
I was never the man I used to be.

zerothly at

Oh, by the way:

There's also this:

[May 25 2004, last modified Feb 11 2017]

1001 Dresses (+5, -1)
2006: A Croissant Odyssey (+4, -1)
405-Line B&W IPlayer (+8)
A Level Playing Field (+4)
A world of your own (+3)
AA Equilateral Triangle (+1)
Actual Elevator Shoes (0)
Add Um Bongo To The Congo (+2)
Adjustable fresnel lens glasses (+5)
Agitating water filter (+1, -2)
Aidepikiw (+2, -5)
Alien breeding protocol (0)
All-VRAM computer (+9, -1)
Allergy/ethical self-checkout (+5)
Alphabetea (+9, -2)
Am I mad or not? (+8, -6)
Android-Based Smart Tin Can (+5)
Angst Room (+2)
Annual child lacquering (+13, -2)
Anti-litigious multiple enclaved microstate (+1, -6)
Antipodean mosque (+14, -2)
Appropriate ingredients for drugs (+2, -1)
Arecibo Telescope Message Custard Cream (+1)
Armillary sphere illustration for date, time and location (+4)
Artemis Mission Denial (+2)
Artificial intelligence "card" for IT hardware (+5, -4)
Ask Robots To Take Over The World (+3, -1)
astronomical mirrorball (+5, -1)
Asymptotic Temperature Scale (+3)
At right angles to reality (+3, -3)
Aubergine (eggplant) camera (+9, -3)
Audio on demand (+1, -1)
Australian wedding sugarcraft (+2, -1)
Automated personal financial algorithms (+9)
Automotive Acupuncture (+10)
Auxetic foam loaf (+1, -3)
Aztec Camera (+4)
B-side MP3 player (-1)
Baby formula by prescription only (+5, -13)
Backwards compatible combined headphone/remote (+3)
Baedekerites (+6)
Balance Mastercard (-1)
Bang On The Pipe (+2)
Barcode banknote printer (+3, -4)
Barely legal (+7, -5)
Baudrillard-themed disposables (-2)
BBC1+400000 (+8)
Better AI 3-D Scene Rendering (+4)
Bicycle lamp-ray (+2)
Biequatorial disorder (+3)
Bill customers for surveillance (+5, -3)
Binary Adders (+1)
Binary Half-Adders (-1)
Binocular reflectors (+4)
Biometric pause and play (+1)
Bipedal Airplanes (+2)
Birdsong compression algorithm (+3, -1)
Blood Building Society (+2, -1)
Blood pressure-tuned radio (+3)
Board Books for Adults (+5)
Bodystocking Sugaring (+2)
Boing Loo (+6, -2)
Bonsai remedies (+1)
Boot from internet (+1)
Bouncy blackspots (+3)
Bread Beard (+2)
Build Martian canals on Earth (+4)
Busby Berkeley beverages (+4)
Cache the video RAM (-1) (+4, -1)
Carbon monoxide afterburner (+2, -1)
Cavitation plasma induction impulse drive (+5)
Centrifugal Party (+1)
Ceremonial post-gender reassignment meal (+2, -8)
Cetacean-aided kettle (+3)
Charge laptops through the USBs (+8, -3)
Charger-seeking devices (+3, -1)
Charity vending machines (+1, -1)
Charles III - Reiki master (+8, -2)
Chess op code (+3)
City And/Or Photo As CPU (+3)
Clay tablet business card (+6)
Clean underwear roll (+5, -1)
Clone Of The Long Now (+4, -2)
Cloth of amber (+6, -2)
Clothing mirror/window (+2, -1)
Cloud/Bubble Chamber As 3-D Display (+3)
Clown dentists (+6)
Cluedo Casualty (+4)
Coat of arms (+6)
Colour printing with black toner (+1)
Comedy genre hospital wards (+3)
Comedy venues at popular suicide spots (+8)
Computer cable frame (-1)
Computer capybara (+12, -1)
Computer in a bell jar (+6)
Confidential public-access genome database (+3, -3)
Constantly remapping keyboard (+3, -7)
Content-free GCSE (+1)
Contrablution (+2, -2)
Control looting with cloud seeding (+5)
Convert wool to silk with clothes moths (+7)
Creative work CAPTCHA (+1, -2)
Crooked space (+1, -1)
