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Universal Wind Powered Sound Producer

Produce Sounds Powered by Wind in the Universe
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There have been lots of ideas about aeolian harps, wind powered singeing bowels, rain chimes, and such like noisiferous devices.

What a lot of jangling rusting crap. All sounds hellish if you ask me.

What we need is a "modern" solution.

Proposed device consists of various parts, viz.
- spike which supports everything
- generator with fan blades to generate electricity when it is windy
- battery backup so the goddamned thing won't shut up even when the wind stops
- solar panels so the battery stays charged even when it is not very windy
- electronic circuitry to form a mp3 player kind of thingy
- loudspeaker to play whatever audio the circuitry produces as loud as possible
- waterproof casing
- USB socket

To use the device, load any audio file onto a USB stick. Stick the USB stick into the socket. The circuitry loads the audio and plays it. On a loop. If you remove the USB stick then the last 30 seconds are retained in flash memory so the danm thing still won't shut up, or so that you can re-load the stick with your favourite singing bowl tracks and stick it back in without any embarrasing silence.

pocmloc, Feb 16 2023




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