Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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 Hop Along Satellite De-orbiter  doctorremulac3 
 Atomomic Level Life Force Differentiation Between Us And AI  doctorremulac3 
 UP  2 fries shy of a happy meal 
 Space Rail and Pacman Rocket  doctorremulac3 
 Time Lapse Subject Lock  doctorremulac3 
 3D Printed Temporary Sculptures  doctorremulac3 
 Play Act Interactive TV  doctorremulac3 
 Raspberry Sound Car Exhaust  doctorremulac3 
 3D Painting  doctorremulac3 
 Surrogate Baby Movement Sensor And Simulator For Adoptive Mom  doctorremulac3 


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