current remission by causation of allergic necrosis and cachectic electro-resistance (0)
Custard travelator (+7, -1)
Dead fly-based printer toner (+24, -1)
"Dead she is" (+3, -4)
Deathday Newspapers (+1)
Dedicated Starship Construction State (-1)
Dehydrated forklift truck vending machine (+6, -2)
Dehydrated umbrella (+7)
Deliberately low-budget SF movies (+5, -2)
Deliberately teach complete nonsense (+8)
Deliver The Water Supply As Elements (+17)
Demodex Pen (+1)
Dendritic sugar (+2)
Desperanto (+21, -3)
Devanagari/Musical Notation (+2)
Dewey Decimal System-Based Annotation Tangentiality Measurement Function (+3)
Diagnostic bodystocking (+1, -1)
Different-tasting news items (+3)
Digital positronics (+4, -1)
Digital Technicolor (+1)
DIL package centipede robot (+3)
Dinner daleks (+10, -2)
Disabled dancing allowance (+5, -1)
Dissolve-a-dog (+9, -4)
DNA zip (+1)
Dodecahedral computer hardware (+4, -2)
dodecahedral soap dice (+3, -1)
Dodecahedron Scheme (0)
Dropper/plug bottle (+1)
Dubai-esque cheesy space environment (+6)
Duodecimal calendar (+1)
DVD plot resolution enhancement (+3)
Early pregnancy decoy bulge (+3)
Earth, Wind and Fire therapy (+2, -1)
Eat tumours (+1, -1)
Eat yourself (+2, -7)
Edible bibles (+8, -1)
Egalitarian Darth Vader/Stephen Hawking costume (+3, -3)
ElastiCity (+1)
Electric slug trail circuit board and more (+2, -1)
Emacs For Microwave Ovens (+4)
Embolic Month To Replace 25th Dec-1st Jan (+5)
Empathy implant (+1, -4)
Erotic airlocks (+8)
Etaion shrdlu blinking aid (+1)
Eternity/wedding rings made entirely of diamond (+6, -2)
Ethical whaling (+4, -5)
Even more humane mousetrap (+6, -5)
Everlasting battery-flavoured ball (+5, -4)
Everything except Wikipedia (+7, -1)
Exam in cheating (+4)
.exe-partners (+1, -2)
Expensive Pink Pigment (0)
Explanation mark (+5, -3)
Extend the North Atlantic Archipelago (+2, -1)
Extendable TFT LCD (+4)
Extended emergency service take two (+3, -7)
Extra hue between indigo and violet (+4, -5)
Extreme starching (+10, -3)
Facebook face book face book (+10)
Fake Prequel (+6)
FAQ T-shirts (+15, -3)
Feline gas appliance (+2, -8)
Female school uniforms for both sexes (+4, -15)
Fibre optic mains (+4)
Figure-of-Eight shaped soap opera (+12)
Fill your home with nitrogen (+9)
Film time travel movies on location in the past (+2)
Filthy A&P Textbook (+5)
Find anti-custard (+2, -4)
Fir tree-shaped interface (+7)
Fish living on the side of your head (0)
Flatbed printer (+7)
Fluorescent Ejaculating Smoke Alarm (+6)
Fluorite Cars (+1)
Flying Electric Spaghetti Monster (+1, -7)
Flying memory stick (+4, -3)
Found new hardware: CUP OF COFFEE (+17)
Fourth Wall Reinforcer (0)
Frame Underwear (+3)
Free electricity after a fatal accident (+1, -11)
Frogfrog and starfish dominatrices (+13, -1)
Front-row only chess (+9, -2)
Frozen Smoke Furniture (0)
Fuel ethanol from poisonous plants (+4, -5)
Full-scale Model Vehicles and Scaled Down Vehicles (0)
Furniture edibiliser (+5, -1)
Gainy image compression (+3)
Gas-powered television (+5)
GCSE in crime by coursework assessment (+3)
Get divorced by getting married backwards (+10)
Giant cyborg hamster (+7)
Giant date and time display on the Moon (+9, -5)
Gigantic passenger butterfly (+10, -1)
Glass alarm as doorbell (+6, -1)
Go ask Alice (-2)
Going him with she really is out? (+7, -5)
Greenhouse Focus (+3, -2)
GUI widget-only screensaver (+6, -2)
