Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Warm and Fussy

idea: add, search, overview, recent, by name, random

meta: news, help, about, links, report a problem

account: browse anonymously, or get an account and write.



All Categories
Business: [general]  98   Business: Advertising  60   Business: Advertising: Ad Campaign  39
Business: Advertising: Media  33   Business: Advertising: Media: Audio  10   Business: Advertising: Media: Billboard  31
Business: Advertising: Media: Computer  27   Business: Advertising: Media: Mail  14   Business: Advertising: Media: Personal  29
Business: Advertising: Media: Sky  25   Business: Advertising: Media: Television  10   Business: Advertising: Outdoor  33
Business: Advertising: Product  23   Business: Advertising: Product Placement  16   Business: Advertising: Sponsorship  22
Business: Anti-Advertising  37   Business: Arcade  10   Business: ATM  27
Business: ATM: Add-On  14   Business: ATM: PIN  27   Business: ATM: Position  3
Business: ATM: Security  10   Business: ATM: User Interface  20   Business: Bar  43
Business: Bar: Inhalant  5   Business: Bar: Motion  4   Business: Bar: Payment  9
Business: Bar: Service  13   Business: Bar: Staff  5   Business: Bar: Strip Club  5
Business: Bar: Theme  38   Business: Bar: Theme: Simulation  5   Business: Bar: Top  4
Business: Cafe  32   Business: Call Centre  17   Business: Camp  7
Business: Casino  33   Business: Cell Phone Network  27   Business: Cemetery  38
Business: Classifieds  6   Business: Cleaner  21   Business: Conferencing  14
Business: Corporate Service  9   Business: Credit Card  54   Business: Credit Card: Backing  4
Business: Credit Card: Security  24   Business: Crime  22   Business: Criticism  22
Business: Crowdsourcing  6   Business: Cubicle  32   Business: Customer Loyalty  15
Business: Customer Protection  20   Business: Delivery  53   Business: Delivery: Destination  5
Business: Delivery: Emergency  9   Business: Delivery: Gift  12   Business: Delivery: Martial Arts  3
Business: Delivery: Message  16   Business: Delivery: Time  8   Business: Delivery: Valuable  5
Business: Drive-Through  23   Business: Economics  39   Business: Employment  5
Business: Explosion  10   Business: False Claims  19   Business: Financial  60
Business: Financial: Auction  8   Business: Financial: Banking  53   Business: Financial: Micropayments  9
Business: Financial: Stock Market  49   Business: Funeral  60   Business: Hair Salon  26
Business: Health Club  30   Business: Hotel  63   Business: Housekeeping  11
Business: Information service  42   Business: Insurance  41   Business: Job change  35
Business: Job Change: Interview  8   Business: Job Change: Leaving  8   Business: Job Change: Resume  10
Business: Laundromat  20   Business: Lottery  47   Business: Lottery: Alternative  12
Business: Lottery: Entering  6   Business: Lottery: Negative  5   Business: Lottery: Prize  10
Business: Market  28   Business: Market Research  9   Business: Matchmaking  39
Business: Media Service  48   Business: Medicine  20   Business: Middleman  19
Business: Movie Theatre  16   Business: Music  39   Business: Nightclub  8
Business: Office Noise  8   Business: Office Transportation  21   Business: Open Source  4
Business: Pay  13   Business: Personal counselling  9   Business: Please Hold  20
Business: Postal  54   Business: Postal: Stamp  16   Business: Pricing  8
Business: Product Development  16   Business: Prostitution  21   Business: Queueing  19
Business: Real Estate  18   Business: Rental  46   Business: Sauna  3
Business: Scam  45   Business: Scam: Financial  19   Business: Scam: New Age  15
Business: Scam: Telephone  5   Business: Service  72   Business: Service: Corporate  25
Business: Service: Personal  73   Business: Service: Personal: Advice  20   Business: Service: Personal: Assistance  38
Business: Service: Personal: Emotional  32   Business: Service: Personal: Theatre  19   Business: Shift Work  7
Business: Shipping  11   Business: Shopping  71   Business: Shopping: List  5
Business: Shopping: Mall  13   Business: Shopping: Online  25   Business: Smuggling  11
Business: Spa  11   Business: Sport  28   Business: Storage  4
Business: Store  46   Business: Supermarket  39   Business: Supermarket: Cash Register  10
Business: Supermarket: Checkout  40   Business: Supermarket: Entertainment  16   Business: Supermarket: Fast Checkout  11
Business: Supermarket: Planning  20   Business: Supermarket: Trolley  19   Business: Supermarket: Trolley: Ergonomics  7
Business: Supermarket: Trolley: Information  5   Business: Supermarket: Trolley: Parking Lot  4   Business: Supermarket: Trolley: Power  6
Business: Supermarket: Trolley: Traffic  7   Business: Supermarket: Trolley: Wheel  12   Business: Taxi Service  33
Business: Telephone  29   Business: Telephone: On Hold  25   Business: Telephone: Voice Mail  7
Business: Testing  5   Business: Theme Store  29   Business: Training  13
Business: Vacation  38   Business: Vending Machine  55   Business: Vending Machine: Hot Beverage  4
Business: Vending Machine: Payment  9   Business: Vending Machine: Selection  6   Business: Vending Machine: Stuck  6
Business: Words  16   Business: Work Break  25   Business: Workplace  59
Business: Workplace: Communication  21   Business: Workplace: Hours  11   Business: Workplace: Isolation  4
Business: Workplace: Nature  6   Computer: [general]  78   Computer: Algorithm  68
Computer: Artificial Intelligence  111   Computer: Artificial Intelligence: Algorithm  11   Computer: Artificial Intelligence: Chatbot  17
Computer: Audio  47   Computer: Audio: MP3  7   Computer: Audio Player  17
Computer: Augmented Reality  23   Computer: Backup  15   Computer: Blog  17
Computer: Boot  21   Computer: Brain Implant  24   Computer: Browsing  85
Computer: Browsing: Architecture  11   Computer: Browsing: Bookmark  15   Computer: Browsing: Distraction  12
Computer: Browsing: History  14   Computer: Browsing: Navigation  27   Computer: Browsing: Rating  6
Computer: Browsing: Text  16   Computer: Browsing: Unwanted Feature  24   Computer: Calendar  9
Computer: Cam  26   Computer: Case  24   Computer: Chip  12
Computer: Command  12   Computer: Compression  26   Computer: Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing  4
Computer: Configuration  4   Computer: Connector  37   Computer: Cooling  43
Computer: Cooling: Liquid  10   Computer: Copy Protection  7   Computer: Corrector  15
Computer: CPU  40   Computer: Crash  15   Computer: Crypto  40
Computer: Crypto: Steganography  10   Computer: Cursor  12   Computer: Data Organization  24
Computer: Database  21   Computer: Desktop  26   Computer: Desktop: 3D  4
Computer: Desktop: Background  4   Computer: Desktop: Icons  12   Computer: Desktop: Theme  4
Computer: Desktop: Windows  9   Computer: Display  51   Computer: Display: 3D  54
Computer: Display: Accessory  26   Computer: Display: Alternate  24   Computer: Display: Color  11
Computer: Display: Glasses  22   Computer: Display: Large Area  16   Computer: Display Light  15
Computer: Display: Material  19   Computer: Display: Privacy  8   Computer: Display: Projector  17
Computer: Display Protocol  5   Computer: Display Settings  10   Computer: Display: Shape  17
Computer: Display: Small  5   Computer: Display: Tactile  15   Computer: Display: Wall  9
Computer: Distributed  23   Computer: Email  25   Computer: Email: Address  14
Computer: Email: Attachment  13   Computer: Email: Automated  19   Computer: Email: Bounce  4
Computer: Email: Client  13   Computer: Email: Emotion  7   Computer: Email: Meme  4
Computer: Email: Organisation  9   Computer: Email: Phishing  4   Computer: Email: Publishing  7
Computer: Email: Recipient  10   Computer: Email: Spam  34   Computer: Email: Spam: Avoidance  22
Computer: Email: Spam: Filter  18   Computer: Email: Spam: Information  4   Computer: Email: Spam: Password  3
Computer: Email: Spam: Response  14   Computer: Email: Spectacle  7   Computer: Emoticon  12
Computer: Error  10   Computer: Farm  5   Computer: Feature  50
Computer: Feature: Clipboard  15   Computer: File Format  4   Computer: Font  25
Computer: Format  32   Computer: Furniture  13   Computer: Game  75
Computer: Game: Adaptive  23   Computer: Game: Addiction  8   Computer: Game: All-In-One  13
Computer: Game: Biology  6   Computer: Game: Business Simulation  23   Computer: Game: Card Game  6
Computer: Game: Commentary  5   Computer: Game: Creative  24   Computer: Game: Dancing  13
Computer: Game: Driving  15   Computer: Game: Fighting  11   Computer: Game: First Person Shooter  46
Computer: Game: Horror  7   Computer: Game: Internet  22   Computer: Game: Massively Multiplayer  19
Computer: Game: Platform  29   Computer: Game: Politics  4   Computer: Game: Pong  8
Computer: Game: Real Life  10   Computer: Game: Resource Management  4   Computer: Game: Role Playing  31
Computer: Game: Sex  5   Computer: Game: Simulation  58   Computer: Game: Space  8
Computer: Game: Sport  15   Computer: Game: Strategy  34   Computer: Game: Tetris  11
Computer: Game: Virtual Reality  32   Computer: Game: Wii  26   Computer: Generator  13
Computer: Graphical Shell  10   Computer: Graphics  41   Computer: Graphics: 3D  6
Computer: Hosting  5   Computer: Input Device  74   Computer: Input Device: Acoustic  13
Computer: Input Device: Brain  11   Computer: Input Device: Gaming  12   Computer: Input Device: Gesture  8
Computer: Input Device: Optical  28   Computer: Input Device: Pedal  5   Computer: Input Device: Pen  11
Computer: Input Device: Position Sensor  25   Computer: Input Device: Pressure  17   Computer: Input Device: Tongue  3
Computer: Instant Messaging  40   Computer: Keyboard  54   Computer: Keyboard: Add-On  17
Computer: Keyboard Alternative  27   Computer: Keyboard: Cleaning  11   Computer: Keyboard: Comfort  13
Computer: Keyboard: Illumination  8   Computer: Keyboard: Key  21   Computer: Keyboard: Keys  34
Computer: Keyboard: Layout  34   Computer: Keyboard: Typing  19   Computer: Laptop  58
Computer: Laptop: Screen  11   Computer: Maintenance  9   Computer: Map  59
Computer: Map: Game  8   Computer: Mechanical  6   Computer: Modular  7
Computer: Mouse  30   Computer: Mouse: Additional Channel  16   Computer: Mouse: Ball  2
Computer: Mouse: Body  13   Computer: Mouse: Button  7   Computer: Mouse: Cleaning  10
Computer: Mouse: Cord  3   Computer: Mouse: Cordless  14   Computer: Mouse: Dual  3
Computer: Mouse: Motion  23   Computer: Mouse Pad  15   Computer: Mouse: Phone  3
Computer: Mouse: Shape  20   Computer: Mouse: Side Effect  15   Computer: Mouse: Storage  6
Computer: MP3  26   Computer: Network  54   Computer: Network: Analysis  10
