Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Past Year with 12 or more votes
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 (+15)  Good Luck Sgt Teacup  doctorremulac3 
 (+15)  You Bought The Jumper, Now Buy The Sheep  xenzag 
 (+14)  Coffee at the pump  mace 
 (+14)  "Sealed with a kiss" postal lipstick  mace 
 (+13)  Google Earth Your Head  a1 
 (+13)  on-hold music slick concluding piano flourish  hippo 
 (+13, -2)  A Grey Damp Day In Scunthorpe  xenzag 
 (+12, -1)  Burnt food recipe book  pocmloc 
 (+12, -2)  Chasing Waves Up The Road  xenzag 


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