Guitar chord keyboard (+2)
Hair guitar (+7)
Halfbakers' resurrection (+3)
Halfbakery speedometer (+3, -1)
Halfbakery <sub> tag. (+3)
Hallowe'en mass extinction ball of fun (+5, -2)
Hand-Cranked Ray Gun (0)
Hannibal Lecter's aquarium (+6)
Hardcore to ambient glissando (0)
Hardware task manager button (+8)
Harvest honey by catapult (+1, -2)
Harvest noble gases from radioactive building materials (+3, -1)
Hat dress (+7)
Have babies by email (+5)
Headphones For Firework Bangs (+4, -1)
Hearing voices mesh network (+2)
Heart-shaped electrocardiogram trace (+2)
Helical Spacecraft Trajectory For Artificial Gravity (+2)
Helicopter Dishwasher Hovercraft Vacuum Cleaner (+3)
Helicopter Enema (-1)
Helium taxidermy (+13, -2)
Helium-xenon meringue organ (+21, -1)
Helm of Fuþark (+25, -2)
Hemidemisemispheres (+5)
Hernia prevention piercings (+1, -3)
Hexadecimapus (+3, -3)
Hibernate through unemployment (+6, -3)
Hibernate to save the world (+8, -2)
Highly correct grocery labelling (+6, -2)
Hillsong compression algorithm (+2, -3)
Hoberman sphere sand (+4)
Hockey road to ruin (+3)
Hollow Kevlar® tower to orbit (+2, -4)
Home micro/DVD player hack combo. (+4, -3)
Home micro storage system (+6)
Home seaweed farm (+7, -1)
Honest Social Media (+4)
Hoop-shaped mobile 'phone (+2)
Hormonal headlouse treatment (+3, -1)
Hot Underwear Dispensing Machine Gun (+4)
Human-sensitive street lighting (+3, -2)
Human Toothpaste Tube Toilet (+1, -1)
Humane cow explosion (+8, -16)
Hundreds of telepathic froghoppers in space (+6)
Hybrid maglev/hovercraft (+2)
Hydrogen balloon plus Gauss gun (+6)
Hypercomplex money (+2, -2)
Hypercorrect English (+12, -2)
Hypercubism (+5)
Hyperspatial Battleships (+3)
Hyphenation As Subtraction (+3)
Hypnotax (+5)
Iapetan piezoelectric generator and heat pump (0)
If Wales was flattened out... (+5)
Immerse ourselves in warm viscous fluids when we get old (-2)
Imprisoning hardware (-1)
Incinerating vacuum cleaner (+8, -3)
Incompetician (+12)
Increasingly happy/sad banknote portraits (+6)
Infinite Hyperbolic Scrabble Board (+4)
Infinitely Long Name For Pi (+5)
Infinity banknote (+2, -13)
Inflatable lumbar pocket (+8)
Inherently funny conlang (+6)
International Paroxysmal Alphabet (+11)
Internet death penalty (+4)
Interpret Public Toilet Signs Almost Literally (+4)
Interstellar travel by fungus (+15, -2)
Inverse Text=Negation (+2)
Ironic noodles (+3, -1)
ISO standard for formal wear (typed using Just A Minute rules) (+9)
It wooden bee able to fly (+6, -2)
Jamie Oliver soup (+2, -3)
Jane Austen's colossal death robot (+8, -1)
Joblessness and toillessness statistics (+4)
Kamikaze journalism (+5, -3)
"Kevin Bacon"/Kevin Bacon (+4, -1)
Key frames first (+13, -1)
Kitchen Toilet (+5)
Klein bunny (+3)
Knitted garments for hot weather (+1, -1)
Lapbottom (+4, -2)
Large Wildlife Collider (+3)
Largely analogue electromechanical voice calculator (+5)
Largely Transparent Peripherals (+7)
Latte keyhole rotor (+19, -1)
Laundry Disaster Upgrade Path (+3)
Lava Buildings (+4)
Left and Right Hand Drive Beds (0)
Legal alternative to the British TV licence (+2, -3)
Legally Binding Obese Woman Singing Termination (+12)
Lengthen the day by twenty-one minutes (+18, -1)
Life on Mars (+2, -2)
Lighter than air plane (+2, -2)
Limehouse (+11)
Linear encoder pointing device (+2)
LOL Enforcer (+9)
Long Pork Scratchings (-1)
Lossy glossy (+2)
