This is a guidebook and cassette tapes which train you to understand words as you would hear them if you were partially deaf. The goal is to learn this while your hearing is still good, so you understand *why* you are hearing things that don't make sense, and learn to compensate for them.
First we
start with the numbers, which sound something like this: One, koo, sree, sore, side, fix, feven, ake, dide, ken. Knowing _before_ you go deaf that "five" and "side" sound similar may prevent hours of frustration later in life when you mishear one for the other. Because your brain will already be prepared to substitute both into the sentence so you can decipher the actual phrase that was said.
Next, the 1000 most common English words are presented. Uncommon words are less problematic for hearing-impaired people, as they are usually polysyllabic and fit fewer templates of other English words.
Deafening Aid prepares you for the mental skills you need to deal with hearing loss: The testing of multiple scenarios into fuzzy sentences, and the work with context as opposed to literal interpretation of speech.
Thank you.