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Monthly top 10
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 (+2)  Nomadic cabbages  4and20  Food: Farming: System 
 (+2)  Flocking in a cone-like fashion 
 (+3, -1)  Sorting Output Shredder  a1  Product: Shredder 
 (+3, -1)  Dispenses shredded matter into different bins, by type 
 (+1)  HB DeadMan LockBox  Sgt Teacup  Halfbakery: Account 
 (+1)  trove of evidence released upon your demise 
 (+3, -2)  Keto Crispy Coating  sanman  Other: 
 (+3, -2)  Keto-Friendly Crumb Coating Adds Crispiness to Cooked Food Items 
 (+2, -1)  Selective Info Shredder  a1  Product: Shredder 
 (+2, -1)  Saves energy compared to shredding complete documents 
 (+1)  shhhhhh  pashute  Product: Toy: Sound 
 (+1)  Don't wake the baby! 
 (+3, -2)  Time Lapse Subject Lock  doctorremulac3  Product: Camera: Digital: Image Format 
 (+3, -2)  Mainly to take amazing shots of the Earth moving through the sky relative to the heavens but other stuff too. 
   Atomomic Level Life Force Differentiation Between Us And AI  doctorremulac3  Science: Biology 
 (+2, -2)  If we're looking at the difference between life and artificial life (Including AI) let's start at the atomic level. 
   Longest Silly Word Competition  doctorremulac3  Culture: Game: Word Game 
 (+2, -2)  Players are given a series of concepts and challenged to make one word that ties them all together. 
   Mathematician's dice  Loris  Product: Dice 
 (+1, -1)  obfuscated results using constants and nomenclature 

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