
[May 23 2010, last modified May 09 2022]

12 Days of Leftover (+2)
1G Space Station (+4)
Aeolian Pipe Dream (+3)
Aeolian Storm Pipes (+2)
AI Mensa (+1, -2)
Aim Point Indicator (-1)
Air Eyes (+8)
Blunderwear (+3, -1)
BoaDestructor (-1)
BuggyWhip (+2, -3)
Chameleon Camouflage (+1)
Chaotic Stirrer (+4)
Charnel Pool (+1, -1)
Child Bankruptcy Plan (+3, -3)
Circle or Scribble? (+2)
Clutter Bomb (+3)
ContraLike (+3, -2)
COping with Bees (0)
Crude Grenade Fusing (+2)
Degenerative AI (+1, -3)
Direct Biometric Weighing (+4)
Dish Soap Daisy (+2, -1)
Drone Bombsight (-2)
Earbud Link to Phone Mic (0)
Fake Decoy (+6)
FartMeter Pro (+2)
Flattenizer (+3, -2)
Forbidden List of Fully Baked Goods (+3)
Front-View Side Mirror (+6)
guiltypleasures.fun (+5)
Gummy Launcher (+3)
Gurney Slide for IFV (+2)
halfdebunkery.com (+5)
Ice Shards (+6, -2)
Icy BeadBag (+2)
Inanimator (+3)
Insight Dust Fix (+4)
Jellyfish Drone (+3)
Just One At A Time… (+3)
Manscraping (+1, -2)
Mise en Anyplace (+6)
Mummy Smoker Home Unit (+3)
Non-Skid Hot Dog (+5, -1)
Non-stick Auto Finish (+2)
Not A Grain Ship (+3, -2)
One-Wedge Juicer (+2)
Overly Complicated Ice Cube Marimba (+1)
Piano On Fire Concerto (+4)
PodCleaner Live (0)
pottyline.app (+3, -1)
Propeller Sensor Mod for Drone Killer (+5)
Pseudometer (+2, -1)
Re-Pop (+3)
RevealMe (-2)
Russian Recruiting Banner (+3)
SafeSlide (+1)
Satellite Gift Wrap (+2)
Scrim Camo (0)
Shotgun Cluster Bomblet (+2)
Smart Drop (-3)
Smart/Secure Stinger Missile (-1)
SmartBuds (+4)
SmartTreads (+1)
Smoke Yo' Ass (+4)
Soap Soap (-1)
Terror & Outrage Team (T&OT] (+6)
The Angostura Ploy (+1)
The Restaurant Of Single-Origin Things (+2, -3)
Thumb Guide for Stone (-1)
Universal Dater (+1, -2)
Universal Soft Pour (0)
unmanned underwater unit (+1)
Urinator Tank (+3, -1)
Vlad the Kebabber (+3)
+W Now! (+2)
Wagger (+7)
WifeBeaters (+2, -1)

random, halfbakery