Product: Clothespin
Screaming Clothes Peg   (+7, -2)  [vote for, against]
Clothes Peg that Screems when wet

A clothes peg - or adaptor to a clothes peg that contains relevent electronics to allow it to screem when wet - e.g. when it is raining. It would be of simple and cheap construction - battery, transistors,op-amps and a buzzer - could even have a solar cell for charging. When it starts raining resitance between to points on a simple circuit change and set off the buzzer - alternatively this could be triggered by increase in humidity-decrease in light level etc. Benifit - your clothes tell you when it starts to rain
-- Osborn, May 30 2002

a quieter solution
has anyone made one yet? [rbl, May 30 2002, last modified Oct 04 2004]

Try this http://www.gisborne.../home/sis1.htm#RAIN
[angel, May 30 2002, last modified Oct 04 2004]

(*Ahem*...screeming? benifit? relevent? resitance?)
-- mcscotland, May 30 2002

But surely it will scream as you hang up the (presumeably) wet clothes?
-- drew, May 30 2002

I envisage this as a drop of water completing a circuit. The connection points could be in that part of the peg that faces upward, away from the clothes.
-- stupop, May 30 2002

The screeming could be - a siren, buzzer, etc. Would only screem if the sensor touched the wet clothes
-- Osborn, May 30 2002

I would love to see a picture of this, 50 little clothes pegs all out in a downpour, screeming away.
-- rbl, May 30 2002

hilarious at night, when every peg in the district goes off. BTW I always bring my pegs in at night time as little wee spiders love to get in them for shelter. ah bless
-- po, May 30 2002

You'd only need one (no point having them all screaming), but you'd need to ensure that you actually use *this* peg when you only have one or two items on the line. Why not have a screaming clothes line instead?
-- angel, May 30 2002

A screaming clothes line would only stop screming once the rain stopped and had dried up. A screaming clothes peg and be taken indoors and dried to stop it screaming.
-- [ sctld ], May 30 2002

On/Off switch?
-- drew, May 30 2002

Then you would need elecrticity running out to your clothes line, or whurlygig, which could be in a communal space. Also, if you switched it off, due to absent mindedness of people, it may not be switched back on again.
-- [ sctld ], May 30 2002

A screaming clothes line could be mounted on a bracket which would detect when something was pegged onto it, and switch on its screaminess accordingly.
-- angel, May 30 2002

ike some sort of tension sensor. Would work, yes. I still prefer the compact simplicity of the clothes peg idea though, 'cause you can use that peg when you are on your hols, but you can't bring a fitted bracket and clothes line with you.
-- [ sctld ], May 30 2002

bonus: everytime a bird lands on the clothesline the line would screem.( bliss: just now finally got it, took a while)
-- rbl, May 30 2002

[sctld]: Seems like you are going to require electricity in some form to power the screaminess. Battery devices have on/off switches too. I was considering the potential life expectancy of a screaming clothes peg with no off switch. Percussive silencing would probably be used. Hard.

The birds don't land on the line here - they just 'bomb' them from on high, as some sort of protest, I think. Generally makes hanging clothes out fairly pointless.
-- drew, May 30 2002

As the poster says, they will be solar powered, so there should be little problem.
-- [ sctld ], May 30 2002

I'll vote for anything that involves getting attention. Croissant.
-- SeattleBrad, May 31 2002

I know a girl that doesn't like getting rained on. Peg the screaming clotheshorse.
-- FarmerJohn, May 31 2002

rbl and po's anno's swing it for me. +
-- DrBob, Jan 30 2003

In addition to screaming, it should vibrate wildly. Flashing lights could also be incorporated. They would need to be bright, to shine through the clothes.
-- bungston, Jan 30 2003

random, halfbakery