Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Transforming Halloween / Christmas Decorations

More than meets the eye!
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These outdoor Halloween decorations are hinged to fold, tuck, and rearrange their spooky bits into Christmas decorations after the candy craziness is over.

In development: triple-changers that you can take down sometime after Valentine's or Saint Patrick's Day.

RayfordSteele, Oct 02 2023

Making Christmas (full lyrics) https://the-nightma...ng_Christmas_(Song)
[a1, Oct 02 2023]

Timely XKCD https://xkcd.com/2836/
[a1, Oct 02 2023]

The Nightmare Before Christmas https://en.wikipedi...re_Before_Christmas
[Voice, Oct 04 2023]


       I demand a schematic!
Sgt Teacup, Oct 02 2023

       Hmm, my compliments from me to you
On this your most intriguing hat
Consider though this substitute
A bat in place of this old rat

       Huh! No, no, no, now that's all wrong
This thing will never make a present
It's been dead for much too long
Try something fresher, something pleasant
Try again, don't give up!

       (from Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas)
a1, Oct 02 2023

       Self-transforming ones any time soon? How about a multipack inflatable decoration which inflates and deflates based on the time of year?
Voice, Oct 02 2023

       “What once was orange now is red. What once was black is green. Where once the zombies fought and bled, Is now a winter scene.   

       My ornaments have morphed today, Responding to the season, A skeleton is now so fat, It begs belief and reason.   

       I want my stuff to stay inert. So when I check the attic, The stuff inside is just the same And nothing’s automatic.   

       Leave my Halloween alone. A holiday unique and lone. All the others owing life To bible stories and human strife.
minoradjustments, Oct 02 2023

doctorremulac3, Oct 02 2023

       // Leave my Halloween alone. A holiday unique and lone. All the others owing life To bible stories and human strife. //   

       At least it rhymes. But yours is a singular idealized Halloween if you think it is untouched by the Bible or human strife. Even without consensus, every origin tale for it has some mix of religion and strife in varying proportion.
a1, Oct 02 2023

       [a1] Yes, definitely idealized as a young trick-or-treater. That was before I got the back story of witch-burning and crowds of villagers with torches. I didn’t have the religious background to relate any bloody history to the ghosts and ghoulies and campfire stories. I prefer to keep it that way, with a Halloween no one owns. Delusional? That’s OK by me, just give me more candy corn.
minoradjustments, Oct 03 2023

       I was understanding you until you said candy corn. Gimme chocolate or your trees are getting TP'd.
a1, Oct 03 2023

       I think what's needed is a scary nativity scene, with the three wise men presenting the traditional gifts of a carved pumpkin, a shamrock, and an Easter bunny while the midsummer solstice sun shines through the window and the haze of firecracker smoke to illuminate, only on one day a year, the Valentine's card pinned to the wall
hippo, Oct 04 2023

       [hippo] there should be some kind of rotating lens affair so the sun shines down at midsummer sunrise angle all day every day. Better still have a battery powered LED sunrise. Much better than that awkward reality business.   

       Also have one of those rfid credit card payment points set up beside it so you can tap to spend money whenever you want (i.e. all the time).
pocmloc, Oct 04 2023

       [hippo] How inaccurate panoramas prevent observance. I’m with it. 3 wise ghoulies ride up on spiders and roaches. Do not look at the kid in the rocker. Let there be a Steven King bizarro manger scene and an angelic pollyanna Halloween rather than moshing all the holidays together.
minoradjustments, Oct 04 2023


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