Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Outside the bag the box came in.

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//I jumped in the river, what did I see? Black-eyed angels swam with me A moon full of stars and astral cars All the things I used to see All my lovers were there with me All my past and futures And we all went to heaven in a little row boat There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

I jumped into the river Black-eyed angels swam with me A moon full of stars and astral cars And all the things I used to see All my lovers were there with me All my past and futures And we all went to heaven in a little row boat There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt// "Pyramid Song" by Radiohead

Hopefully anyone who reads this will now have Thom York's voice echoing through their poor head.

The HB is pretty interesting. It reminds me a lot of the bullshitting my XC teammates and I did on runs. We even had a point system too. Typically, ideas were based upon what one would do once he became obsenely rich. Noteworthy thoughts included using the cross-section of a redwood to make a single table top, and then leaving the rest to decompose, making a car out of glass/wood, and some other random things. Maybe my three years as an XC runner have rubbed off on my a little too much, thus explaining the surplus of bones.

But God dammit, fish is a lot healthier than pastry. ...Not that I want any more bones.

Ideas of mine which I believe deserve (a little) more credit: Driver Only Stereo Lock, Keg Zeppelin, Laptop Cookie Warmer, Music Sharing Via Broadcast, Octopus Gun, Reverse Social Security, and Solar LTA Glider Hybrid.

That is all for now.

[you can reach me at kurt dot padilla at gmail dot com]

[Jun 27 2004, last modified Oct 31 2004]


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