Computer: Network: BitTorrent  7   Computer: Network: Domain Name  9   Computer: Network: Ethernet  7
Computer: Network: Medium  11   Computer: Network: Sharing  28   Computer: Network: Wireless  50
Computer: Network: Wireless: Ad-Hoc  11   Computer: News Filter  9   Computer: Online Storage  9
Computer: Operating System  54   Computer: Operating System: Windows  20   Computer: Packaging  17
Computer: Parallelism  15   Computer: Payment System  16   Computer: PDA  31
Computer: PDA: Accessory  21   Computer: PDA: Design  12   Computer: Periphery  24
Computer: Podcast  4   Computer: Power Supply  17   Computer: Presentation Software  7
Computer: Printed Circuit Board  8   Computer: Printer  65   Computer: Printer: 3D  36
Computer: Printer: Cutter  4   Computer: Printer: Ink  17   Computer: Printer: Large Format  11
Computer: Printer: Paper  11   Computer: Printer: Personality  5   Computer: Printer: Sound  5
Computer: Printer: Spooler  3   Computer: Printer: Stock  9   Computer: Programming  59
Computer: Programming Language  35   Computer: Protocol  17   Computer: Proxy  8
Computer: Quantum Computing  5   Computer: Research Service  14   Computer: Scanner  23
Computer: Screensaver  36   Computer: Scrolling  13   Computer: Searching  72
Computer: Searching: Application Domain  11   Computer: Searching: Audio  5   Computer: Searching: Image  25
Computer: Searching: Iteration  2   Computer: Searching: Link Quality  11   Computer: Searching: Neglected  7
Computer: Second-Hand  4   Computer: Security  60   Computer: Security: Authentication  24
Computer: Security: CAPTCHA  15   Computer: Security: Firewall  8   Computer: Security: Password  36
Computer: Service  20   Computer: Shutdown  14   Computer: Smart Speaker  10
Computer: Speech: Recognition  19   Computer: Speech: Synthesis  13   Computer: Spreadsheet  6
Computer: Storage  52   Computer: Storage: CD-ROM Drive  20   Computer: Storage: Drive  48
Computer: Storage: Filing System  19   Computer: Storage: Memory  18   Computer: Storage: Removable  52
Computer: Tech Support  14   Computer: Teledildonics  9   Computer: Telepresence  26
Computer: Text Editor  10   Computer: Text Feature  34   Computer: Text Filter  13
Computer: Timer  7   Computer: Translation  22   Computer: Translation: Distributed  6
Computer: Translation: Integration  5   Computer: Translation: Partial  7   Computer: Translation: Style  7
Computer: User  14   Computer: User Interface  14   Computer: Virtual Reality  32
Computer: Virus  42   Computer: Voice Over IP  8   Computer: Wearable  21
Computer: Web  44   Computer: Web: Advertising  9   Computer: Web: Cookie  8
Computer: Web: Formatting  25   Computer: Web: Identity  26   Computer: Web: Image  21
Computer: Web: Linking  32   Computer: Web: Music  14   Computer: Web: Searching  60
Computer: Web: Secret  7   Computer: Web Technology  67   Computer: Web: Video  53
Computer: Word Processing  54   Computer: Word Processor: Spelling  24   Culture: [general]  60
Culture: Alternate Soundtracks  18   Culture: Amusement Park  27   Culture: Amusement Park: Ride  43
Culture: Amusement Park: Ride: Dodgem  12   Culture: Amusement Park: Ride: Rollercoaster  45   Culture: Amusement Park: Ride: Sliding  8
Culture: Amusement Park: Ride: Spinning  10   Culture: Amusement Park: Ride: Water  17   Culture: Art  69
Culture: Art: Acrobatics  10   Culture: Art: Automated  25   Culture: Art: Fountain  50
Culture: Art: Genetic  5   Culture: Art: Interactive  62   Culture: Art: Landscape  39
Culture: Art: Mobile  24   Culture: Art: Movement  30   Culture: Art: Origami  9
Culture: Art: Performance  59   Culture: Art: Sculpture  86   Culture: Art: Sculpture: Automotive  9
Culture: Art: Sculpture: Ice  9   Culture: Art: Sculpture: Light  9   Culture: Art: Sculpture: Process  25
Culture: Art: Sculpture: Sand  6   Culture: Art: Self-referential  26   Culture: Art: Theatre  36
Culture: Art: Theatre: Musical  17   Culture: Art: Theatre: Opera  4   Culture: Art: Theatre: Street Theatre  20
Culture: Art: Visual  71   Culture: Art: Wind  4   Culture: Automaton  10
Culture: Band  10   Culture: Book  63   Culture: Book: Exchange  9
Culture: Book: Food  12   Culture: Book: Generator  15   Culture: Book: Manual  10
Culture: Book: Organisation  20   Culture: Book: Pet  3   Culture: Book: Picture  17
Culture: Book: Play  7   Culture: Book: Reference  36   Culture: Book: Subject  21
Culture: Calendar  38   Culture: Calendar: Daylight  10   Culture: Calendar: Month  9
Culture: Calendar: Week  19   Culture: Celebration  51   Culture: Celebration: Birthday  24
Culture: Celebration: Emotion  11   Culture: Celebration: Festival  13   Culture: Celebration: Gift  25
Culture: Celebration: Halloween  23   Culture: Celebration: Pride Parade  10   Culture: Celebrity  30
Culture: Circus  12   Culture: Club  5   Culture: Collaborative Writing  14
Culture: Conversation  32   Culture: Conversation: Comeback  7   Culture: Crop Circle  10
Culture: Dance  62   Culture: Dance: Notation  5   Culture: Document  7
Culture: DVD  11   Culture: Fireworks  46   Culture: Food  5
Culture: Funeral  30   Culture: Funeral: Cremation  20   Culture: Game  67
Culture: Game: Bingo  7   Culture: Game: Board Game  57   Culture: Game: Card Game  35
Culture: Game: Charade  7   Culture: Game: Chess  61   Culture: Game: Chess: Blind  5
Culture: Game: Chess: Combination  9   Culture: Game: Chess: Material  7   Culture: Game: Chess: Theme  8
Culture: Game: Drinking Game  15   Culture: Game: Hide And Seek  8   Culture: Game: Jenga  7
Culture: Game: Jigsaw  41   Culture: Game: Maze  29   Culture: Game: Monopoly  18
Culture: Game: Physical  25   Culture: Game: Physical: Balance  8   Culture: Game: Physical: Fighting  8
Culture: Game: Physical: Throwing  7   Culture: Game: Pinata  15   Culture: Game: Pinball  10
Culture: Game: Poker  11   Culture: Game: Pretend  14   Culture: Game: Reality  37
Culture: Game: Rock Paper Scissors  5   Culture: Game: Role Playing  15   Culture: Game: Scrabble  30
Culture: Game: Searching  19   Culture: Game: Sudoku  14   Culture: Game: Tabletop  9
Culture: Game: Tag  4   Culture: Game: Territorial Strategy  11   Culture: Game: Twister  9
Culture: Game: Word Game  47   Culture: Graffiti  29   Culture: Grammar  20
Culture: History  22   Culture: Karaoke  40   Culture: Language  63
Culture: Language: Alphabet  30   Culture: Language: Gesture  23   Culture: Language: Idiom  15
Culture: Language: Learning  36   Culture: Language: Logical  17   Culture: Language: Pronunciation  10
Culture: Language: Punctuation  22   Culture: Language: Spelling  20   Culture: Language: Universal  18
Culture: Language: Word  17   Culture: Literature  36   Culture: Magazine  27
Culture: Manners  19   Culture: Monument  45   Culture: Movie  64
Culture: Movie: Character  16   Culture: Movie: Derived Work  84   Culture: Movie: Genre  29
Culture: Movie: Interruption  7   Culture: Movie: Making  27   Culture: Movie: Personalized  12
Culture: Movie: Plot  53   Culture: Movie: Plot: Action  12   Culture: Movie: Plot: Science Fiction  15
Culture: Movie: Plot: Time  3   Culture: Movie: Plot: Variable  8   Culture: Movie: Quality  16
Culture: Movie Theatre  26   Culture: Movie Theatre: Captions  6   Culture: Movie Theatre: Food  8
Culture: Movie Theatre: Interactive  15   Culture: Movie Theatre: Realism  9   Culture: Movie Theatre: Seating  24
Culture: Movie: Title  12   Culture: Museum  42   Culture: Music  67
Culture: Music: Album  14   Culture: Music: Catalog  16   Culture: Music: Copyright  10
Culture: Music: Feature  24   Culture: Music: Quality  16   Culture: Music: Show  57
Culture: Music: Song  25   Culture: Music: Song: Stuck  5   Culture: Music: Source  61
Culture: Music: Style  37   Culture: Names  41   Culture: News  33
Culture: News: Perspective  18   Culture: News: Style  19   Culture: News: Underreported  6
Culture: Office  10   Culture: Office Games  15   Culture: Pedantry  16
Culture: Photography  19   Culture: Poetry  33   Culture: Poetry: Haiku  8
Culture: Prank  21   Culture: Profanity  14   Culture: Public Holiday  45
Culture: Public Holiday A-K  21   Culture: Public Holiday: Christmas  49   Culture: Public Holiday: Christmas: Santa Claus  14
Culture: Public Holiday L-Z  20   Culture: Race  18   Culture: Radio  39
Culture: Reality TV  56   Culture: Reality TV: Big Brother  16   Culture: Reality TV: Date  9
Culture: Reality TV: Fight  8   Culture: Reality TV: Hidden Camera  9   Culture: Reality TV: Idol  3
Culture: Reality TV: Justice  5   Culture: Reality TV: Makeover  7   Culture: Reality TV: Portrait  4
Culture: Reality TV: Real World  14   Culture: Reality TV: Survivor  30   Culture: Reality TV: Survivor: Setting  4
Culture: Reality TV: Work  10   Culture: Reenactment  16   Culture: Replica  11
Culture: Revival  10   Culture: Scale  13   Culture: Self-Help  40
Culture: Self-Help: Information  9   Culture: Self-Help: Support Group  25   Culture: Sex  29
Culture: Sex: Instructions  6   Culture: Sex: Pornography  17   Culture: Sex: Quality  15
Culture: Sign  33   Culture: Slang  5   Culture: Smoking  13
Culture: Social Escape  19   Culture: Song Lyrics  13   Culture: Subtitles  13
Culture: Superhero  18   Culture: Superhero: A-C  21   Culture: Superhero: D-F  18
Culture: Superhero: G-H  8   Culture: Superhero: I-M  22   Culture: Superhero: N-R  16
Culture: Superhero: S-Z  28   Culture: Supervillain  13   Culture: Television  49
Culture: Television: Ad  17   Culture: Television: Ad Filler  6   Culture: Television: Award Show  15
Culture: Television: Biography  6   Culture: Television: Channel  38   Culture: Television: Children  15
Culture: Television: Continuous  12   Culture: Television: Courtroom  3   Culture: Television: Derived Work  22
Culture: Television: Doctor Who  4   Culture: Television: Documentary  17   Culture: Television: Filter  15
Culture: Television: Food  9   Culture: Television: Food Game Show  10   Culture: Television: Game Show  42
Culture: Television: Game Show: Build-Off  6   Culture: Television: Game Show: Quiz  19   Culture: Television: Interaction  15
Culture: Television: Music Show  5   Culture: Television: News  29   Culture: Television: Police Drama  10
Culture: Television: Rating  9   Culture: Television: Revival  21   Culture: Television: Series  48
Culture: Television: Sex  6   Culture: Television: Sitcom  22   Culture: Television: Soap  10
Culture: Television: Sports  22   Culture: Television: Time-Shifted  11   Culture: Theme Park  43
Culture: Theme Park: Book  8   Culture: Theme Park: Science  7   Culture: Theme Park: Television  6
Culture: Time Zone  10   Culture: Tourist Attraction  55   Culture: Tourist Attraction: Astronomy  3
