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Boomerang Tuition

Tuition for schools or training classes will be refundable if you can't find a job.
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Just about every other good or service sold offers you a refund or store credit if their service or product turns out not to work for you.
Why not education? The obvious answer is that to a degree (ow, bad pun) you get out of a college education what you put into it. So the clear argument is "why should we have to refund the money of a D- student who is now flipping burgers?".
My answer is, they shouldn't. But what about the A+ student who is now flipping burgers? The school sets up the grading system in the intent that your grades will reflect such things as: how well did you retain and process knowledge and facts? Did you reliably do homework and bring it back to class to be turned in?
Part of your grades come from tests, and those tests are theoretically set up to determine how well you understand, remember, and retain the material covered.
My point is that grades are set up by the school as a system to measure "what you got out of your education", and therefore, in a sense, what you put into it.
(In theory, therefore, a CNA who passed the training program with flying colors will be hired in a limited job market ahead of a CNA who barely scraped through with a D average.)
So, coming to my idea, I believe that if you have a grade point average of B or above, and you have honestly tried to get a job (perhaps every interview that you attend, the employer would send a copy of the rejection letter back to your school), then you should have your tuition refunded to you, or perhaps be offered the option of "store credit", where you can come back and get another equivalent degree for free, and try again.
I think this should be extended to high school as well. A student doesn't get much choice about what high school they attend. It's like a 13-year prison sentence that is forced on you for the crime of being born. If you manage to make it through public school with a good GPA, and still cannot find some kind of job that covers your living expenses, or at least get accepted into a college, then the school system should have to refund to you the tax money that paid for your education.
I believe that this would have a lot of good effects. it would encourage all schools to teach relevant, up-to-date skills that are usable in the real world. It would encourage students to try harder in the knowledge that there will be a reward at the end of it one way or another. And, for those wayward, bright, creative geniuses who often drift through school doing just enough work to not fail, it would be incentive to really excell. You see, at the end of your education if you can't get a job, you at least get enough money to start your own business and HEY {gets new idea]...
submitinkmonkey, Mar 23 2005


       Dear sir, I'm sorry but your child is stupid. But since they tried really hard, here's a fat cheque.
moomintroll, Mar 23 2005

       Actually [moomintroll], in my experience, the dull-minded but determined sort who plods along getting straight A's by dint of sheer hard work can usually find a job no problem. So they WOULDN'T be getting a refund, you see...
submitinkmonkey, Mar 24 2005

       There are lots of vocational type schools that offer both placement and guarantees, aren't there?
theircompetitor, Mar 24 2005


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