Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
"My only concern is that it wouldn't work, which I see as a problem."

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j paul

i am Paul Fellows

i expect that i will be making 2 types of contribution to this site

1 ideas that i think are basicaly good, but which need some one to come along with a nob of garlic butter and ten mins cooking time.

2 ideas i dont belive in but wich might provibe fuel for other bakes

My policy I going to be to give no more than five loafs for every three fishes, I think that should satisfy everyone.

My policy I going to be to give no more than five loafs for every three fishes, I think that should satisfy everyone.

Some times I may vote and not comment, if every thing as been said. Some times I may comment and not vote, if I have given out too many buns in a row.

give me bones! and i`ll make stock, if my ideas stink?

[May 28 2011, last modified Aug 21 2011]

 1 wheeled sport
(+4, -1) A fudge flavoured, optical interferometer.
(-2) A macro and a font for dyslexics
(+2) A real time piece
 An electrostatic diodes
(+2) An indigenous source of energy for Japan
(+4, -2) An outline for a possible fusion reactor.
(-1) Anti ageing pro-biotic skin cream
(-5)(-5) Bomb war into the middle ages.
(+5) Carbon capture and sale.
(+4) Crystal archive
(+7) desalination
 Earthquake forecasting
 FLC salmon.
(+1) Green rocket flue.
 Improvements to the standard fusion reactor
(+2, -1) Man eating lines
(+2) Plastic radiation shield.
(+3, -1) Speech to text
 Spoke launcher.
(+3) Suspension ( hammock ) sandals
(+2, -4) The 0rGy room
(+5, -1) The barrel less super gun.
(+1) Thermoacoustic ideas.
(+2) yet another two stroke diesel

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