Culture: Visual arts  17   Culture: Web  26   Culture: Website  57
Culture: Website: Cam  14   Culture: Website: Cemetery  2   Culture: Website: Commercial  7
Culture: Website: Entertainment  24   Culture: Website: Exchange  29   Culture: Website: Forum  46
Culture: Website: Location  14   Culture: Website: Map  26   Culture: Website: Match  14
Culture: Website: Photo  11   Culture: Website: Price Guide  3   Culture: Website: Rating  33
Culture: Website: Reference  50   Culture: Website: Simulation  5   Culture: Website: Social Network  55
Culture: Wedding or Divorce  42   Fashion: [general]  54   Fashion: Advice  2
Fashion: Animal  51   Fashion: Badge  12   Fashion: Bag  12
Fashion: Bag: Handbag  22   Fashion: Belt  37   Fashion: Body  39
Fashion: Body Modification  45   Fashion: Body Modification: Face  16   Fashion: Body: Piercing  15
Fashion: Bra  39   Fashion: Bra: Adjustable  9   Fashion: Bra: Material  4
Fashion: Bra: Storage  7   Fashion: Coat  46   Fashion: Codpiece  11
Fashion: Color  6   Fashion: Contact Lens  17   Fashion: Cosmetics  28
Fashion: Cosmetics: Lipstick  9   Fashion: Decoration  18   Fashion: Display  46
Fashion: Fastener  12   Fashion: Fastener: Button  4   Fashion: Fastener: Hook and Loop  5
Fashion: Fastener: Zipper  12   Fashion: Fingernail  16   Fashion: Glove  31
Fashion: Glove: Finger  14   Fashion: Glove: Hold  13   Fashion: Hair  52
Fashion: Hair: Accessory  39   Fashion: Hair: Comb  12   Fashion: Hair: Dye  7
Fashion: Hair: Facial  34   Fashion: Hair: Position  21   Fashion: Hair: Product  22
Fashion: Hat  36   Fashion: Hat: Animal  7   Fashion: Hat: Audio  5
Fashion: Hat: Communication  36   Fashion: Hat: Electricity  6   Fashion: Hat: Flight  8
Fashion: Hat: Food  6   Fashion: Hat: Level  9   Fashion: Hat: Light  5
Fashion: Hat: Mirror  5   Fashion: Hat: Plant  4   Fashion: Hat: Protection  26
Fashion: Hat: Shade  5   Fashion: Hat: Shape  19   Fashion: Hat: Storage  13
Fashion: Hat: Temperature  13   Fashion: Hat: Time  2   Fashion: Hat: Vision  6
Fashion: Hat: Weapon  6   Fashion: Hat: Weather  5   Fashion: Hi-tech  61
Fashion: Hosiery  8   Fashion: Hosiery: Socks  28   Fashion: Hosiery: Socks: Comfort  4
Fashion: Hosiery: Socks: Sorting  14   Fashion: Hosiery: Socks: Theory  3   Fashion: Hosiery: Socks: Toes  3
Fashion: Jewelry  53   Fashion: Jewelry: Ear  10   Fashion: Jewelry: Ring  21
Fashion: Kilt  4   Fashion: Mask  38   Fashion: Material  35
Fashion: Material: Fur  6   Fashion: Material: Leather  6   Fashion: Material: Natural  10
Fashion: Material: Sticky  8   Fashion: Material: Transparent  6   Fashion: Mood Indicator  12
Fashion: Musical  13   Fashion: Pajamas  18   Fashion: Pants  64
Fashion: Pants: Closing  18   Fashion: Pants: Material  16   Fashion: Pants: Pattern  4
Fashion: Pants: Shape  21   Fashion: Pants: Storage  19   Fashion: Pattern  8
Fashion: Perfume  31   Fashion: Pocket  33   Fashion: Protection  38
Fashion: Protection: Bulletproof  6   Fashion: Protection: Environmental  46   Fashion: Protection: Touch  8
Fashion: Sandals  14   Fashion: Shirt  35   Fashion: Shoe Ties  11
Fashion: Shoes  62   Fashion: Shoes: Audio  13   Fashion: Shoes: Buying  4
Fashion: Shoes: Comfort  27   Fashion: Shoes: Heels  19   Fashion: Shoes: Hi-tech  43
Fashion: Shoes: Hi-Tech: Sole  22   Fashion: Shoes: Light  5   Fashion: Shoes: Odd Sizes  7
Fashion: Shoes: Sole  35   Fashion: Shoes: Sole: Print  5   Fashion: Shoes: Sole: Traction  10
Fashion: Shoes: Sport  7   Fashion: Shoes: Style  15   Fashion: Shoes: Water  8
Fashion: Size  17   Fashion: Skirt  4   Fashion: Sleeve  9
Fashion: Strap  9   Fashion: Suit  45   Fashion: Swimwear  13
Fashion: T-shirt  23   Fashion: T-Shirt: Picture  9   Fashion: T-Shirt: Text  9
Fashion: Tan  11   Fashion: Tattoo  33   Fashion: Tattoo: Changing  13
Fashion: Tattoo: Pigment  9   Fashion: Tattoo: Prediction  5   Fashion: Tattoo: Subject  9
Fashion: Tattoo: Temporary  13   Fashion: Temperature  11   Fashion: Temperature: Cooling  9
Fashion: Temperature: Heating  15   Fashion: Text  5   Fashion: Tie  19
Fashion: Tie: Change  7   Fashion: Tie: Color  5   Fashion: Tie: Function  20
Fashion: Tie: Knot  8   Fashion: Tie: Storage  6   Fashion: Tooth  5
Fashion: Trend  27   Fashion: Underwear  56   Fashion: Underwear: Comfort  11
Fashion: Underwear: Hi-tech  14   Fashion: Underwear: Hygiene  11   Fashion: Underwear: Pantyhose  6
Fashion: Underwear: Store Chain  5   Fashion: Underwear: Temperature  9   Fashion: Underwear: Thong  6
Fashion: Wig  24   Food: [general]  55   Food: Alcohol  60
Food: Alcohol: Frozen  2   Food: Alcohol: Wine  20   Food: Alcopop  9
Food: Beer  19   Food: Beer: Additive  9   Food: Beer: Alcohol Content  4
Food: Beer: Character  4   Food: Beer: Herb  3   Food: Beer: Home Brew  7
Food: Beer: Keg  3   Food: Beer: Packaging  9   Food: Beer: Transport  16
Food: Bread  34   Food: Bread: Ingredient  4   Food: Bread: Shape  20
Food: Bread: Sliced  12   Food: Burger  10   Food: Butter  17
Food: Cereal  36   Food: Cereal: Baked Goods  6   Food: Cereal: Branding  8
Food: Cereal: Packaging  11   Food: Cereal: Shape  10   Food: Cereal: Theme  36
Food: Chocolate  43   Food: Chocolate: Brand  3   Food: Chocolate: Coating  4
Food: Chocolate: Shape  19   Food: Coffee  67   Food: Coffee: Brewing  41
Food: Coffee: Condiment  8   Food: Combination  36   Food: Communication  6
Food: Complete  10   Food: Condiment  31   Food: Condiment: Ketchup  17
Food: Condiment: Mix  11   Food: Cookie  32   Food: Cookie: Fortune Cookie  22
Food: Cookie: Oreo  6   Food: Cracker  13   Food: Dairy  20
Food: Dairy: Cheese  25   Food: Dairy: Cheese: Shape  17   Food: Decoy  15
Food: Delivery  45   Food: Delivery: Airborne  27   Food: Delivery: Automatic  11
Food: Delivery: Extras  6   Food: Dessert  32   Food: Dispenser  33
Food: Doughnut  9   Food: Drink  59   Food: Drink: Cola  9
Food: Drink: Milk  24   Food: Drink: Packaging  33   Food: Drink: Soda Pop  25
Food: Drive-Through  13   Food: Egg  34   Food: Farming  38
Food: Farming: Bee  12   Food: Farming: Greenhouse  11   Food: Farming: Livestock  42
Food: Farming: Location  8   Food: Farming: Poultry  10   Food: Farming: System  14
Food: Farming: Water  19   Food: Fast Food  51   Food: Fish  21
Food: Flavoring  15   Food: Fried  13   Food: Frozen  29
Food: Fruit  37   Food: Genital  8   Food: Gum  27
Food: Gum: Annoyance  4   Food: Gum: Filling  4   Food: Ha-ha Dangerous  33
Food: Heating  26   Food: Ice  33   Food: Ice Cream  51
Food: Ice Cream: Ingredient  8   Food: Ingredient  9   Food: Juice  11
Food: Lab-Grown  8   Food: Leftovers  16   Food: Liquified  10
Food: Measurement  21   Food: Meat  42   Food: Meat: Bacon  10
Food: Meat: Ethics  3   Food: Meat: Human  4   Food: Meat: Jerky  5
Food: Meat: Sausage  9   Food: Mint  13   Food: Office Supplies  11
Food: Office Supplies: Paper  10   Food: Packaging  44   Food: Packaging: Can  24
Food: Packaging: Condiment  16   Food: Packaging: Crumbs  4   Food: Packaging: Display  9
Food: Packaging: Donuts  7   Food: Packaging: Drink Container  28   Food: Packaging: Drink Container: Bottle  30
Food: Packaging: Drink Container: Bottle: Thermos  10   Food: Packaging: Drink Container: Box  4   Food: Packaging: Drink Container: Pressure  4
Food: Packaging: Edible  10   Food: Packaging: Labeling  32   Food: Packaging: Lunch Box  11
Food: Packaging: Portion  19   Food: Packaging: Reusable  13   Food: Packaging: Seeds  3
Food: Packaging: Slice  8   Food: Packaging: Spoiling  11   Food: Packaging: Temperature  7
Food: Packaging: Tube  9   Food: Packaging: Yoghurt Pot  3   Food: Pancake  6
Food: Pasta  41   Food: Pasta: Math  4   Food: Pastry  19
Food: Pet Food  31   Food: Pizza  50   Food: Pizza: Delivery  9
Food: Popcorn  28   Food: Popcorn: Bucket  3   Food: Popcorn: Microwave  3
Food: Potato  13   Food: Potato: Chip or Crisp  33   Food: Poultry  14
Food: Preparation  69   Food: Recipe  17   Food: Restaurant  23
Food: Restaurant: Animal  4   Food: Restaurant: Buffet  13   Food: Restaurant: Burger Bar  17
Food: Restaurant: Diet  7   Food: Restaurant: DIY  14   Food: Restaurant: Entertainment  18
Food: Restaurant: Feature  22   Food: Restaurant: Food Specialty  32   Food: Restaurant: Hi-Tech  23
Food: Restaurant: Historic  7   Food: Restaurant: Hygiene  4   Food: Restaurant: Ice Cream Parlor  3
Food: Restaurant: International  10   Food: Restaurant: Kids  7   Food: Restaurant: Marine  6
Food: Restaurant: Menu Selection  23   Food: Restaurant: Money  13   Food: Restaurant: Motion  14
Food: Restaurant: Ordering  16   Food: Restaurant: Rating  9   Food: Restaurant: Service  19
Food: Restaurant: Small Plates  4   Food: Restaurant: Sound  4   Food: Restaurant: Sushi  9
Food: Restaurant: Table  13   Food: Restaurant: Theme  43   Food: Restaurant: Theme: Bad  3
Food: Restaurant: Theme: Game  3   Food: Restaurant: Vision  8   Food: Salad  11
Food: Salt  12   Food: Sandwich  43   Food: Shape  47
Food: Soda Pop  11   Food: Sound Effect  8   Food: Soup  17
Food: Soup: Alphabet  8   Food: Spice  25   Food: Spice: Hot Sauce  4
Food: Spray  13   Food: Sweet  39   Food: Sweet: Cotton Candy  6
Food: Sweet: Gummy  12   Food: Sweet: Honey  5   Food: Sweet: Jello  13
Food: Sweet: Marshmallow  5   Food: Sweet: Shape  35   Food: Sweet: Side Effect  10
Food: Sweet: Sugar  13   Food: Tea  24   Food: Tea: Bag  29
Food: Temperature  27   Food: Toast  48   Food: Toast: Printer  10
Food: Vegetable  21   Food: Vegetable: Mushroom  7   Food: Vegetable: Pea  4
Food: Vegetable: Shape  7   Food: Vegetarianism  20   Food: Vending Machine  28
Food: Water  37   Halfbakery: [general]  76   Halfbakery: Account  27
Halfbakery: Addiction  16   Halfbakery: Alternative Forms  42   Halfbakery: Alternative Forms: Audio  9
Halfbakery: Alternative Forms: Literary  8   Halfbakery: Alternative Forms: Online  23   Halfbakery: Alternative Forms: Video  14
Halfbakery: Archive  22   Halfbakery: Calendar  13   Halfbakery: Category  27
Halfbakery: Category: Non-Invention  11   Halfbakery: Category: Search  8   Halfbakery: Category: Unwanted  8
Halfbakery: Category: Wanted  32   Halfbakery: Criticism  38   Halfbakery: Culture  53
Halfbakery: Culture: Jargon  13   Halfbakery: Filtering  24   Halfbakery: Game  46
Halfbakery: Garbage Collection  18   Halfbakery: Gateway  10   Halfbakery: Goldmine  28
Halfbakery: Idea  71   Halfbakery: Idea Contest  10   Halfbakery: Idea: Generator  5
Halfbakery: Idea: Inspiration  17   Halfbakery: Idea List  35   Halfbakery: Idea List: Top 10  12
Halfbakery: Identity  21   Halfbakery: Image  18   Halfbakery: Intoxication  4
Halfbakery: Layout  44   Halfbakery: Layout: Link  8   Halfbakery: Layout: Text  22
Halfbakery: Links  23   Halfbakery: Meeting  54   Halfbakery: Merchandise  42
