Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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fashion: hair: product
Ideas are sorted alphabetically.
Ideas in bold have been created this week.
 (+7, -5)  Atlantic 1000 Hair Bodifying Spray 
   billowy soft stand up head hair 
 (+9, -5)  Edible shampoo 
   Hair Dessert 
 (-2)  Hair dye for the cheap 
 (+1)  Hair Scotch Guard 
 (+5, -2)  Hair Styling Pillows 
 (+2, -8)(+2, -8)  "...Mary" Hair Gel 
 (+5, -1)  Medicated Hair Loss For Men 
 (+1)  Microweave 
   Moiré Hair 
 (+8, -2)  Perfect Parter 
   reactive hair gel 
   Rocket Locks 
 (+1, -3)  Shave'n'suck 
 (+4, -2)  Single Grey Hair Painter 
 (+3)  soft, billowing hair headband 
 (+6)  Squirt Brush 
 (+9)(+9)  The Wigs of All Human Knowledge 
 (+4)  UV Activated hair styling 
 (+7)  Vamousse 
 (+6, -4)  whole-head hairbrush 


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