
[This account was not destroyed in a disk crash in October 2004]

Or what then?

[Nov 14 2004, last modified Jul 20 2009]

Adult Competitive Duck Duck Goose (+10, -6)
Bobsled Airbags (+2)
Canine Advertising (+2, -3)
Cleavage Airbags (+14, -13)
Copy/Paste 2.0 (+6)
Double Sided Credit Cards (+3, -1)
Eartie (+9, -4)
Form Fitting Sleeping Bag (+7, -3)
Halfbakery Elephant Graveyard (+9, -6)
Hardwood Desktop (+12, -2)
Hot Pants Hot Pants Revolution (+11, -3)
Jehovah Scouts (+5, -1)
MC Escher Bar (+9)
MetaGoogle (+3)
Mystery Science Reality Theater 3000 (+13, -5)
Pavlov's Cat (+3, -1)
Reverse Headphones (+2)
Sandwich Inspiration (+5, -3)
Shift Up (+3, -1)
Solarpipe (+6, -2)
The Cancer Patch (+6, -4)
Tie an Effigy to your Cat Day (+11, -2)
Urban Tumbleweeds (+4, -2)
Veggie Tails (+5, -7)

random, halfbakery