Jun 13 2023


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