Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Tastes richer, less filling.

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"I am a seagull... no that's not it, I'm an actress" Greetings and Salutations. You have reached the profile of the Red Emily aka. Fae aka Em aka Lee aka MLE aka Superhero Random Girl aka RENThead aka "hey you with the hair" aka Babe. I'm sort of a Jill of all arts- acting, writing, singing dancing, painting, always looking to experience more artsy stuff or life adventures to inspire my artsy stuff. I wanted to be Audrey Hepburn but that job was already taken. Some things I like: The Beatles, RENT and many other musicals, poetry, foreign foods, art films, movies and plays in general, Ally McBeal, Francesca Lia Block, Margaret Atwood, lawn flamingos, the word "spatula" (sounds like Dracula's spastic younger cousin doesn't it.. say it a few times outloud). I love communicating with other people in the arts in particular but I find most people with an opinion of some kind interesting and I enjoy discussing just about anything from poetry (Do I need to learn Spanish to truly appreciate Neruda?) to life's quirks (if you choke a smurf what color does it turn?). Emily also enjoys refering to herself in the third person.

[May 21 2002]

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