Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Think of it as a spell checker that insults you, as well.

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Ball Pit Bed

Why let young'uns have all the fun?
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This is a bed with the mattress consisting of thousands of those little round balls in which you see kids neck-deep at the fast-food playground.

To keep you from sinking, a variable-speed motor will move two opposing conveyors at the bottom of the bed, so that the balls form a column which pushes upward.

This should also reduce bedsores since the pressure points of the mattress are constantly moving during the night.

RobotVoodooPower, May 28 2008

xkcd ball pit http://blag.xkcd.co...7/ballpit-phase-ii/
xkcd author's apartment is a big ball pit [Bukkakinator, May 28 2008]


       I have doubts about the column effect. I think it's just gonna cause turbulence and subsequent calamity in all attempts to sleep. [-]
daseva, May 28 2008

       Partially baked (see link), no motors though.
Bukkakinator, May 28 2008

       I'm not a fluid dynamicist so I dunno about the column effect either :) But there should be some agitation if only to keep cobras from nesting in its depths.
RobotVoodooPower, May 29 2008

       [+]'d a bed that slowly tosses sleeping cats off the side... wait, how are you going to keep it from tossing *me* off the side ?
FlyingToaster, May 29 2008

       I read in a scientific american or some such that researchers had found a way to shake a can of nuts for this effect.   

       If you shake a can of nuts side to side, the smaller nuts sink to the bottom, and the larger nuts get pushed up to the top. This should be a little easier to set up than conveyor belts on the bottom. Since us halfbakers are all nuts, and most of us are bigger than our balls, a side to side shaker should keep us from drowning in our balls.
ye_river_xiv, May 31 2008

       Read this as "Pitbull Bed". [Goes of to have eyes examined...]
DrCurry, May 31 2008

       Read this as Brad Pit Bed... Don't worry, it's not your eyes.
ye_river_xiv, May 31 2008

       I wonder if the strength of connotation in a word enhances contextual misunderstanding. That is, lot's of things happen in a bed, not all of which are real or should be realized, and this delicacy forces our little brains to wonder into the aforementioned follies.
daseva, Jun 01 2008

       //lot's of things happen in a bed, not all of which are real//
<sigh> so true... I really wanted large furry balls
FlyingToaster, Jun 01 2008


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