Halfbakery: Merchandise: Clothing  15   Halfbakery: Merchandise: Food  12   Halfbakery: Notification  27
Halfbakery: Other Sites  12   Halfbakery: Poetry  38   Halfbakery: Realization  29
Halfbakery: Related Forums  18   Halfbakery: Remembrance  24   Halfbakery: Remembrance: Halfbaker  13
Halfbakery: Searching  25   Halfbakery: Seasonal  37   Halfbakery: Seasonal: Halloween  12
Halfbakery: Seasonal: Predictions  22   Halfbakery: Song  5   Halfbakery: Song: A-F  39
Halfbakery: Song: G-M  32   Halfbakery: Song: N-Z  39   Halfbakery: Spelling  5
Halfbakery: Statistics  19   Halfbakery: Troll  27   Halfbakery: Users  56
Halfbakery: Users: Details  21   Halfbakery: Users: Global Events  6   Halfbakery: Users: Individual  38
Halfbakery: Users: Rating  9   Halfbakery: Users: Types  12   Halfbakery: View  20
Halfbakery: Vote Display  20   Halfbakery: Voting  50   Halfbakery: Voting: Dimension  8
Halfbakery: Voting: Restriction  7   Halfbakery: Vs The Real World  39   Home: [general]  72
Home: Appliance  73   Home: Architecture  57   Home: Barbecue  29
Home: Bathroom  64   Home: Bathroom: Cleaning  12   Home: Bathroom: Dryer  15
Home: Bathroom: Towel  13   Home: Bathtub  37   Home: Bathtub: Bubbles  8
Home: Bathtub: Draining  2   Home: Bathtub: Heating  9   Home: Bathtub: Hygiene  10
Home: Bed  49   Home: Bed: Add-on  22   Home: Bed: Covering  45
Home: Bed: Eating and Drinking  3   Home: Bed: Floating  8   Home: Bed: Mattress  38
Home: Bed: Motion  25   Home: Bed: Shape  8   Home: Bed: Temperature  13
Home: Chair  55   Home: Chair: Motion  30   Home: Chair: Portable  7
Home: Chair: Support  20   Home: Child  41   Home: Child: Control  29
Home: Child: Diaper  19   Home: Child: Furniture  9   Home: Child: Safety  24
Home: Child: Transport  29   Home: Cleaning  57   Home: Cleaning: Carpet  19
Home: Cleaning: Dust  25   Home: Cleaning: Film  5   Home: Cleaning: Graffiti  8
Home: Cleaning: Shoes  7   Home: Coat Rack  5   Home: Decoration  64
Home: Dishes  13   Home: Dishwasher  36   Home: Door  54
Home: Door: Access Control  31   Home: Door: Bell  37   Home: Door: Handle  27
Home: Door: Knocker  3   Home: Electricity  66   Home: Electricity: Power Outlet  38
Home: Fireplace  34   Home: Floor  42   Home: Floor: Carpet  28
Home: Furniture  45   Home: Furniture: Beanbag  8   Home: Furniture: Change  11
Home: Furniture Theme  22   Home: Garage  15   Home: Garden  44
Home: Garden: Bonsai  9   Home: Garden: Composting  8   Home: Garden: Heating  4
Home: Garden: Lawn  54   Home: Garden: Light  6   Home: Garden: Mobile  8
Home: Garden: Ornament  14   Home: Garden: Ornament: Gnome  9   Home: Garden: Planting  9
Home: Garden: Rock Garden  8   Home: Garden: Style  7   Home: Garden: Tending  15
Home: Garden: Tool  49   Home: Garden: Topiary  16   Home: Garden: Water  42
Home: Garden: Weed  18   Home: Garden: Wildlife  24   Home: Humidity  9
Home: Improvement  31   Home: Insulation  15   Home: Kitchen  51
Home: Kitchen: Appliance  88   Home: Kitchen: Garbage Disposal  19   Home: Kitchen: Hygiene  12
Home: Kitchen: Sink  44   Home: Kitchen: Storage  23   Home: Kitchen: Stove  44
Home: Laundry  26   Home: Laundry: Clothesline  15   Home: Laundry: Dryer  37
Home: Laundry: Ironing  31   Home: Laundry: Lint  6   Home: Laundry: Washing  44
Home: Lawnmower  39   Home: Lawnmower: Autonomous  8   Home: Lawnmower: Control  5
Home: Lawnmower: Laser  5   Home: Lawnmower: Power  7   Home: Lawnmower: Vehicle  6
Home: Mailbox  13   Home: Mattress  7   Home: Moat  11
Home: Moving  20   Home: Pest Control  79   Home: Pest Control: Detection  8
Home: Pest Control: Explosive  6   Home: Pest Control: Lure  14   Home: Pest Control: Moths  5
Home: Pest Control: Removal  31   Home: Pest Control: Repellent  21   Home: Pest Control: Trap  28
Home: Pest Control: Zapper  22   Home: Pet  57   Home: Pet: Artificial  14
Home: Pet: Attachment  19   Home: Pet: Bird  13   Home: Pet: Bird: Bird Feeder  14
Home: Pet: Cat  47   Home: Pet: Cat: Entertainment  31   Home: Pet: Cat: Food  12
Home: Pet: Cat: Hygiene  24   Home: Pet: Cat: Waste  11   Home: Pet: Collar  21
Home: Pet: Control  40   Home: Pet: Dog  55   Home: Pet: Dog: Car  5
Home: Pet: Dog: Communication  13   Home: Pet: Dog: Food  15   Home: Pet: Dog: Waste  25
Home: Pet: Door  7   Home: Pet: Fish  17   Home: Pet: Fish: Aquarium  41
Home: Pet: Hamster  7   Home: Pet: Hamster: Ball  4   Home: Pet: Hamster: Wheel  10
Home: Pet: Human  6   Home: Pet: Insect  10   Home: Pet: Monkey  7
Home: Pet: Rabbit  8   Home: Pet: Reptile  5   Home: Pet: Sex Toy  4
Home: Pet: Sharing  12   Home: Pet: Supplies  35   Home: Pet: Toy  38
Home: Pet: Training  36   Home: Pet: Transportation  40   Home: Pet: Unwanted  15
Home: Pet: Waste  12   Home: Planning  4   Home: Plant  30
Home: Pool  53   Home: Reminder  12   Home: Roof  33
Home: Safety  46   Home: Safety: Elderly  5   Home: Safety: Fire  36
Home: Security  53   Home: Security: Light  5   Home: Security: Lock  22
Home: Security: No Soliciting  8   Home: Security: Theme  11   Home: Security: Window  5
Home: Setting  6   Home: Shelf  20   Home: Shower  57
Home: Shower: Automated  6   Home: Shower: Cleaning  4   Home: Shower: Entertainment  20
Home: Shower: Foam  5   Home: Shower: Recycling  7   Home: Shower: Regulation  15
Home: Sofa  37   Home: Staircase  23   Home: Table  30
Home: Table: Coffee Table  7   Home: Temperature  36   Home: Temperature: Cooling  26
Home: Temperature: Heating  41   Home: Temperature: Thermostat  14   Home: Theme  16
Home: Toilet  65   Home: Toilet: Adjusting  2   Home: Toilet: Atmosphere  11
Home: Toilet: Bed  4   Home: Toilet: Diagnostic  9   Home: Toilet: Flush  41
Home: Toilet: Hygiene  36   Home: Toilet: Integration  8   Home: Toilet: Isolation  7
Home: Toilet: Mobile  6   Home: Toilet: Odor  9   Home: Toilet Paper Holder  24
Home: Toilet: Seat  21   Home: Toilet: Seat: Temperature  3   Home: Toilet: Seat: Up or Down  7
Home: Toilet: Splash  14   Home: Toilet: Visual  20   Home: Toilet: Waste Disposal  14
Home: Urinal  30   Home: Urinal: Aim  16   Home: Urinal: Entertainment  15
Home: Vacuum  66   Home: Vacuum: Autonomous  15   Home: Ventilation  27
Home: Ventilation: Ceiling Fan  11   Home: Wall  34   Home: Wall: Change  9
Home: Warniture  4   Home: Water  31   Home: Water Bed  6
Home: Water: Faucet  5   Home: Water: Faucet: Flow  5   Home: Water: Faucet: Location  3
Home: Water: Faucet: Shape  2   Home: Water: Faucet: Temperature  7   Home: Water: Plumbing  28
Home: Water: Tap  16   Home: Window  22   Home: Window: Blinds  15
Home: Window: Blinds: Venetian  9   Home: Window: Breaking Glass  5   Home: Window: Control  11
Home: Window: Entertainment  7   Home: Window: Insect Screen  9   Home: Window: Light  19
Home: Window: Optical  11   Home: Window: Privacy  7   Home: Window: Simulated  7
Home: Wiring  14   Other: [general]  84   Other: Atheism  10
Other: Dating  29   Other: Marriage  32   Other: Metaphysics  31
Other: Philosophy  22   Other: Philosophy: Ethics  3   Other: Relationship  41
Other: Religion  57   Other: Religion: Comparative  8   Other: Religion: Deity or Prophet  17
Other: Religion: Media  11   Other: Religion: Ritual  40   Other: Religion: Technology  33
Other: Simulation  21   Product: [general]  92   Product: Air Conditioner  47
Product: Air Freshener  19   Product: Alarm Clock  29   Product: Alarm Clock: Biology  16
Product: Alarm Clock: Control  16   Product: Alarm Clock: Distributed  6   Product: Alarm Clock: Environment  4
Product: Alarm Clock: Extreme  29   Product: Alarm Clock: Fail-Safe  15   Product: Alarm Clock: Falling Asleep  3
Product: Alarm Clock: Message  6   Product: Alarm Clock: Personal  13   Product: Alarm Clock: Personality  15
Product: Alarm Clock: Silent  8   Product: Alarm Clock: Smell  3   Product: Alarm Clock: Snooze  10
Product: Alarm Clock: Sound  11   Product: Alarm Clock: Timing  22   Product: Answering machine  18
Product: Anti-Theft  33   Product: Armor  25   Product: Ashtray  11
Product: Audio  44   Product: Audio: Alert  13   Product: Audio: Amplifier  8
Product: Audio: Digital Player  39   Product: Audio: Editing  6   Product: Audio: Environment  37
Product: Audio: Horn  5   Product: Audio: Microphone  26   Product: Audio: Personal  37
Product: Audio: Player  39   Product: Audio: Record Player  33   Product: Audio: Recorder  13
Product: Audio: Sound Effect  35   Product: Audio: Speaker  32   Product: Backpack  18
Product: Bar Codes  27   Product: Barometer  2   Product: Bath  14
Product: Battery  66   Product: Battery: Charging  20   Product: Binoculars  16
Product: Biofeedback  10   Product: Blanket  18   Product: Bong  18
Product: Book  40   Product: Book: Accessory  26   Product: Book: Audio  5
Product: Book: Bookmark  9   Product: Book: Color  6   Product: Book: E-Book  31
Product: Book: Pages  12   Product: Book: Textbook  19   Product: Book: Water  2
Product: Bottle Opener  10   Product: Brick  15   Product: Broom  7
Product: Bucket  3   Product: Business Card  21   Product: Cable  7
Product: Cake Pan  2   Product: Calculator  34   Product: Calculator: Abacus  4
Product: Calendar  22   Product: Camera  44   Product: Camera: Accessory  33
Product: Camera: Color  5   Product: Camera: Digital  36   Product: Camera: Digital: Annotation  7
Product: Camera: Digital: Compound Image  15   Product: Camera: Digital: Image Format  10   Product: Camera: Digital: Transmission  8
Product: Camera: Film  9   Product: Camera: Information  20   Product: Camera: Shape  15
Product: Camera: Wearable  25   Product: Camouflage  23   Product: Camping  35
Product: Camping: Bear Prevention  12   Product: Camping: Tent  12   Product: Candle  33
Product: Candle: Self-Extinguishing Candle  10   Product: CB Radio  5   Product: Cell Phone  68
Product: Cell Phone: Accessory  57   Product: Cell Phone: Address Book  10   Product: Cell Phone: Audio  21
Product: Cell Phone: Call Indicator  23   Product: Cell Phone: Camera  29   Product: Cell Phone: Charges  11
Product: Cell Phone: Combination  28   Product: Cell Phone: Countermeasure  27   Product: Cell Phone: Disabled  11
Product: Cell Phone: Emergency  20   Product: Cell Phone: Feature  79   Product: Cell Phone: Filter  16
Product: Cell Phone: Headset  18   Product: Cell Phone: Implant  6   Product: Cell Phone: Interface  38
Product: Cell Phone: Location  38   Product: Cell Phone: Messaging  33   Product: Cell Phone: Messaging: Application  24
Product: Cell Phone: Messaging: Input  20   Product: Cell Phone: Motion  10   Product: Cell Phone: Peer to Peer  4
Product: Cell Phone: Power  35   Product: Cell Phone: Retro  9   Product: Cell Phone: Ringtone  19
Product: Cell Phone: Ringtone: End-To-End  6   Product: Cell Phone: Ringtone: Generator  7   Product: Cell Phone: Ringtone: Real  3
