Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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80s, acid, addiction, african grays, aim, alternative, angelfish, angelina jolie, animal rights, art, bass, biking, biology, birds, black, black holes, blue, burn, butch vig, candles, carrots, cats, chaos, chemistry, classic rock, clubbing, coffee, coffeeshops, confusion, cooking, dancing, darkwave, deep thinking, dogs, dolphins, drawing, dreams, drum and bass, dxm, eccentric, electronica, emo, emotion, epiphany, esp, euro, eye candy, fairies, fender, fetish, fire, fishnet, flames, freaks, freelove, french, freud, garbage, gay rights, girls, glam, glitter, goodbye mr mackenzie, greece, grunge, guitar picks, guys, hardcore, hiking, hip hop, house, html, incense, industrial, insanity, insomnia, javascript, jung, lighters, lightning, local bands, london, madness, masochism, matches, mercury, metal, mp3s, mythology, natalie wood, optimism, orwell, painting, parrots, penguins, photo manipulation, photography, poetry, political bands, pretty boys, pro-life, progressive, progressive metal, protest, psychology, punk, purple, pyromaniacs, q101, rain, rampage, rant, raves, reading, robert cormier, rock, safety pins, science, screaming, sequins, sex, shirley manson, shockwave, silence, silver, singing, ska, skaters, sleep, sociology, stalking, starbucks, stars, strange, student rights, style, swimming, tabs, techno, telepathic communication, the nervous center, thunder storms, trance, trip hop, tripping, vegeterian, vinyl, weed, writing, yellow submarine

any questions? email me here: b1tchbabe3296@excite.com

i don't have any wonderful ideas yet but be patient, i'll think of some sometime.

[Sep 28 2001]


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