Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Most Debated 10
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 (+45, -16)(+45, -16)(+45, -16)  (+45, -16)  Heisenberg Uncertainty Party  [ sctld ] 
 (+47, -16)(+47, -16)(+47, -16)  (+47, -16)  Macho Macho Man  Pericles 
 (+16, -17)  (+16, -17)  New World Trade Centre  zero5 
 (+41, -15)(+41, -15)(+41, -15)  (+41, -15)  Desktop Creative Thinking Box  CecilL 
 (+17, -15)  (+17, -15)  Husband Beater™ Shirt  Jscotty 
 (+39, -15)(+39, -15)(+39, -15)  (+39, -15)  replace ears with hands  mighty_cheese 
 (+15, -27)(+15, -27)(+15, -27)  (+15, -27)  Re-route your urethra  Rant93 
 (+15, -18)  (+15, -18)  Vegetarian Black Pudding  hippo 
 (+91, -14)(+91, -14)(+91, -14)  (+91, -14)  ARRRRRGH'S!!!  Machiavelli 
 (+15, -14)  (+15, -14)  Basic income  potty 


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