Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Nice swing,
no follow-through.

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 (+11, -2)(+11, -2)  Solar Blimp  RaoulDuke  Aug 17 05 
 (+11, -2)  Vehicle: Aircraft: Airship: Solar  Jun 11 19 
 (+18, -1)(+18, -1)  Lengthen the day by twenty-one minutes  nineteenthly  Apr 26 09 
 (+18, -1)  Culture: Calendar  Apr 29 19 
 (+36, -3)(+36, -3)(+36, -3)  Half-heard genius  moomintroll  Nov 16 04 
 (+36, -3)  Business: Information service  Apr 28 19 
 (+10, -5)  Darken the sky  bungston  Dec 21 05 
 (+10, -5)  Public: Global Warming  Apr 13 19 
 (+10, -1)(+10, -1)  knobmice  bumhat  Jan 27 06 
 (+10, -1)  Computer: Input Device: Position Sensor  Apr 09 19 
 (+2, -3)  save a tree TP  mread  Nov 15 05 
 (+2, -3)  Product: Toilet Paper  Mar 28 19 
 (+15, -1)(+15, -1)  Global Pandemic Alerts  DrBob  Nov 16 05 
 (+15, -1)  Business: Advertising: Media  Feb 23 19 
 (+53, -5)(+53, -5)(+53, -5)  Cemetery Playground  bungston  Apr 01 05 
 (+53, -5)  Business: Funeral  Jan 13 19 
 (+10)(+10)  Fontalizing Keyboard  subflower  Aug 04 05 
 (+10)  Computer: Keyboard  Dec 18 18 
 (+12, -5)  My big warm hairy house  EvilPickels  Nov 14 05 
 (+12, -5)  Home: Wiring  Nov 12 18 


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