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steering wheel cover predicts (to prevent) myocardial infarction/ischemia

sudden death MI is predictable with bloodflow sensors; make those sensors a part of steering wheel covers
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cardiovascular disease is the thing most people die from

atherosclerosis is the source of most heart disease

historically "silent ischemia" caused sudden death as about a third of all CHD; 300k persons per year USA; so a few million persons globally

"sudden" death MI is predictable a few hours prior to the event with bloodflow sensors that do computed measurements; make those sensors a part of steering wheel covers

people frequently touch their steering wheels thus its possible that parts of the day as well as evening will have coverage

NB: along with finger bloodflow I've read material that says breath gases also predict "sudden" death a few hours prior to the event; it is possible that the gas volume area of a vehicle could be used

perhaps among a population of drivers (combined) coverage would be cheaper with these sensors

beanangel, Mar 16 2008

the treon cure heart disease video http://youtube.com/watch?v=YuLvbep4t4I
ideas welcome; this video actually talks more about using genetically engineered rice or atletes foot to cure atherosclerosis ; fluoroniacin as well as as a new type of CHD drug are there as well; vividly improvable [beanangel, Mar 16 2008]


       other: energy?
marklar, Mar 16 2008

       Can you cite the journal article regarding the predictability of sudden death by MI?   

       Also, be aware that a test for any disease is counterproductive unless it has a low false-positive rate. Imagine that your device predicts infarction with a fale-negative rate of only 1% (which would be astounding), but also has a false-positive rate of only 1% (equally astounding).   

       Now let's assume that there are 150 million Americans who get into their cars twice a day (ie, 300 million "tests" per day). Of these people, about 1000 will have an ischaemic attack at some point in the day. On this basis:   

       a) Number of correct predictions = 990
b) Number of false negatives (failed to predict MI) = 10
c) Number of false positives (wrongly predicted an MI) = 3,000,000

       In other words, even with a sensor that is 99% accurate both ways, you will generate three MILLION false alarms per day.   

       To put it another way, only one in 3000 warnings will be 'valid'. And this is on the assumption of near-perfect sensors.   

       You really didn't think this one though, did you, Treoand?
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 16 2008

       Umm, Max, if the false positive, and false negative for this test are both 1%, then I'm pretty sure that only 2970 in 3000 warnings would be "valid."   

       While this system is still going to produce a lot of false positives, I think Treon isn't the only one that needs to think this through again.
ye_river_xiv, Mar 17 2008

       [ye_river] - you said 2970 out of 3000, [Max] said 990 out of 1000 - it's the same proportion of correct diagnoses. The important bit is that if the alarm goes off, (red flashing lights, a loud "You Are Having A Heart Attack!" voice, etc.) you can rest assured that there's a probability of only 990/3000000 that you really are having a heart attack (or to put it another way, 0.03% of the time the alarm goes off, it'll be correct).
hippo, Mar 17 2008

       Ian, get thee to a BBC comedy scriptwriting contract...
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 17 2008

       nfarct this, nfarct that. No nfarction idea here.   

       Those most at risk - the overweight, stressed, elderly, addicted and afflicted - would, I suggest, tend to register bloodflow irregularities from the simple act of levering themselves into a car. If they won't listen to their doctors, their families, their teachers, or Oprah, why will they pay any attention to a steering wheel cover?
ConsulFlaminicus, Mar 17 2008

       this is good.
dentworth, Mar 17 2008

       Coming soon, the defibrillating airbag.
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Mar 17 2008

       // If they won't listen to their doctors, their families, their teachers, or Oprah, why will they pay any attention to a steering wheel cover? //   

       Because for many people, their cars are very important. I think there's a good chance they'd listen to their car when nothing else could reach them, actually.
nineteenthly, Mar 17 2008


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