Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
May contain nuts.

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[This account was destroyed in a disk crash in October 2004 and has been partially restored from a cached copy. If it is yours, please send e-mail to <bakesperson@halfbakery.com> to reclaim it. ]

I am almost 30, living in smogy California, and working at one of it's oldest shooting ranges as assistant manager.

Hi, my name is John, and I am an addict. A gunpowder addict.

Likes: shooting, blowing stuff up, driving fast, varmint hunting, my wife, the HUUUUGE tv she bought me, eating junk food, the sweet, sweet sound of screaming children, the way small animals explode when you shoot them, though not in that order...maybe

Dislikes: stupid people, small children and the parents who let them run around, car stereos I can hear across the street, people who drive on the freeway at 30 mph, stupid people. I'll add more as I think of it

Favorite sayings: Some people are alive simply because it's illegal to kill them. Of course I farted, do you think I smell like this all the time? Just need a bigger case and more powder. If it doesn't wear out the barrel in less than 1000 shots, I'm only kind of interested.

Favorite tv show: South Park, The Man Show

Handy tip: Golf is not a sport, ground up ping-pong balls make a useable substitue for black bowder, properly prepared tennis balls fly almost a mile with enough black powder, golf balls go farther than tennis balls, lead balls the size of tennis balls go farthest

Guilty pleasure: If i see a child in line at the county fair with cotton candy, shooting the candy with a water gun so it melts :) I know, I'm an asshole

My dream: To have enough land that I can shoot a 105mm cannon in any direction at max balistic arc, and if I hit someone, fuck them, they are tresspassing.

e-mail compaints or comments to: range-monkey@excite.com

[Aug 17 2003, last modified Aug 16 2003]


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