Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Babybel Brakes

Finally, an end to this nonsense
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If the adverts are to be believed, babybel cheese can be a very troublesome snack.

For some reason, the makers have not yet seen fit to equip their product with brakes. I would suggest they make a flat edge or a small cheesey lump somewhere along the circumference to avoid difficult situations if the morsel is dropped.

fridge duck, May 12 2007


       Nonsense!! I think you will find that they have in fact stumbled upon the formula for perpetual motion with this unique rubbery cheese. What is needed is a small dynamo attached to each cheese, perhaps even harnessing 4 of them to a chassis.
marklar, May 13 2007


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