Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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notmarkflynn's Ideas
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The ideas by notmarkflynn.


 (+3, -4)  Mine Your Own Business  Apr 16 12 
 (+3, -4)   
 (+2, -1)  The Equalizer  Apr 13 12 
 (+2, -1)  For when you've got a tiny dingle, but you need to fill a hoo-ha. 


 (+3, -2)  Fire From the Hip  Oct 10 11 
 (+3, -2)  Turn yourself into one big shotgun shell! 
 (+7, -1)  Rocket Bear!  Oct 06 11 
 (+7, -1)  It sounded bad on paper too! 
 (+8)(+8)  Shotgun Bat  Sep 27 11 
 (+3)  Ska Skank Springs  Sep 27 11 
 (+3)  Go go Gadget, pick-it-up pick-it-up pick-it-up! 
 (+2, -1)  Pimple Popper and Pus Puller  Sep 27 11 
 (+2, -1)  Pretty Putrescent 


   Omelette Bomb  May 23 06 
 (+1, -1)  "I have become chef, destroyer of third worlds..." 
 (+10, -2)(+10, -2)  Danger! High Voltage!  May 15 06 
 (+10, -2)  When we touch, when we kiss... 
 (+5, -18)(+5, -18)(+5, -18)  Punch a Badger  Mar 15 06 
 (+5, -18)   


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