Product: Cell Phone: Shape  32   Product: Cell Phone: Shape: Artistic  11   Product: Cell Phone: Shared  5
Product: Cell Phone: SIM Card  5   Product: Cell Phone: Unreachable  6   Product: Cell Phone: Vibrate  6
Product: Cell Phone: Weapon  6   Product: Chimes  23   Product: Chopstick  15
Product: Christmas Cracker  5   Product: Christmas Decoration  57   Product: Cigarette  35
Product: Cigarette: Butt  7   Product: Cigarette: Color  3   Product: Cigarette: Filter  7
Product: Cigarette: Flavor  12   Product: Cigarette: Holder  7   Product: Cigarette: Joke  4
Product: Cigarette: Length  4   Product: Cigarette: Paper  9   Product: Cigarette: Variety  7
Product: Cleaning  48   Product: Clock  62   Product: Clock: Accuracy  14
Product: Clock: Armband  5   Product: Clock: Astronomical  6   Product: Clock: Chime  15
Product: Clock: Daylight Savings Time  5   Product: Clock: Display  18   Product: Clock: Display: Analogue  32
Product: Clock: Display: Digital  20   Product: Clock: Display: Figure  17   Product: Clock: Display: Light  19
Product: Clock: Display: Rotation  21   Product: Clock: Display: Sky  4   Product: Clock: Display: Water  11
Product: Clock: Pendulum  8   Product: Clock: Power Source  10   Product: Clock: Speaking  11
Product: Clock: Subjective Time  14   Product: Clock: Timer  14   Product: Clock: Wristwatch  25
Product: Clock: Wristwatch: Combination  8   Product: Clothespin  2   Product: Coal  5
Product: Coat-hanger  10   Product: Coffee Grinder  7   Product: Coffee Maker  20
Product: Coffin  18   Product: Collectable  8   Product: Compact Disk  22
Product: Compact Disk: Label  6   Product: Compact Disk: Scratch  5   Product: Compatibility Gadget  10
Product: Condiment Dispenser  11   Product: Construction Equipment  32   Product: Cookbook  2
Product: Cooker  40   Product: Cookware  49   Product: Cordless Phone  7
Product: Cotton Swab  4   Product: Countermeasure  37   Product: Countermeasure: Anti-Rape  7
Product: Crayon  7   Product: Cutlery  34   Product: Cutlery: Combination  12
Product: Cutlery: Cutter  10   Product: Cutlery: Edible  8   Product: Cutlery: Fork  22
Product: Cutlery: Holder  6   Product: Cutlery: Knife  25   Product: Cutlery: Spoon  21
Product: Decoy  24   Product: Dental Floss  12   Product: Design  20
Product: Desk  23   Product: Diaper  11   Product: Diary  4
Product: Dice  12   Product: Dictaphone  6   Product: Digital Video Recorder  13
Product: Dish  20   Product: Dish: Bowl  16   Product: Dish: Plate  22
Product: Door Stop  4   Product: Doormat  11   Product: Drink Accessory  35
Product: Drink Accessory: Coaster  11   Product: Drink Accessory: Cooler  19   Product: Drink Accessory: Cover  13
Product: Drink Accessory: Heater  8   Product: Drink Accessory: Holder  14   Product: Drink Accessory: Marker  5
Product: Drink Accessory: Temperature  16   Product: Drink Container: Cup  29   Product: Drink Container: Glass  30
Product: Drink Container: Mug  45   Product: Drink Container: Stein  6   Product: Drink Dispenser  27
Product: DVD  19   Product: DVD: Information  10   Product: DVD Player  27
Product: Easter Egg  9   Product: Effigy  20   Product: Emergency Rescue  40
Product: Engine  63   Product: Engine: Jet  13   Product: Engine: Jet: Intake Protection  5
Product: Engine: Jet: Ramjet  5   Product: Excuse  7   Product: Exoskeleton  24
Product: Experience Media  14   Product: Fan  27   Product: Fax  8
Product: Fence  28   Product: Filter  22   Product: Fire Extinguisher  20
Product: Fireworks  28   Product: Fishing  20   Product: Flag  20
Product: Flagpole  7   Product: Flower Pot  6   Product: Flywheel  12
Product: Food Dispenser  36   Product: Frame  9   Product: Frying Pan  6
Product: Game  74   Product: Game: Card Game  6   Product: Game: Tabletop  31
Product: Garbage Can  42   Product: Glasses  61   Product: Glasses: 3D  9
Product: Glasses: Add-On  7   Product: Glasses: Attachment  14   Product: Glasses: Beer Goggles  6
Product: Glasses: Color  7   Product: Glasses: Direction  12   Product: Glasses: Filter  18
Product: Glasses: Frame  13   Product: Glasses: Night Vision  6   Product: Globe  17
Product: Gloves  19   Product: Glue  28   Product: GPS  48
Product: GPS: Personality  6   Product: Greeting Card  30   Product: Hammock  17
Product: Headphones  26   Product: Headphones: Bone  3   Product: Headphones: Control  4
Product: Headphones: Earbuds  12   Product: Headphones: Filter  7   Product: Headphones: Multiple  3
Product: Headphones: Noise-Canceling  9   Product: Headphones: Shape  6   Product: Headphones: Speakers  3
Product: Headphones: Wire  6   Product: Headphones: Wireless  8   Product: Helmet  35
Product: Home electronics  41   Product: Imitation  15   Product: Incense  9
Product: Interactive Television  13   Product: Inventory System  33   Product: Juicer  6
Product: Jukebox  12   Product: Kettle  37   Product: Key  31
Product: Kit  11   Product: Kitchenware  67   Product: Kite  19
Product: Labeling  20   Product: Ladder  15   Product: Laser Pointer  10
Product: Laundry Detergent  3   Product: Lie Detector  8   Product: Life Jacket  11
Product: Light  41   Product: Light: Alive  9   Product: Light: Chandelier  3
Product: Light: Color  16   Product: Light: Control  26   Product: Light: Decoration  20
Product: Light: Disco Ball  9   Product: Light: Glow-In-The-Dark  4   Product: Light: Lava Lamp  18
Product: Light: LED  24   Product: Light: Motion  15   Product: Light: Nightlight  12
Product: Light: Sky  9   Product: Light: Water  7   Product: Lightbulb  35
Product: Lighter  37   Product: Lock  23   Product: Lubricant  6
Product: Luggage  34   Product: Luggage: Motion  13   Product: Luggage: Tracking  6
Product: Map  51   Product: Measuring Instrument  57   Product: Measuring Instrument: Food  6
Product: Memory Aid  16   Product: Metaphor  7   Product: Microwave  65
Product: Microwave: Automatic  4   Product: Microwave: Popcorn  7   Product: Microwave: Portable  7
Product: Mirror  40   Product: Mixer  11   Product: Mobility  32
Product: Mold  7   Product: Movie  16   Product: Multi Tool  11
Product: Music Display  12   Product: Music Media  52   Product: Music Media: Analog  14
Product: Musical Instrument  65   Product: Musical Instrument: Electronic  15   Product: Musical Instrument: Found Sound  10
Product: Musical Instrument: Gesture  15   Product: Musical Instrument: Guitar  25   Product: Musical Instrument: Guitar: Capo  6
Product: Musical Instrument: Guitar: String  4   Product: Musical Instrument: Keyboard  18   Product: Musical Instrument: Metronome  8
Product: Musical Instrument: Organ  25   Product: Musical Instrument: Percussion  40   Product: Musical Instrument: Piano  32
Product: Musical Instrument: Plectrum  4   Product: Musical Instrument: String  27   Product: Musical Instrument: Tuning Aid  7
Product: Musical Instrument: Wind  73   Product: Musical Instrument: Wind: Didgeridoo  3   Product: Napkin  4
Product: Noise Canceling  27   Product: Office Appliance  43   Product: Office Supplies  56
Product: Office Supplies: Eraser  9   Product: Office Supplies: Highlighter  6   Product: Office Supplies: Hole Punch  5
Product: Office Supplies: Notebook  9   Product: Office Supplies: Paper  22   Product: Office Supplies: Paper Clip  8
Product: Office Supplies: Rubber Stamp  4   Product: Office Supplies: Ruler  6   Product: Office Supplies: Staples  25
Product: Office Supplies: Sticky Notes  19   Product: Office Supplies: Sticky Tape  24   Product: Orrery  24
Product: Oven  22   Product: Pacifier  14   Product: Packaging  57
Product: Packaging: Bubble Wrap  19   Product: Packaging: Gift Wrap  19   Product: Packaging: Gift Wrap: Paper  4
Product: Packaging: Jar  4   Product: Packaging: Reuse  20   Product: Packaging: Shipping  11
Product: Pager  7   Product: Paint  34   Product: Painting Tool  33
Product: Paper Towel  4   Product: Paperweight  4   Product: Parachute  20
Product: Party Supplies  24   Product: Peeler  8   Product: Pen  48
Product: Pen: Hi-tech  35   Product: Pen: Shape  3   Product: Pen: Whiteboard  5
Product: Pencil  22   Product: Personal Flight Recorder  6   Product: Phone  72
Product: Phone: Caller ID  11   Product: Phone Filter  19   Product: Phone: Game  13
Product: Phone: Hanging Up  5   Product: Phone: Prank  4   Product: Phone: Shape  13
Product: Phone: Signal  19   Product: Phone: Sound Quality  7   Product: Phone: Speakerphone  7
Product: Phone: Telemarketing  21   Product: Phone: Visual Throughput  4   Product: Photocopier  19
Product: Photography  25   Product: Pillow  25   Product: Pipe  9
Product: Plug  19   Product: Postcard  6   Product: Power Source  30
Product: Power Source: AC DC Conversion  10   Product: Power Source: Generator  26   Product: Prank  57
Product: Prank: Electric Shock  5   Product: Pump  22   Product: Radio  36
Product: Radio: Control  12   Product: Radio: Time-Shift  4   Product: Random Number Generator  7
Product: Razor  24   Product: Razor: Blade  4   Product: Refrigerator  34
Product: Refrigerator: Control  7   Product: Refrigerator: Cooling  24   Product: Refrigerator: Dispenser  7
Product: Refrigerator: Door  15   Product: Refrigerator: Ice  10   Product: Refrigerator: Light  5
Product: Refrigerator: Lock  5   Product: Refrigerator: Magnet  6   Product: Refrigerator: Microwave  3
Product: Refrigerator: Organisation  14   Product: Refrigerator: Outside  11   Product: Refrigerator: Power  4
Product: Refrigerator: Shape  10   Product: Remote  21   Product: Remote: Button  18
Product: Remote: Channel  4   Product: Remote: Configurable  3   Product: Remote: Input Method  11
Product: Remote: Location  9   Product: Remote: Locator  17   Product: Remote: Power  7
Product: Remote: Prank  6   Product: Remote: Universal  13   Product: Remote: User  4
Product: Restraint  4   Product: RFID Tag  10   Product: Robot  56
Product: Robot: Animal  17   Product: Robot: Art  9   Product: Robot: Assistant  32
Product: Robot: Companion  11   Product: Robot: Domestic  29   Product: Robot: Explorer  13
Product: Robot: Fighting  11   Product: Robot: Locomotion  16   Product: Robot: Part  10
Product: Safe  15   Product: Scale  26   Product: Scanner  15
Product: Scarecrow  6   Product: Scissors  12   Product: Sewing Machine  19
Product: Sex Toy  36   Product: Sex Toy: Dildo  5   Product: Sex Toy: Vibrator  13
Product: Shampoo  14   Product: Shaver  12   Product: Shower Curtain  6
Product: Shower Head  16   Product: Shredder  34   Product: Sieve  5
Product: Skateboard  14   Product: Skates  20   Product: Sleeping Bag  10
Product: Smell  20   Product: Smell Detector  4   Product: Smoke Alarm  17
Product: Snow  8   Product: Snow: Clearing  39   Product: Snow Globe  34
