Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Top 25 ideas of last 2 weeks
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(+2, -3)

 (+2, -3)  Snakes In A Crypt  doctorremulac3  Apr 22 24 
 “We’re here live about to open the latest newly discovered ancient Egyptian crypt…” 
 (+1, -3)  Vietnamese mint mojito  b153b  Apr 22 24 
 a mojito but with persicaria odorata 
 (-2)  SPACES soft drink  a1  Apr 19 24 
 there isn't one, but needs to be 


 (-3)  IronBladen  Edie  Apr 15 24 
 A coffin that doubles as a guillotine 


 (-5)(-5)  Half baked-beans Can  Edie  Apr 22 24 
 Half-sized can of baked beans 


 (-8)(-8)  TimeXpander  Edie  Apr 13 24 
 A time dilation machine, so we can waste more time without wasting it all 

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