Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Not from concentrate.

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wild cacophonist sanfrancisco gayboi.

i enjoy an odd selection of sexual fetishes, (note: the following list is *not* a listing of the afforementioned fetishes, but merely a continuation of "things i enjoy.") feta cheese, custard, broccoli, spinach, peas, marlboro milds 100s, davidoff cool water cologne, crest regular toothpaste, dr. pepper, copious amounts of marijuana, wintergreen altoids, lifestyles condoms, pilot precision v7 pens, jimmy page flavoured rock, hemp jewelery, breaking sterotypes, american eagle, abercrombie, pac sun, anchor blue, and umm.. and taco flavoured doritos. oh yea and sanfrancisco is a somewhat fun town.

[Dec 07 2001]


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