Product: Snow: Shape  6   Product: Soap  53   Product: Speaker  6
Product: Spittoon  2   Product: Sponge  7   Product: Stand-In  5
Product: Stethoscope  5   Product: Stilts  8   Product: Straw  24
Product: Straw: Suction  3   Product: Straw: Temperature  7   Product: Sunglasses  38
Product: Tablecloth  6   Product: Teasmade  6   Product: Telepathy  9
Product: Teleprompter  4   Product: Television  42   Product: Television: 3D  14
Product: Television: Access Model  16   Product: Television: Antenna  12   Product: Television: Appearance  4
Product: Television: Filter  25   Product: Television: Flat  5   Product: Television: Home Theatre  8
Product: Television: Location  6   Product: Television: On or Off Switch  10   Product: Television: Picture  25
Product: Television: Planning  4   Product: Television: Set Top Box  10   Product: Television: Sound  20
Product: Television: Split  8   Product: Television: Subtitles  18   Product: Television: Text  4
Product: Tent  9   Product: Thermometer  19   Product: Tile  6
Product: Tissues  15   Product: Toaster  81   Product: Toilet Paper  46
Product: Toilet Paper: Diagnostic  4   Product: Toilet Paper: Print  12   Product: Toilet Paper: Thick  5
Product: Tool  67   Product: Tool: Abrasive  8   Product: Tool: Cutting  41
Product: Tool: Drill  24   Product: Tool: Hammer  6   Product: Tool: Holding  29
Product: Tool: Lathe  3   Product: Tool: Level  8   Product: Tool: Lifting  11
Product: Tool: Metal  8   Product: Tool: Nail  18   Product: Tool: Pneumatic  3
Product: Tool: Saw  9   Product: Tool: Scanner  3   Product: Tool: Screw  42
Product: Tool: Sliding  6   Product: Tool: Soldering  11   Product: Tool: Toolbox  10
Product: Tool: Wrench  12   Product: Toothpaste  17   Product: Toothpaste: Color  6
Product: Toothpaste: Flavor  9   Product: Toothpaste: Packaging  16   Product: Torch  20
Product: Towel  8   Product: Toy  78   Product: Toy: 8 Ball  4
Product: Toy: Adult  24   Product: Toy: Ball  22   Product: Toy: Bubbles  10
Product: Toy: Construction  66   Product: Toy: Doll  49   Product: Toy: Drawing  9
Product: Toy: Figure  26   Product: Toy: Group  8   Product: Toy: Inflatable  24
Product: Toy: Kit  21   Product: Toy: Living Farm  3   Product: Toy: Musical  8
Product: Toy: Play Putty  8   Product: Toy: Pogo Stick  15   Product: Toy: Projectile  14
Product: Toy: Remote Controlled  28   Product: Toy: Scale Model  29   Product: Toy: Slinky  10
Product: Toy: Soft Toy  22   Product: Toy: Sound  14   Product: Toy: Spinning  28
Product: Toy: Tamagotchi  5   Product: Toy: Transportation  14   Product: Toy: Water  15
Product: Toy: Weapon  14   Product: Trading Cards  9   Product: Translator  29
Product: Transport  50   Product: Trash Bag  6   Product: TV Ad Filter  3
Product: Typewriter  7   Product: Umbrella  26   Product: Umbrella: Climate  17
Product: Umbrella: Distribution  7   Product: Umbrella: Handling  10   Product: Umbrella: Inflatable  5
Product: Umbrella: Multi-Purpose  12   Product: Umbrella: Shape  25   Product: Umbrella: Solar  8
Product: Umbrella: Target  5   Product: Umbrella: Wind  10   Product: Undo  3
Product: Video Camera  26   Product: Video Recorder  23   Product: Voice Change  14
Product: Waffle Iron  5   Product: Wallet  19   Product: Wallpaper  24
Product: Watch  41   Product: Weapon  89   Product: Weapon: Aim  17
Product: Weapon: Blade  40   Product: Weapon: Bomb  47   Product: Weapon: Bomb: Delivery  19
Product: Weapon: Bomb: Happy  7   Product: Weapon: Boomerang  4   Product: Weapon: Bounce  3
Product: Weapon: Catapult  12   Product: Weapon: Chemical  11   Product: Weapon: Countermeasure  53
Product: Weapon: Electric Shock  21   Product: Weapon: Electromagnetic  14   Product: Weapon: Food  15
Product: Weapon: Gun  49   Product: Weapon: Gun: Ammunition  49   Product: Weapon: Gun: Ammunition: Sabotage  3
Product: Weapon: Gun: Control  25   Product: Weapon: Gun: Full-Auto  10   Product: Weapon: Gun: Mechanism  14
Product: Weapon: Gun: Non-Lethal  27   Product: Weapon: Gun: Shape  14   Product: Weapon: Gun: Shotgun  10
Product: Weapon: Ice and Snow  7   Product: Weapon: Landmine  23   Product: Weapon: Light Sabre  4
Product: Weapon: Missile  15   Product: Weapon: Projectile  45   Product: Weapon: Ray  19
Product: Weapon: Sonic  14   Product: Weapon: Spear  5   Product: Weapon: Spray  15
Product: Wetsuit  6   Product: Wheelchair  23   Product: Whiteboard  20
Product: Wire  11   Product: Wood  10   Public: [general]  50
Public: Addressing  13   Public: Architecture  57   Public: Architecture: Feature  47
Public: Architecture: House  21   Public: Architecture: Office Block  11   Public: Architecture: Room  12
Public: Architecture: Skyscraper  22   Public: Architecture: Temporary  20   Public: Beach  12
Public: Brexit  14   Public: Bridge  34   Public: Campaign Reform  8
Public: Capital Punishment  19   Public: Charity  62   Public: Charity: Small Change  12
Public: Church  23   Public: City  36   Public: City: Arcology  6
Public: City: Climate  17   Public: City: Measurement  4   Public: City: Motion  16
Public: City: Planning  33   Public: City: Theme  7   Public: Communication  64
Public: Communication: Morse Code  7   Public: Communication: Telephone  16   Public: Communication: Telephone: Number  25
Public: Communication: Visual  37   Public: Communication: Warning  26   Public: Contracts  17
Public: Country  19   Public: Country: Assembly  7   Public: Country: Changing Borders  21
Public: Country: Fragmentation  12   Public: Currency  55   Public: Currency: Bank Note  32
Public: Currency: Bank Note: Picture  7   Public: Currency: Coin  40   Public: Currency: Coin: Retirement  5
Public: Currency: Coin: Shape  15   Public: Currency: Medium  19   Public: Debate  20
Public: Disaster  25   Public: Disaster: Earthquake  19   Public: Disaster: Flood  16
Public: Disaster: Hurricane Katrina 2005  8   Public: Disaster: Oil  24   Public: Disaster: Wildfire  22
Public: Drug Politics  36   Public: Ecology  51   Public: Ecology: Accounting  12
Public: Ecology: Fauna  53   Public: Ecology: Fauna: Whales  13   Public: Ecology: Flora  19
Public: Economy  28   Public: Economy: Basic Income  8   Public: Economy: Housing  6
Public: Education  53   Public: Education: Certificate  10   Public: Education: Conspiracy Theory  10
Public: Education: Course  29   Public: Education: Curriculum  14   Public: Education: Discipline  16
Public: Education: Examination  10   Public: Education: Lesson  11   Public: Education: Motivation  20
Public: Education: Online  5   Public: Education Reform  29   Public: Education: Remote  9
Public: Education: Sex  6   Public: Election  34   Public: Election: Alternative  18
Public: Election: Game Show  3   Public: Election: Random  9   Public: Election: Timing  5
Public: Emergency Exit  14   Public: Emergency Exit: Slide  9   Public: Engineering  57
Public: Escalator  27   Public: Fire  52   Public: Florida Election 2000  3
Public: Forestry  14   Public: Gladiators  9   Public: Global Warming  57
Public: Global Warming: Albedo  18   Public: Global Warming: Flood  4   Public: Government  81
Public: Government: Agency  23   Public: Government: Alternative Forms  38   Public: Government: Anarchy  5
Public: Government: Location  7   Public: Gun Politics  21   Public: Head of State  11
Public: Holiday Accessories  25   Public: Homeless  44   Public: Homeless: Gifts  12
Public: Homeless: Jobs  12   Public: Immigration  26   Public: Information  49
Public: Information: Database  34   Public: Intellectual Property  36   Public: Island  12
Public: Law  52   Public: Law: Constitution  16   Public: Law: Courtroom  18
Public: Law Enforcement  77   Public: Law Enforcement: Child Abuse  6   Public: Law Enforcement: Identification  24
Public: Law Enforcement: Riot  17   Public: Law Enforcement: Specialist  5   Public: Law: Jury  6
Public: Legal system  52   Public: Library  56   Public: Litter  24
Public: Math Education  13   Public: Mime Clearance  6   Public: Mine Clearance  16
Public: Mutual Destruction  16   Public: Olympics  3   Public: Opinion Poll  12
Public: Oxygen  6   Public: Paparazzi  4   Public: Passport  4
Public: Peace  24   Public: Pedestrian Crossing  35   Public: Pedestrian Traffic  32
Public: Pedestrian Traffic: Indicator  6   Public: Pedestrian Traffic: Sidewalk  18   Public: Pillow Fight  6
Public: Piracy  13   Public: Playground  37   Public: Playground: Slide  8
Public: Playground: Swing  21   Public: Politics  83   Public: Politics: Lies  15
Public: Politics: Party  26   Public: Politics: Payscale  7   Public: Politics: Politician  26
Public: Politics: Politician: Qualification  27   Public: Politics: Protest  38   Public: Population Control  20
Public: Prison  49   Public: Prison: Voluntary  5   Public: Prison: Work  6
Public: Punishment  33   Public: Punishment: Death  10   Public: Punishment: Humiliation  14
Public: Racing  8   Public: Recycling  50   Public: Recycling: Composting  7
Public: Recycling: Plastic  12   Public: Recycling: Separation  14   Public: Revolving Door  7
Public: Royalty  23   Public: Scholarship  6   Public: School  49
Public: School: Homework  2   Public: Street Lighting  26   Public: Surveillance  37
Public: Surveillance: Camera  34   Public: Surveillance: Grassroots  13   Public: Taliban  5
Public: Tax  63   Public: Tax: Income Tax  25   Public: Tax: Sales Tax  7
Public: Taxicab  16   Public: Terrorism  40   Public: Union  3
Public: United Nations  11   Public: United States vs. World  8   Public: Utility  23
Public: Voting  19   Public: Voting: Correctness  8   Public: Voting: Incentive  13
Public: Voting: Issues  10   Public: Voting: Mechanism  15   Public: Voting: Negative  3
Public: Voting: Online  9   Public: Voting: Proxy  6   Public: Voting: Vote Detail  9
Public: Voting: Weight  17   Public: War  88   Public: War: Army  26
Public: War: Bunker  4   Public: War: Economics  9   Public: War: Iraq  14
Public: War: Psychological  40   Public: Waste Disposal  40   Public: Waste Disposal: Garbage Collection  26
Public: Waste Disposal: Incinerator  10   Public: Water  45   Public: Water: Geography  10
Public: Water: Rain  12   Public: Water: Salt  28   Public: Water: Transportation  18
Public: Weather Forecast  17   Public: Welfare  45   Public: World Domination  16
Public: World Hunger  5   Public: Zoo  32   Science: [general]  78
Science: Astronomy  55   Science: Biology  86   Science: Biology: Evolution  39
Science: Body  12   Science: Body: Breast  8   Science: Body: Breast: Implant  9
Science: Body: Hand  5   Science: Body: Lip  3   Science: Body: Nose  33
Science: Body: Nose: Picking  7   Science: Body: Nose: Snot  8   Science: Body: Organ  19