Luminous lumina (+3, -6)
Luminous neon balloon (+3)
Lurvelight (+10, -4)
M2Fs Pay F2Ms at transition (-2)
Machiavelli for kids (+8)
Made by an ELF® (+5)
Make calcium supplement from eggshells (+3)
Make husbands their wives' property (+1, -14)
Make Maundy Money Mainstream (+4, -1)
Make Shipping Areas Into Parliamentary Constituencies (+1)
Make "Sorry" The Hardest Word (+3)
Mandatory giant PA system for car cellphone/mobile users (+2, -3)
Mark vehicle speeds as duodecimal fractions of c (+7)
Marriage as an opt-out system (+1, -2)
Martian internet server (+6)
Maslow-Based Sales Tax (+1, -1)
Maxwell's Luminous Refrigerator (0)
May you live in interesting tights (+1, -2)
Medical Nurbalism (+4)
Mehbook (+1)
Melodious car engine (+3, -1)
Menger Sponge Barcode (+5)
Merge thermodynamics and economics (+6, -7)
Metric organisms (+4)
MFD - Hypothesis? (0)
Mice for Humans and Cats (+2)
Micro-SD cassettes and records (+1, -2)
Midlife cool mobility aids for the able-bodied (+3)
MiLK (+2)
Mine mammoths (+2, -1)
Minibeasts of burden (+3, -2)
Mission Impossible hard drive (+10)
Mission to Planet Halfbakery (+4, -3)
Mobile/Cellphone user profiles (+9)
Mobile 'phone as calculator accessory. (+1)
Mobius zips (0)
Monarchist arcology (+2, -1)
Money Is Time (+2)
Monthly divisions of desktop menu (+6)
Most popular internet content by DAB (+2)
Mouldy medicines (+2)
MP-3 (+2)
MP3 Player/Dishwasher/Body Image Scanner (+4)
Multicoloured cable ties (+1, -4)
Multidimensional language (+6)
Musical bedframe reverberation flatulence dormitory (+3, -1)
Musical score in subtitles (+6)
NaNONoWriMo (+4, -1)
National Public Service (+13, -5)
Negative Poisson ratio zip teeth (+2, -1)
Neurotic Pacman (+11)
Neutronium As A Cooking Ingredient (+3)
"Never Did Me Any Harm" Town (+3)
New Grammatical Genders (+1)
Newton's cradle ferris wheel (+1)
Nicer chipboard (+1, -1)
Nineteen To The Dozen Party System (+1)
Non-knitted non-woven fibrous fabric (0)
North-by-Northwesthampton (+3, -1)
Note coins (+8, -1)
Notvember (+4)
Numbers Request Station (+4)
Objects On The Plate May Be Smaller Than They Appear (+4)
Octopus milk (+9)
Officially Quashed Object (+6)
-ologists and -ologians (+2)
Online accounting-taxation link (0)
Online course for better spamming (+6, -1)
Onscreen character/actor captions (+3)
Origami factory (+3, -1)
Pacman smorgasbord (+2)
Painted Albino Prop Animals (+1)
Palaeontological restaurant (+11)
Paper library in a pack of cards (+1, -3)
Parasite fashion (+1, -10)
Parasol of time (+17)
Parent And Baby Stockings (+2)
Park On Motorways (+1)
Party in government pursues opposition's policies (-5)
Passenger pedaled ferry (+1, -2)
Passively-propelled airship (+2)
Patrickmoorebot (+7)
Pay by mobile and RFID (+3, -2)
Pay for everything at once (+9, -4)
Pay households for domestic output (+2, -3)
Pay tax in kind (+2, -4)
Pedal-powered lift (+2, -1)
Personal Numbers As Names (+2)
Personal Week Balls (+2, -2)
Phlegmphone (+2, -1)
][Phone (+2)
'Phone jack powered portable blower (+4, -3)
Phosphorescent nebuliser bong vaccination (+1, -2)
Physical text compression (+1)
Piston oven (+10, -1)
Pizza Marghedata (+8)
Placebo-free medical treatment (+1, -2)
Planetarium Hotel (+12)
Plastic Salad Ha Ha Bonk (+4)
Plausibly deniable car paint job (+2)
Plug everything into everything else (+2)
Pocket procrastinator (0)
Pocket Watch Minitablet (+9)
Poetic towerblocks (+6)
