Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Here in overcrowded windy Britain we have a lot of coastline and shallow sea, so offshore windfarms provide a practical solution to our energy problems. Nevertheless there is a strong lobby against , mainly on aesthetic grounds. I believe that using light technology to camouflage objects above the skyline is a practical solution, and I'm delighted that our cousins across the pond are thinking along similar lines. However, the wartime solution of lightbulbs is not practical, being both expensive and complicated. The idea of using fibre optics is better, but still too complex. My idea is simply to cover the wind generators with reflective paint, the kind they use for road signs, and direct halogen floodlights up at them from the shoreward side. The intensity and colour of the light could be continuously adjusted by computer according to prevailing conditions. Naturally,the generators themselves would power the lights.

[Aug 04 2005, last modified Aug 06 2005]

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