Science: Body: Skin  32   Science: Body: Skin: Acne  4   Science: Body: Skin: Glow  3
Science: Body: Skin: Pimple  7   Science: Body: Skin: Sun Protection  23   Science: Body: Stomach  8
Science: Body: Teeth  36   Science: Body: Teeth: Artificial  18   Science: Body: Teeth: Cleaning  20
Science: Body: Teeth: Toothbrush  43   Science: Chemistry  45   Science: Electric Motor  3
Science: Energy  44   Science: Energy: Bioenergy  28   Science: Energy: Bioenergy: Animal  21
Science: Energy: Bioenergy: Cellular  10   Science: Energy: Bioenergy: Human  39   Science: Energy: Bioenergy: Methane  18
Science: Energy: Bioenergy: Waste  16   Science: Energy Conservation  33   Science: Energy: Fossil Fuel  38
Science: Energy: Gravitational  17   Science: Energy: Hydrogen  17   Science: Energy: Ion Wind  5
Science: Energy: Lightning  21   Science: Energy: Nuclear  79   Science: Energy: Nuclear: Waste  11
Science: Energy: Piezoelectric  12   Science: Energy: Rotational  27   Science: Energy: Solar  71
Science: Energy: Solar: Collector  58   Science: Energy: Solar: Location  15   Science: Energy: Solar: Tower  12
Science: Energy: Sonic  3   Science: Energy: Storage  11   Science: Energy: Tectonic  5
Science: Energy: Thermal  56   Science: Energy: Thermal: Geothermal  20   Science: Energy: Thermal: Waste Heat  14
Science: Energy: Thermal: Water  14   Science: Energy: Transmission  9   Science: Energy: Undead  7
Science: Energy: Water  45   Science: Energy: Water: Turbine  13   Science: Energy: Water: Turbine: Plumbing  9
Science: Energy: Water: Wave  13   Science: Energy: Wind  45   Science: Energy: Wind: Appearance  7
Science: Energy: Wind: High Altitude  7   Science: Energy: Wind: Kite  5   Science: Energy: Wind: Oscillation  13
Science: Energy: Wind: Plant  6   Science: Energy: Wind: Pneumatic Storage  8   Science: Energy: Wind: Windmill  43
Science: Extraterrestrial Life  43   Science: Faster Than Light  9   Science: Fluid Mechanics  7
Science: Genetic engineering  28   Science: Geology  9   Science: Gravity  46
Science: Health  81   Science: Health: Accident Protection  40   Science: Health: Accident Protection: Inflatable  13
Science: Health: Acupuncture  6   Science: Health: Aid  46   Science: Health: AIDS and HIV  5
Science: Health: Alcohol Abuse  11   Science: Health: Allergy  13   Science: Health: Antibiotic  8
Science: Health: Anus  8   Science: Health: Arthritis  3   Science: Health: Artificial Joints  8
Science: Health: Artificial Limbs  30   Science: Health: Artificial Organs  39   Science: Health: Bad One Night Stand  6
Science: Health: Bandage  33   Science: Health: Biometrics  24   Science: Health: Birth Control  37
Science: Health: Blood  29   Science: Health: Body Odor  13   Science: Health: Caffeine  8
Science: Health: Cancer  40   Science: Health: Cloning  4   Science: Health: Condom  40
Science: Health: Coronavirus  19   Science: Health: Deep Vein Thrombosis  4   Science: Health: Defecation  20
Science: Health: Dental  28   Science: Health: Deodorant  8   Science: Health: Depression  14
Science: Health: Diagnosis  54   Science: Health: Diagnosis: Software  9   Science: Health: Dieting  55
Science: Health: Dieting: Anatomy  4   Science: Health: Dieting: Chewing  2   Science: Health: Dieting: Illness  4
Science: Health: Dieting: Taste  5   Science: Health: Disease  27   Science: Health: Disinfection  31
Science: Health: Dream  11   Science: Health: Drug  52   Science: Health: Drug: Aspirin  4
Science: Health: Drug: Delivery  41   Science: Health: Drug: Delivery: Injection  9   Science: Health: Drug: Delivery: Oral  17
Science: Health: Drug: Recreational  30   Science: Health: Drug: Testing  6   Science: Health: Ear  31
Science: Health: Ear: Cleaning  5   Science: Health: Ear: Hearing Aid  10   Science: Health: Ear: Protection  6
Science: Health: Emergency Rescue  13   Science: Health: Emotion  20   Science: Health: Ergonomics  13
Science: Health: Eye  25   Science: Health: Eye: Artificial  16   Science: Health: Eye: Blindness  18
Science: Health: Eye: Contact Lens  29   Science: Health: Eye: Eye Drops  7   Science: Health: Eye: Glasses  50
Science: Health: Fingernails  2   Science: Health: Flatulence  26   Science: Health: Flatulence: Smell  11
Science: Health: Foot  18   Science: Health: Genetics  34   Science: Health: Grooming  29
Science: Health: Hair  8   Science: Health: Healthcare  43   Science: Health: Heart  16
Science: Health: Horse  4   Science: Health: Hospital  31   Science: Health: Hygiene  44
Science: Health: Immortality  21   Science: Health: Immunization  27   Science: Health: Insect Repellant  16
Science: Health: Longevity  13   Science: Health: Lycanthrophy  5   Science: Health: Massage  20
Science: Health: Memory  23   Science: Health: Menstruation  16   Science: Health: Mental  66
Science: Health: Mental Exercise  16   Science: Health: Mental: Feedback  22   Science: Health: Mental: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder  8
Science: Health: Mental: Phobia  4   Science: Health: Mental: Time  4   Science: Health: Mental: Tourette Syndrome  2
Science: Health: Mental: Voices  9   Science: Health: Mouthwash  2   Science: Health: Nail  9
Science: Health: Nutrition  26   Science: Health: Obesity  24   Science: Health: Pain  20
Science: Health: Personality  10   Science: Health: Pheromone  2   Science: Health: Pills  29
Science: Health: Placebo  15   Science: Health: Pregnancy  41   Science: Health: Public Bathroom  46
Science: Health: Public Bathroom: Cubicle  13   Science: Health: Public Bathroom: Hygiene  27   Science: Health: Public Bathroom: Scheduling  9
Science: Health: Public Bathroom: Smell  5   Science: Health: Public Bathroom: Urinal  20   Science: Health: Respiratory  37
Science: Health: Saliva  4   Science: Health: Seasonal Affective Disorder  5   Science: Health: Sexual Aid  40
Science: Health: Sexually Transmitted Disease  8   Science: Health: Shaving  30   Science: Health: Skin  7
Science: Health: Sleep  31   Science: Health: Sleep: Apnea  7   Science: Health: Sleep: Napping  6
Science: Health: Smoking  20   Science: Health: Smoking: Alternative Cigarette  9   Science: Health: Smoking: Deterrent  21
Science: Health: Smoking: Nicotine  8   Science: Health: Smoking: Restriction  5   Science: Health: Sperm Donation  4
Science: Health: Stress Relief  33   Science: Health: Stress Relief: Anger  11   Science: Health: Stress Relief: Screaming  4
Science: Health: Stress Relief: Squeezing  5   Science: Health: Stupidity  12   Science: Health: Suicide  17
Science: Health: Surgery  43   Science: Health: Temperature  6   Science: Health: Urination  16
Science: Health: Vascular  6   Science: Health: Vitamin  10   Science: Health: Vomiting  13
Science: Health: Walking Aid  26   Science: Health: Washing Kit  9   Science: Light  36
Science: Magnetism  48   Science: Material  52   Science: Mathematics  64
Science: Mathematics: Prime  11   Science: Mineral Extraction  26   Science: Physics  81
Science: Physics: Black Hole  13   Science: Radio  5   Science: Smell  7
Science: Social  12   Science: Space  60   Science: Space: Asteroid  19
Science: Space: Astronaut  24   Science: Space: Colony  31   Science: Space: Elevator  29
Science: Space Energy  29   Science: Space: Launch  62   Science: Space: Map  7
Science: Space: Monument  28   Science: Space: Moon  28   Science: Space: Orbit  30
Science: Space: Rover  11   Science: Space: Satellite  33   Science: Space: Telescope  21
Science: Space: Time  7   Science: Space Trash  21   Science: Spacecraft  59
Science: Spacecraft: Propulsion  82   Science: Spacecraft: Propulsion: Centripetal  8   Science: Spacecraft: Propulsion: Light  6
Science: Spacecraft: Propulsion: Magnetic  7   Science: Spacecraft: Shuttle  14   Science: Technology  72
Science: Technology: Miniaturization  3   Science: Terraforming  60   Science: Terraforming: Atmosphere  14
Science: Terraforming: Temperature  12   Science: Terraforming: Water  47   Science: Time  27
Science: Time: Travel  20   Science: Unit of Measurement  81   Science: Weather  31
Science: Weather: Storm  19   Sport: [general]  65   Sport: Air  36
Sport: Air: Gliding  7   Sport: Air: Parasailing  4   Sport: Air: Skydiving  19
Sport: American Football  52   Sport: Archery  10   Sport: Athletic  25
Sport: Ball  15   Sport: Ball Game  46   Sport: Baseball  43
Sport: Basketball  27   Sport: Billiards  47   Sport: Billiards: Large  4
Sport: Billiards: Levitation  6   Sport: Billiards: Table  20   Sport: Boarding  15
Sport: Bouncing  23   Sport: Bowling  52   Sport: Bowling: Ball  10
Sport: Camera  5   Sport: Climbing  25   Sport: Climbing: Mt Everest  8
Sport: Commentary  8   Sport: Cricket  7   Sport: Croquet  5
Sport: Disabled  6   Sport: Eating Contest  8   Sport: Equipment  57
Sport: Exercise  51   Sport: Exercise: Clothing  8   Sport: Exercise: Equipment  72
Sport: Exercise: Equipment: Cycle  14   Sport: Exercise: Equipment: Resistance  24   Sport: Exercise: Equipment: Treadmill  18
Sport: Exercise: Equipment: Treadmill: Entertainment  9   Sport: Exercise: Equipment: Treadmill: Location  6   Sport: Exercise: Equipment: Treadmill: Material  5
Sport: Exercise: Equipment: Treadmill: Multi-User  4   Sport: Exercise: Incentive  37   Sport: Exercise: Program  11
Sport: Fighting  22   Sport: Fighting: Boxing  25   Sport: Fighting: Bullfighting  5
Sport: Fighting: Fencing  11   Sport: Fighting: Gladiator  5   Sport: Fighting: Jousting  11
Sport: Fighting: Martial Arts  17   Sport: Fighting: Wrestling  17   Sport: Fishing  25
Sport: Golf  34   Sport: Golf: Ball  20   Sport: Golf: Combination  25
Sport: Golf: Course  23   Sport: Golf: Driving Range  5   Sport: Golf: Equipment  22
Sport: Hockey  29   Sport: Hunting  36   Sport: Jumping  24
Sport: Just Add ...  13   Sport: Mass Participation  28   Sport: Miniature Golf  8
Sport: Motorsport  46   Sport: Olympics  72   Sport: Olympics: Theme  11
Sport: Paintball  17   Sport: Paintball: Ammunition  9   Sport: Paintball: Setting  12
Sport: Paintball: Vehicle  4   Sport: Paintball: Weapon  9   Sport: Playing Surface  17
Sport: Polo  6   Sport: Projectile  40   Sport: Racing  33
Sport: Racing: Animal  22   Sport: Racing: Car  27   Sport: Racing: Chariot  4
Sport: Racing: Cycling  4   Sport: Racing: Gravity Racer  6   Sport: Racing: Land Rowing  4
Sport: Racing: Relay  11   Sport: Racing: Running  10   Sport: Racing: Running: Course  9
Sport: Racing: Running: Marathon  8   Sport: Skating  37   Sport: Sliding  15
Sport: Soccer  53   Sport: Soccer Ground  11   Sport: Soccer: International  16
Sport: Soccer: Rules  24   Sport: Spectator  31   Sport: Team  13
Sport: Tennis  61   Sport: Throwing  15   Sport: Tug of War  7
Sport: Urban  21   Sport: Water  50   Sport: Water: Jet Ski  4
