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Computer: Display: 3D
3D Printer   (+8, -2)  [vote for, against]
An array of colored smoke rings arrays create a 3D image in mid-air

Smoke rings can be sent for considerable distances either alone or in large arrays. Using common color toner, this device shoots layered color images into mid-air, 20 feet or more. (cross-sections of a 3D object) and thus create a 3D object floating briefly in space. The toner dissipates and ideally is biodegradable, made with natural dyes and pigments.
-- molecat, Jan 08 2007

Ghost Writer Ghost_20Writer
similar [xaviergisz, Jan 08 2007]

Chimney Smoke Art Work Chimney_20Smoke_20Art_20Work
but I still like the small scale printer so + [xenzag, Jan 08 2007]

Solid 3D printing
used for models and prototypes [badideajeans, Jan 09 2007]

Smoke Ring Guns http://www.zerotoys...ewsite/products.htm
Possible research tool [csea, Jan 09 2007]

This is really only a new concept if defined as a 3D printer capable of producing objects viewable in the round. Incidentally there is a cool link showing that this concept could be applied underwater as well, perhaps to create 3D gelatin artwork. Check out limtt/video/Collid_Re1573.mpg
-- molecat, Jan 08 2007

need to check that url molecat - can't get it to connect
-- xenzag, Jan 08 2007

Xenzag, Half Bk doesn't like long words and I can't figure out how to insert a link. You can go to my web page and click on "colliding ring vortices" in the Technology Links.
-- molecat, Jan 08 2007

if you click on "Link" you can paste in really long urls - try it.
-- xenzag, Jan 08 2007

We used 3d printing to make solid models in architecture school, and you can do that in color too (link) - but this idea is distinct in the scale and in the shifting, temporary nature of the image- I'd love to see how a 'printed' image would change in the wind. [+]
-- badideajeans, Jan 09 2007

Bravo, [molecat]. Having experimented briefly with smoke rings as a means of detecting sound pressure levels within a room, I am heartily in favor of new uses for this technology.

One can purchase inexpensive smoke ring "guns" and appropriate non-toxic fluid in several outlets. [link]
-- csea, Jan 09 2007

random, halfbakery