I've no business being in Yoker
[Jan 24 2001, last modified Oct 31 2021]
3D Michael Jackson Face Jigsaw
(+12, -4)
4 x 100m Sack Race
Abraham Lincoln's Magnetic Chin Curtain
Acronym Vocable Barbershop
(+3, -1)
Anti-European Literature
(+2, -1)
Aphasic Literature Virus
(+9, -2)
Arse Crampons
Autistic Theatre Company
(+6, -5)
Baby Leg Sideburns
(+11, -2)
Bagpipe Vending Machine
(+22, -4)
Bath Plaque Dye
(+13, -1)
Bathetic Movie Edits
Bin Gun
Black Pudding Making Ballet Shoes
(+12, -9)
Bleeding Bodywork
(+6, -1)
Blood Glory Hole
(+18, -2)
Broccoli Epaulets
Bus Full of Flies
(+12, -5)
Candle Chess
(+12, -1)
Capability Brown's Abraham Lincoln Spirit Level
(+31, -1)
Celebrity-Music Shoehorning Game
(+34, -5)
Charity Mugger British Bulldogs
(+5, -3)
(+14, -2)
Cig Graffiti
(+3, -6)
Circle of Meat
(+8, -4)
Class Signifier Family Feud/Fortunes
Click Notch Foam Squirt
(+16, -1)
Cobblers On Stilts
(+5, -6)
Commuter Lungs
(+14, -1)
Competitive Mixtaping
(+10, -2)
Contrarian Party
(+4, -2)
Corporate Embassies
Corporatisation of Politics
Cough Burp Fart Sonata
(+3, -5)
Crayon Printer
(+7, -3)
Creeping Paranoia Prank Programme
(+9, -5)
Cud Stopper
(+6, -2)
Dastardly Fussy Stereo
(+19, -1)
Dead Words Dictionary
(+31, -2)
Definitional Depth Metric
Digital Picture Frame Oscillator
(+9, -1)
Djoser Soccer
Dogs Staring At Toddlers
(+12, -3)
Drift Bubble Pop Table
(+5, -1)
Drop Gusset Rotatopants
(+4, -2)
Dynamic Stamp
El Kabong's Wookiee Lol Party
(+13, -1)
Exposition Excision
(+3, -1)
Fabergé Peanut
(+17, -5)
Face Transplantee Blackhead Extruder Plate
(+11, -2)
Face Transplantee Programmable Iron Filing Beard Plate
Facebook Murders
(+4, -1)
Fake Plastic Trees
(+17, -2)
Fat man on a bridge ammunition
Fish Lifter
(+6, -1)
Flaming Fury Brolly
Flip-flopping Pavlovian Populace
(+8, -2)
Freesheet Pre-Reader
Fruit Chute
Gamer's Decompression
Geta Cats
(+4, -4)
Global Debt Tombola
Graduated Prose Style Taxonomy
Grand Theft Auto: Erectile Dysfunction
Gravel Moat
(+3, -1)
Gritter Modification
Haemorrhoid Barre
(+3, -1)
Hair Toothpaste
(+4, -8)
Hallucinogenic Sunburn Relief Verruca Socks
(+15, -3)
Handclap Targeting Thatcher Hovercraft
(+7, -2)
Happy Hatstand
(+8, -1)
Haunted Bog Brush
(+13, -4)
Hog Nose Bell
Hokey Cokey Recursion Death March
(+7, -3)
Hooked on Hold!
Hope Quotient
Hover Cot
Ice Pubes
(+3, -6)
Independence Celebration Long Stop
Industrial Food Manufacturing Teppanyaki Restaurant
(+4, -1)
Jimmy Shand's Bendybus
Kayak Shower Safety Wellytops
(+6, -2)
Kilt Coil
Labyrinthine Marriage Bureaucracy
(+17, -1)
Laser Potty
Legislative Sculpture
Liquid Nitrogen Lawn Mowing Service
Littler England
(+3, -2)
Magnetophonic Tesla Coil Bowls
Mechanical Redialer
Mime Creation
(+2, -2)
Multidirectional Disco Globe
Musical Photo Booth
Mystery Men, Inc.
Narwhal Wedding Ring Toss
(+9, -1)
Neon Wedding Dancefloor Asteroids
(+13, -1)
New Book Perfume
Newscaster Handover Conversation Termination
(+6, -2)
No More Tears Sticking Plaster
Odometer Serendipitous Pattern Secrecy Device
Office Collision Avoidance Cards
(+3, -1)
Ouroboros Leech
(+8, -2)
Panda Corporation
(+7, -3)
Pareidolia Photocopier
Passchendaele Granola Yoghurt
(+1, -1)
Peanut Butter and Cheese Sandwich CD Carry Case
Pen Man
(+2, -2)
Pigeon Power
(+7, -5)
Pizza Pizza Crust
Plagiaristic Films
(+30, -2)
Pneumatic Seal
Pointy Graboid Armhandle
Posh Boy Tennis Net
Pram Cowcatcher
Pylon Painter's Exoskeleton
Random Video Store
(+8, -2)
Reality Management Consultancy Secrets Police
Rectum Septum
(+5, -6)
Redistributed Distributed Surveillance State
Robert Shields Re-enactment
(+10, -2)
Roomba Shaver
Samurai Government
(+7, -3)
Scab Beard
(+9, -10)
Scissors Paper Stone Earworm Crowd Sort
(+9, -1)
Scratch & Sniff Before & After Deodorant Ads
(+6, -2)
Scrotum Thurible
Secondary Source Hypertext Commentary Novel
Secret Boggle
Sell Ventolin To Injecting Drug Users
(+1, -3)
Sex Stopwatch
(+4, -3)
Sloth In A Box
Smarty Pants
Smeared Online Identity
Snap-On Shopping Trolley Handle
Soap Disfigurement Drop Squad
Sock Donner
Sortable Hotel
(+3, -1)
Soup Rally
Staged Mutiny Cruise
Starchy Fun Pub
Sweetcorn Lifejackets
(+8, -2)
Synchronised Indicators
(+14, -2)
(+6, -2)
Technological Retardation for Endangered Species Hunting
Thatched Shoes
The Easiest Quiz Show In The World
(+4, -2)
The Gustmatic Midgewig
(+17, -1)
The Nobleman's Cloak
The Parties: Where Are They Now?
The Sexuality Compass
Thoroughgoing approach to earth's destruction
(+3, -3)
Thread Visualisation
Tie Fountain
Tilt-o-Matic Static Car Treadmill
Ting Tong Ping Pong
(+21, -1)
Total Non Sequitur
(+4, -1)
Trainspotter Spotting
(+42, -3)
Trepanation Valve
(+36, -3)
Trident Shooting Desk
(+5, -1)
Twin Axes Symmetropants
(+8, -3)
Two Way Monitor
(+4, -2)
Underwear Orientation Compliance Pole
(+4, -12)
University of Housework
(+26, -4)
Waveform Grill Tray
(+5, -1)
Weaning Baby Monitor
(+1, -1)
Weeble Suction Cups
(+6, -2)
Windsor Snake
Xylophone Cupboard Microballet
Zip Tie Lamppost Dog Chew
(+7, -3)
Zombie Jesus Advent Calendar
(+2, -1)