Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
I like this idea, only I think it should be run by the government.

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   Double resolution  Computer: Graphics  Aug 27 02 
 (+2, -2)  Crisper fonts and decent sized bitmaps  Aug 29 02 
 (+7, -2)  Other People's Views  Halfbakery: View  Nov 30 01 
 (+7, -2)  See the HB through someone else's eyes.  May 28 06 
 (+7, -2)  Translucent biff  Computer: Email  Jun 03 01 
 (+7, -2)  An unobtrusive e-mail notifier  May 31 02 
 (+7, -1)  Genre thesauri  Culture: Book: Reference  Apr 25 01 
 (+7, -1)  Never say "turgid" or "eldritch" again  Apr 25 01 
 (+14, -2)(+14, -2)  deadmemepool  Culture: Website: Entertainment  Feb 21 01 
 (+14, -2)  f***edcompany.com for memes  Mar 11 07 
 (+16, -1)(+16, -1)  Weekly alarm clock  Product: Alarm Clock: Timing  Jan 27 01 
 (+16, -1)  Because some of us aren't 9 to 5, Monday through Friday  Jan 16 04 
 (+9, -2)  Movie Matchmaking  Business: Matchmaking  Nov 04 00 
 (+9, -2)  Video rental meets dating service  Oct 04 04 
 (+6, -1)  Answering machine w/ supersede/cancel  Product: Answering machine  Aug 12 00 
 (+6, -1)  Because sometimes things change, and sometimes people are stupid.  Aug 15 00 
 (+5, -1)  Smart window fan  Home: Ventilation  Jul 17 00 
 (+5, -1)  Bidirectional fan connected to thermostat or timer.  Jun 17 06 
 (+8, -1)  Wireless public transportation map  Product: Map  Jul 06 00 
 (+8, -1)  Display the locations of buses/trains on the route  Feb 07 18 
 (+16, -3)(+16, -3)  Lego furniture  Home: Furniture Theme  Jun 15 00 
 (+16, -3)  Interlocking lumber used to create modular furniture  Sep 13 23 
 (+6, -1)  Web scorefiles  Computer: Browsing: Rating  May 02 00 
 (+6, -1)  The WWW equivalent of the Usenet score file  May 02 00 

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