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Digital Retinopathy Glasses

These glasses can fix problems with eyesight caused by loss of some parts
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I lost some of my eyesight and I constantly see "a finger" in front of my eyes across the reading line, due to the death of receptor cells in a diabetic retinopathy attack. But if I look down, up, or to the sides I see perfectly "loud and clear". In the other non-dominant eye I have a few clouds of spots and the colors are not that clear. (I find it hard to detect white vs yellow, red vs orange, and green vs blue).

The solution my ophthalmologist showed me was to use yellow sunglasses that simulate night-time. I then feel that I see everything because my right eye isn't "bothering" with bad information. But I'm missing the color, and the great eyesight which is still preserved in my still dominant right eye.

There are two types of digital retinopathy glasses: one changes the physical lens to show the image to the eyes correctly, the other is simply smart glasses giving eyesight correction.

Both are doable. The first type is probably more natural and easy on the eyes, while the second, much easier to create, may be harmful to what's left of my eyesight, but maybe for a short while every day when needed they could be very helpful. In any case, I'm watching a screen most of my live-and-awake life now.

BTW, here's where keywords should replace categories. Optics, Medicine, Eyesight, Glasses.

pashute, Dec 04 2023


       Is the finger horizontal or vertical?
pertinax, Dec 05 2023

       Are these something like the Heads-Up Display (HUD) in the cockpit of an airplane? I’m having trouble understanding how a ‘correction’ made by the physical or digital lens can compensate for the dead areas of the retina. I think it’s a great idea but I don’t get how it overcomes the physical lack of receptors for any corrected or amplified image.   

       Does it fool your brain into thinking that the images composed from peripheral data are actually in the central field that you can’t access any longer?   

       I’m bunning this just for the germinal possibilities.
minoradjustments, Dec 05 2023

       [+] Despite pashute's somewhat thin description, I think this is somewhat doable. I'm basing that on my own recent experience with a virtual reality headset   

       I have some vision problems, not the same or as severe as pashute's, but not correctable with glasses. I went to a product demo recently -with low expectations - but was astonished at how clear I was able to see with the headset. Most surprising to me, depth perception seemed *better* with the headset on than it is in my real life. I think this might have been a result of the headset compensating for my right eye's tendency to drift. Or maybe having the display so close to my eye forced it to track a little better.   

       So - following the model of an existing VR/AR headeet ... put two high-res displays inside the glasses, each a fraction of an inch in front of each cornea. Track eye movement and pupil size on each eye, and present an image for each eye on the most usable segments of the retina.   

       Other than mapping the usable part pf the retina, this isn't much different from what Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest headsets already do - but I think this could at least partly compensate for retinopathy - as well as cataracts, corneal scars, and other eye problems.
a1, Feb 17 2024

       My right eye which used to be dominant follows the left eye. The finger is horizontal but not all the way.   

       I see colors with the right eye, (and less well in the left which has spots and is like looking through yellowish foggy water) so I see the beautiful day, the blue sky and the green trees, but no detail when I stare at anything.   

       Please try to stare at the capital X in the middle to understand. Line a is two lines above the focus   

b. THIS IS xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx MY RIGHT EYE
c. THxxxxxxxx X xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxYE
d. xxxx IS xxxx D xxxx I CAx Sxxxxxxx xxxxRIGxxxxxE

       When the left eye is open my right eye focuses on the same area as the left. So if I'm looking at the X on line c, I see nothing with my right eye only a blur (marked with xxxxxx). But If I close my left eye, and move the horizontal "finger" up or down and to the left or right, by focusing my eyes there, say to the word WHAT on line e, I can then read the X in line C (and you can too. Try it. Look at the word WHAT on line c, and put a finger hiding that word but not hiding the X. Look at the WHAT area, not at the X, and only with your right eye.   

       The way it works is to move row c up for the right eye only. Now I am focusing with my left eye line c, which I can fully read although a bit foggy, and with perfect clarity   

b. THIS IS xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx MY RIGHT EYE
c. THxxxxxxxx X xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxxYE
d. xxxx IS xxx F xxxx I CAx SxxxxxxxxxxxxRIGxxxxxE

       My right eye is focusing on the X in the middle but since it is blind to that area, receiving the info that it SHOULD BE SEING on line a, which would be simulating me focusing on the letter G.
pashute, Feb 22 2024

       Thank you for the extra information about the problem.   

       I'm still not sure how the proposed solutions work, though.   

       At present, there are objects in your field of view which you cannot see because the "finger" is in the way; right?   

       So, are you proposing to redirect light rays around the "finger", so that you see those objects, but their apparent position is displaced?
pertinax, Feb 22 2024


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