Political corruption lambda calculus (+3, -2)
Political opinion skin patches (+3)
Porn-friendly tablet PC (+1, -1)
Post-term time holiday exams (+1)
Potassium vapour lamp (+3)
Pre-emptive barcode tattooing (+4, -3)
Pregnancy-testing Police Helmet (+7, -2)
Premodernist cereal (0)
Prismatic newspaper (+16)
Privatise the numbers system (+6, -2)
Professional Institute of Married People (PIMP) (+1, -1)
Propositional calculator (+5, -2)
Psychedelic Autopsy (+7, -2)
Public money cutoff point (+6)
Public UHF Frequency (+4, -2)
Punishable operating system (+3)
Pyramid Pyramid Scheme (+2)
Pythonised DVD player (+3, -1)
Quiet hovercraft (+1, -6)
Radio tubes (+2, -2)
Rate movies for realism (+7)
Razorwear (+3, -1)
Re-enter the womb at the end of life (+4, -4)
Recharge batteries by explosion (+1)
Redscale raster display (+5, -1)
Remote control car snow melter (0)
Remote-control clean room (0)
Remote control periscope (+2, -1)
Remote pet care (+3)
Repeat the Miller-Urey experiment with silane (+14)
Retch Pregnancy Test (+3)
Retirement home for leeches (+9)
Reverse the phosphorus bottleneck with veggie fish oil (+4)
Reversible Pencil-Knife (0)
Right-handed leather (+6)
Right wing Marxist party (+4, -6)
Rival technocrat parties (+3)
Robot fox (+6, -6)
Robotic Headlice (+11)
Robotic untangling needle (+3, -1)
Roller disco on Titan (+7, -2)
Rosetta Project for secret languages (0)
Rosetta Stone keyboard (+4, -1)
Rotating stacked parking spots (+1)
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Inanimals (+2)
Rubik's mazes (+10)
Run programs on the cursor (+5, -6)
Sad Hour (+4)
SAD monitor (+17, -1)
Sadidas (+7)
Salad tape (+4)
Salt spray cellar (+5)
Satnav Songline (+5)
Scandinavianise England (+1)
Sceptical alternative therapy (+6, -2)
Scissors sizzurs psyzzas (+8, -3)
Screaming, laughing, weeping radio station (+4)
Scrunchy Car (+1)
Seal Dog (+1, -4)
Search by royalty (+3)
Secret Numbers (+1, -3)
Secretion soap (+3, -4)
Self-documenting peripherals (+4, -1)
Self-recharging hearing aid (+2)
Semi-random prices (+8, -4)
Sequester carbon with dark chocolate (+12, -1)
Seriously Serial CPU (+1)
Shadow President (+2)
Shakespeare-In-A-Sphere (+8)
Shelf search engine (+6, -1)
Silent dating (+10, -8)
Silicone replacement therapy (0)
Sim Utilitarianism (+1, -2)
SimCity to SimJungle (and back?) (+15)
Sin-free aperture (+2)
Single-character social networking (+17, -5)
Single pixel width font (+5, -1)
Sink or swim language school (+5)
Skating Tennis (+3)
Slog laptop (+3)
Sloth knitwear (+6, -1)
Slovenian cave salamander-based photography medium (+9)
Slow down metastasis with anti-collagenase B cells (+4)
Slug turntable (+1)
Smart sand display (+4, -1)
Sneaky mobility scooter remote control (+2)
Sober up by dialysis (+5)
Solar power from space elevator (+1, -1)
Solar "Rover" (+8)
Solution-oriented medical interviews (+4, -1)
Solve RAM wobble (+3, -1)
Sonic raytracing and physics engine (+3)
Sonic the Groundhog Day (+5, -1)
Space invader fireworks (+5)
Spectral chromatic scale (+4)
Spectral monitor (+5)
Specular Reflection Image Enhancement (+2)
Spend alternate days upside down (+8, -1)
Spend sporadic days quadrupedally (+4)
Sptangdex (+13, -2)
Sptangdex II - This Time It's Medical (+4)
Squirming intubation tubes (+5)
Starfish for clothes (+2)
Stargazy Sushi (+2)
Stillsuit jumpsuit (+3, -3)
Stirling car air conditioning (+3)