Sport: Water: Surfing  29   Sport: Water: Swimming  32   Sport: Water: Underwater  56
Sport: Winter  29   Sport: Winter: Skiing  29   Sport: Zorb  20
Vehicle: [general]  73   Vehicle: Aircraft  71   Vehicle: Aircraft: Airship  43
Vehicle: Aircraft: Airship: Filling  12   Vehicle: Aircraft: Airship: Shape  13   Vehicle: Aircraft: Airship: Solar  8
Vehicle: Aircraft: Airship: Tethered  14   Vehicle: Aircraft: Balloon  61   Vehicle: Aircraft: Drone  53
Vehicle: Aircraft: Flapping  29   Vehicle: Aircraft: Glider  20   Vehicle: Aircraft: Helicopter  20
Vehicle: Aircraft: Human Powered  26   Vehicle: Aircraft: Inflatable  4   Vehicle: Aircraft: Rotation  15
Vehicle: Aircraft: Wind  5   Vehicle: Airplane  56   Vehicle: Airplane: Adventure  10
Vehicle: Airplane: Aerodynamics  13   Vehicle: Airplane: Airport  46   Vehicle: Airplane: Black Box  8
Vehicle: Airplane: Boarding  9   Vehicle: Airplane: Cockpit  9   Vehicle: Airplane: Comfort  21
Vehicle: Airplane: Emergency  38   Vehicle: Airplane: Engine  9   Vehicle: Airplane: Entertainment  10
Vehicle: Airplane: Food  4   Vehicle: Airplane: Group  5   Vehicle: Airplane: Interactive  13
Vehicle: Airplane: Landing  8   Vehicle: Airplane: Landing Gear  6   Vehicle: Airplane: Luggage  26
Vehicle: Airplane: Luggage: Carousel  5   Vehicle: Airplane: Noise  8   Vehicle: Airplane: Paperwork  3
Vehicle: Airplane: Pilot  6   Vehicle: Airplane: Safety  21   Vehicle: Airplane: Seat  13
Vehicle: Airplane: Seating  21   Vehicle: Airplane: Security  43   Vehicle: Airplane: Security: Hijacking  20
Vehicle: Airplane: Service  7   Vehicle: Airplane: Sleep  8   Vehicle: Airplane: Stopover  2
Vehicle: Airplane: Take-Off  14   Vehicle: Airplane: View  11   Vehicle: Bicycle  82
Vehicle: Bicycle: Anti-theft  30   Vehicle: Bicycle: Brake  8   Vehicle: Bicycle: Chain  3
Vehicle: Bicycle: Cover  5   Vehicle: Bicycle: Folding  7   Vehicle: Bicycle: Frame  9
Vehicle: Bicycle: Helmet  9   Vehicle: Bicycle: Light  11   Vehicle: Bicycle: Multicycle  15
Vehicle: Bicycle: Pedal  5   Vehicle: Bicycle: Position  9   Vehicle: Bicycle: Power  38
Vehicle: Bicycle: Power: Pneumatic  3   Vehicle: Bicycle: Safety  42   Vehicle: Bicycle: Suspension  11
Vehicle: Bicycle: Terrain  6   Vehicle: Bicycle: Wheel  40   Vehicle: Boat  81
Vehicle: Boat: Engine  18   Vehicle: Boat: Life Raft  10   Vehicle: Boat: Rowing  5
Vehicle: Boat: Sailboat  27   Vehicle: Bus  44   Vehicle: Bus: Bus Stop  12
Vehicle: Bus: Entertainment  10   Vehicle: Bus: Fare  4   Vehicle: Bus: Route  12
Vehicle: Bus: Shape  9   Vehicle: Car  73   Vehicle: Car: Accident  25
Vehicle: Car: Adjustable  19   Vehicle: Car: Aerodynamics  29   Vehicle: Car: Air Bag  30
Vehicle: Car: Air Freshener  3   Vehicle: Car: Alarm  30   Vehicle: Car: Alternate Use  14
Vehicle: Car: Ambulance  15   Vehicle: Car: Antenna  3   Vehicle: Car: Anti-SUV  22
Vehicle: Car: Artificial Intelligence  26   Vehicle: Car: Battery  28   Vehicle: Car: Body Panels  13
Vehicle: Car: Brake  46   Vehicle: Car: Brake Lights  32   Vehicle: Car: Bumper  25
Vehicle: Car: Bumper sticker  22   Vehicle: Car: Buying  10   Vehicle: Car: Cell phone  20
Vehicle: Car: Cleaning  19   Vehicle: Car: Climate  32   Vehicle: Car: Climate: Cooling  23
Vehicle: Car: Climate: Heating  15   Vehicle: Car: Clutch  6   Vehicle: Car: Coffee Maker  8
Vehicle: Car: Communication  26   Vehicle: Car: Communication: Gesture  14   Vehicle: Car: Communication: Light  18
Vehicle: Car: Communication: Magnets  3   Vehicle: Car: Communication: Text  18   Vehicle: Car: Communication: Turn Signal  12
Vehicle: Car: Communication: Voice  11   Vehicle: Car: Cover  11   Vehicle: Car: Cruise Control  17
Vehicle: Car: Cup Holder  13   Vehicle: Car: Design  43   Vehicle: Car: Destruction  3
Vehicle: Car: Display  17   Vehicle: Car: Door  25   Vehicle: Car: Drink  9
Vehicle: Car: Drunk Driving  34   Vehicle: Car: Engine  61   Vehicle: Car: Engine: Adaptable  15
Vehicle: Car: Engine: Aspiration  36   Vehicle: Car: Engine: Combustion  43   Vehicle: Car: Engine: Cooling  20
Vehicle: Car: Engine: Cylinder  16   Vehicle: Car: Engine: Electric  31   Vehicle: Car: Engine: Gas-Electric Hybrid  15
Vehicle: Car: Engine: Hybrid  55   Vehicle: Car: Engine: Radial  8   Vehicle: Car: Engine: Rotary  24
Vehicle: Car: Engine: Stirling  7   Vehicle: Car: Engine: Supercharger  44   Vehicle: Car: Engine: Supercharger: Lag  11
Vehicle: Car: Engine: Turbine Hybrid  13   Vehicle: Car: Engine: Two-Stroke  6   Vehicle: Car: Engine: Valves  27
Vehicle: Car: Exercise  11   Vehicle: Car: Exhaust  34   Vehicle: Car: Exhaust: Catalytic Converter  5
Vehicle: Car: Exterior  25   Vehicle: Car: Exterior: Lighting  4   Vehicle: Car: Ferry or Transporter  10
Vehicle: Car: Fluid  7   Vehicle: Car: Fluid: Oil  14   Vehicle: Car: Food  13
Vehicle: Car: Fuel  26   Vehicle: Car: Fuel: Alternative  43   Vehicle: Car: Fuel: Emotion  4
Vehicle: Car: Fuel: Gasoline  31   Vehicle: Car: Fuel: Station  34   Vehicle: Car: Fumes  20
Vehicle: Car: Gadget  52   Vehicle: Car: Gadget: Dispenser  6   Vehicle: Car: Grapple  8
Vehicle: Car: Headlights  25   Vehicle: Car: Headlights: Brightness  6   Vehicle: Car: Headlights: Height  8
Vehicle: Car: Home Repair  8   Vehicle: Car: Horn  40   Vehicle: Car: Horn: Sound  22
Vehicle: Car: Horn: Volume  3   Vehicle: Car: Ice  27   Vehicle: Car: Indicator  36
Vehicle: Car: Indicator: Fluid  5   Vehicle: Car: Insurance  18   Vehicle: Car: Key  11
Vehicle: Car: Law Enforcement  22   Vehicle: Car: Law Enforcement: Distributed  2   Vehicle: Car: Law Enforcement: Fine  6
Vehicle: Car: Law Enforcement: Police Car  9   Vehicle: Car: Law Enforcement: Stopping  13   Vehicle: Car: Learning To Drive  12
Vehicle: Car: License  5   Vehicle: Car: License Plate  31   Vehicle: Car: Lightweight  10
Vehicle: Car: Location  13   Vehicle: Car: Material  8   Vehicle: Car: Mirror  19
Vehicle: Car: Mirror: Adjustable  5   Vehicle: Car: Mirror: Periscope  3   Vehicle: Car: Modular  5
Vehicle: Car: Music  32   Vehicle: Car: Music: Mixer  3   Vehicle: Car: Music: Singing  6
Vehicle: Car: Music: Too Loud  9   Vehicle: Car: Navigation  28   Vehicle: Car: Navigation: Destination  5
Vehicle: Car: Navigation: Non-GPS  8   Vehicle: Car: Network  8   Vehicle: Car: Odometer  9
Vehicle: Car: Paint  31   Vehicle: Car: Parking  38   Vehicle: Car: Parking: Collision Avoidance  10
Vehicle: Car: Parking: Free Spot  9   Vehicle: Car: Parking: Lot  23   Vehicle: Car: Parking: Making Space  10
Vehicle: Car: Parking: Payment  13   Vehicle: Car: Parking: Reservation  17   Vehicle: Car: Parking: Steering  10
Vehicle: Car: Parking: Ticket  22   Vehicle: Car: Parking: Vertical  5   Vehicle: Car: Parts  13
Vehicle: Car: Passengers  19   Vehicle: Car: Projectile  5   Vehicle: Car: Proximity Detector  13
Vehicle: Car: Radio  31   Vehicle: Car: Rain Protection  10   Vehicle: Car: Rating A Driver  20
Vehicle: Car: Recorder  8   Vehicle: Car: Recreational Driving  12   Vehicle: Car: Reversing  12
Vehicle: Car: Rubbernecking  8   Vehicle: Car: Safety  63   Vehicle: Car: Safety: Crash  42
Vehicle: Car: Safety: Lights  13   Vehicle: Car: Seat  29   Vehicle: Car: Seat Belt  22
Vehicle: Car: Security  33   Vehicle: Car: Security: Decoy  9   Vehicle: Car: Security: Tracking  11
Vehicle: Car: Security: Trap  10   Vehicle: Car: Service  32   Vehicle: Car: Shape  12
Vehicle: Car: Sharing  14   Vehicle: Car: Solar  7   Vehicle: Car: Sound  9
Vehicle: Car: Speed  39   Vehicle: Car: Speed Bump  21   Vehicle: Car: Speed: Control  31
Vehicle: Car: Speed: Limit  18   Vehicle: Car: Speed: Limit: Notice  18   Vehicle: Car: Speedometer  17
Vehicle: Car: Steering  25   Vehicle: Car: Steering Wheel  15   Vehicle: Car: Storage  27
Vehicle: Car: Style  30   Vehicle: Car: Suspension  28   Vehicle: Car: Tail Lights  6
Vehicle: Car: Tailgating  33   Vehicle: Car: Tire  41   Vehicle: Car: Tire: Adaptive  11
Vehicle: Car: Tire: Air  14   Vehicle: Car: Tire: Appearance  18   Vehicle: Car: Tire: Jack  7
Vehicle: Car: Tire: Treads  16   Vehicle: Car: Towing  8   Vehicle: Car: Trailer  14
Vehicle: Car: Transmission  25   Vehicle: Car: Transmission: All-Wheel Drive  5   Vehicle: Car: Transmission: Automatic  7
Vehicle: Car: Transmission: Continuously Variable  15   Vehicle: Car: Transmission: Manual  6   Vehicle: Car: Trash  5
Vehicle: Car: Turn Signals  24   Vehicle: Car: Vision  37   Vehicle: Car: Vision: Blind Spot  10
Vehicle: Car: Wash  24   Vehicle: Car: Wheel Alternative  12   Vehicle: Car: Window  35
Vehicle: Car: Windshield  25   Vehicle: Car: Windshield: Vision  24   Vehicle: Car: Windshield: Weather  14
Vehicle: Car: Windshield Wiper  49   Vehicle: Catapult  10   Vehicle: Elevator  39
Vehicle: Elevator: Control  37   Vehicle: Elevator: Entertainment  18   Vehicle: Elevator: Interior  13
Vehicle: Elevator: Multiple  7   Vehicle: Elevator: Power  22   Vehicle: Elevator: Safety  7
Vehicle: Hitch-Hiking  12   Vehicle: Hovercraft  23   Vehicle: Mass Transit  35
Vehicle: Mass Transit: Alarm  8   Vehicle: Mass Transit: Canal  5   Vehicle: Mass Transit: Fun  23
Vehicle: Mass Transit: Other Passengers  11   Vehicle: Mass Transit: Pump  6   Vehicle: Mass Transit: Subway  35
Vehicle: Mass Transit: Subway: Atmosphere  7   Vehicle: Mass Transit: Subway: Boarding  7   Vehicle: Mass Transit: Subway: Express  6
Vehicle: Mass Transit: Subway: Navigation  7   Vehicle: Mass Transit: Subway: Non-Stop  9   Vehicle: Mass Transit: Wheels On Rails  8
Vehicle: Motorcycle  49   Vehicle: Motorcycle: Clothing  8   Vehicle: Motorcycle: Engine  11
Vehicle: Motorcycle: Safety  14   Vehicle: Motorcycle: Temperature  4   Vehicle: Personal  39
Vehicle: Personal: Sphere  11   Vehicle: Rail  31   Vehicle: Recreational Vehicle  27
Vehicle: Road  35   Vehicle: Road: Active  11   Vehicle: Road: Audio  12
Vehicle: Road: Barrier  8   Vehicle: Road: Generator  13   Vehicle: Road: Highway  22
Vehicle: Road: Intersection  16   Vehicle: Road: Lane  31   Vehicle: Road: Material  22
Vehicle: Road: Pothole  12   Vehicle: Road: Rage  17   Vehicle: Road: Road Kill  10
Vehicle: Road: Roundabout  6   Vehicle: Road: Sign  33   Vehicle: Road: Speed  8
Vehicle: Road: Toll  14   Vehicle: Road: Weather  8   Vehicle: Scooter  11
Vehicle: Segway  22   Vehicle: Submarine  39   Vehicle: Tank  15
Vehicle: Ticket  13   Vehicle: Traffic Information  10   Vehicle: Traffic Jam  44
Vehicle: Traffic Light  47   Vehicle: Traffic Light: Display  22   Vehicle: Train  57
Vehicle: Train: Access  8   Vehicle: Train: Announcement  7   Vehicle: Train: Interior  21
Vehicle: Train: Obstacle  15   Vehicle: Travelator  26   Vehicle: Tunnel  21
Vehicle: Water  40   Vehicle: Water: Walking  5   Vehicle: Wind  16

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