Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Alas, poor spelling!

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The Worst of the Halfbakery
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Ideas sorted by votes.
Ideas in bold have been created this week.
 (+3, -16)  Sim Internet 
 (+3, -16)  Voting points. 
 (+2, -15)  A film for old people 
 (+2, -15)  Catnip filled tampons 
 (+2, -15)  Limited Government backed Abortions 
 (+2, -15)  Removal of Guns/Weapons in Air Security 
 (+2, -15)  Table Toilet 
 (+1, -14)  A World Without Energy or Fuels. 
 (+1, -14)  Dump Jellyfish in Gulf 
 (+1, -14)  epic 
 (+1, -14)  Ice Cream Etc. 
 (+1, -14)  Make husbands their wives' property 
 (+1, -14)  No Child Left Ahead 
 (+1, -14)  Rectal Tampons 
 (-13)  cheap-skate 
 (-13)  perpetual motion 
 (-13)  riot control explosives 
 (-13)  Sim Sim 2000 
 (+15, -27)  Re-route your urethra 
 (+9, -21)  Earth in a bubble 
 (+8, -20)  flying cars yay 
 (+7, -19)  Occam's Butter Knife Award 
 (+6, -18)  Drunken Driver's Ed 
 (+4, -16)  Export the Poor to Scandinavia 
 (+3, -15)  American / British English Translation Plug-in 
 (+3, -15)  Gravity Reduction Device 
 (+3, -15)  Leapers 
 (+3, -15)  Plan to deal with illegal drug problem 
 (+2, -14)  Contract with ' not ’ 
 (+2, -14)  Fart art 
 (+2, -14)  Friends: The college years 
 (+2, -14)  Hot Tub Toilet 
 (+2, -14)  Neo-Idaho 
 (+2, -14)  NO fuel consumption! 
 (+2, -14)  Rationalize Pi 
 (+2, -14)  Series Seven: The Running Man 
 (+2, -14)  Voice Activated Lighter 
 (+2, -14)  Voting 'Karma' 
 (+1, -13)  Convert cemeteries into parking garages 
 (+1, -13)  Education Reform With Teeth 
 (+1, -13)  energy 
 (+1, -13)  Feces Pieces 
 (+1, -13)  games for all 
 (+1, -13)  gravity-powered-electricity 
 (+1, -13)  long-range ammunition eliminator 
 (+1, -13)  REGs (Remotly Exploding Guns) 
 (+1, -13)  Taglines on the Halfbakery Wikia 
 (+1, -13)  UN voting power: population x democracy 
 (-12)  Actual Atheism 
 (-12)  Atomic Rocket 


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