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Crayon Printer

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(+7, -3)
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Like a plotter, I suppose, but with crayons instead of pens. Produces hardcopy documents in large font comic sans.

'Ink' colour is easily changed by placing a new crayon in the child's-fist-shaped crayon grip.

calum, Sep 27 2005

Artist's Impression http://www.painetwo...hotos/gy/gy1647.JPG
[DrCurry, Sep 28 2005, last modified Sep 30 2005]

Crayon Master 64 http://web.archive....ulb.com/crayon.html
Wayback machine cache of dimbulb.com [Size_Mick, Sep 28 2005]


       Color printers have long used crayons, melted, to generate intense fade-resistant prints.   

       But I suspect you are really plotting to sell your little brother as a computer printer. ("Here, Billy, draw the picture for the nice man, and I'll give you a lollypop!")
DrCurry, Sep 27 2005

       Dye sublimation printers use wax (I think) so kinda half-baked. But yes, I like [+]
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Sep 27 2005

       Dye sub printers do not use wax but thermal wax printers do.   

       (Actually, most "dye subs" are really dye diffusion thermal or "D2T" printers. Only the *really* expensive dye subs are real dye subs.)
bristolz, Sep 27 2005

       I'll get me coat.
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Sep 27 2005

       Couldn't this be baked by using crayons in a regular plotter?
Worldgineer, Sep 27 2005

       Instead of filling in color with a calculated side-to-side motion, it should (mostly) fill with random scribbling, occasionally straying outside the lines.
Shz, Sep 27 2005

       Not baked, but previously conceived. See link.
Size_Mick, Sep 28 2005

       I think it could be baked by putting the crayon in the plotter... it's called duct tape if you don't have a adapter.   

       Use Adobe Illustrator's Scribble effect, expand artwork, then use plotting program to plot. voila! Baked!   

       ps...only problem, plotter would have to compensate for crayon wearing down...felt tips you don't have this problem.
DigitalArtist71, Mar 22 2006


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