Stop all the clocks (+6, -1)
Stop Motion Topiary (+12)
Store polarisation data in digital images (+12)
Study transuranic chemistry through homœopathy (+1, -4)
Submarine gills (+3)
Submersible Icebergs (+8)
Sucker gloves and socks (+3)
Sugar dodecahedra (+13)
Sugar hard drives (+12)
Summon The Tumbleweed (+1)
Superconducting fractal heating element (+1, -1)
Superluminal anime (+4)
T'ai Chi soccer (+4, -1)
Tall Billet Proof Shields at Public Spaces (+2)
Tangential space elevator material currency standard (+3, -5)
Targeted steroids (+3)
Teach frogs to read Chinese (+4, -4)
Teach Immigrants Newspeak (+1, -1)
Telescopic longbow (+6, -1)
Testicular extortion squad (+10)
Tetrahedral Teletubby Colour Space (+2)
Text on DVDs (+6, -2)
The Atheon (+1)
The Embers Of 'Eighty-Four (+3)
The Greeks have a word for it (+3, -1)
The Last Millimetre (+1)
The natural history of accidental penises (+6, -2)
The Nine Billion Games Of God (+4)
The Portrait Channel (+3)
The Pretend Navy (+4)
The Sport Of King Edwards (+2)
Thermoacoustic hovercraft silencer/engine (+1, -2)
Thermographic "mirror" (+5)
Three-dimensional book printing (+2, -2)
Three dozen D camera (+2)
Three-four-five caravan (+1, -2)
Three symbols for everything (+2, -1)
Tiles Against Humanity (+3)
Tomato Dating (+12)
Tombstone Turing Test (+7, -1)
Tomentose toilet (+8)
Top-loading everything (+3, -3)
Top-ology (+3)
Torchbishop (+6)
Total Conversion By Random Displacement (0)
Tow Jupiter to Earth orbit (+2, -12)
Trampoline stove (+5, -3)
Trans-scrotal appendectomy (+5, -3)
Translate the Bible for Laughs (+6)
Transparent Pneumatic Bank Tubes (+3)
Turn men's heads - upside down (+3)
Turntable-playable Sound Card (+4, -1)
Tussauds-Designed Robots (+2)
TV Detector Starships (+2)
TV Licence as subsidy for gyms (-1)
Two nuclear-powered androids on the Moon (+6)
Two thousand glyph script for Southern English English (+3, -6)
Ultimate units (+7)
Ultrasonic Canine Musicals With Scent Organs (+3)
Underground, Overground, Warmbling Free (+2)
Underwater polling stations (-2)
Undevicenifoggles (-1)
Unexpected Anatomy Password (+2)
Unipedal and tripod airplanes etc (+1)
Universal "It" (+1, -3)
Unsettling Closing Music for News (+13)
Use genuine old currency in reenactment (+6)
Use The Whole Periodic Table For Anniversaries (+10, -1)
Use Up Resources At The Same Rate As Deposition (+2)
Useful banknotes (+7, -2)
Vampire mirror (+4, -2)
Variable density identical twins (+3, -2)
Vegan Honey (+3)
Vegetable scarecrow (+3)
Very large address space (+1)
Vibrating Penile Implants For Heterosexuals (0)
Votey McVoteFace (+5)
VR display plus gloves for 4-D visualisation (0)
VR Library of Babel MUD (+1)
Water chess set (+6)
Water-soluble tablet PC (+4, -1)
Water wheel-powered trains (+4, -1)
Waxing and waning croissants (+13)
Weather Review (+2)
Web tuning knobs (+13)
Whistleblowing and open source via gene-splicing (+4)
Whizzed germs (0)
Who else is awake? (+8, -1)
WikiTrue (+7, -2)
Wireless/USB microsub (+1)
Wireless wires (+5, -1)
Womanned mission to Venus (+30, -5)
Working Boyoyoing Glasses (+7)
Wrist-mounted record player/wristwatch. (+9)
Writer's Block Demolition By Mechanised Vast Chimp Simulation (0)
Written internet (+3, -2)
WWF-funded panda genocide (+3, -8)
Ymas (+3, -1)
YouEarTrumpet (+8)
Ziffer/zif fastener (+1, -1)
Zigzag Attic Hatchway (+2)

random, halfbakery