Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Industrial Robotics engineer in NY
Email: eric-hb[shift-two on a typical qwerty] eric feldman[period]com

I like cookies.

[Nov 29 2007, last modified Sep 13 2010]

(+3, -6) 1/0 detector
(+4) 3d graphing calculator
(+17, -5)(+17, -5) 90 degree basket
(+1, -5) Backwards Gun
(+4) cell phone distance silencer
 Cellphone Landline Replacement
(+3) Fridge Door Check System Sound
(+4) Google Cache Image Remover
(+4, -1) Malware Detecting Router
(+5) OCD door locks
(+8)(+8) One compile coding competition
(+4, -2) Popcorn Pop Detector
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Real Shift Indicator
(+7) reversible mouse scroll wheel
(+6, -2) Safer Bench Press
(+7) See through microwave door
(+2, -1) steganographic encryption
(+5) thirty degrees of web separation
(+7, -1) This is a link
(+3, -1) TV Lullaby
(+2) Two-Way VNC
(+4, -3) verbal checksum

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