Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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If ever there was a time we needed a bowlologist, it's now.

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Crypto Warpography

Come to think of it this was probably done some time in the fifties and I've just never heard of it.
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I postulate that any letter of the alphabet when viewed through an appropriate lens can be made to appear to be any other letter of the alphabet.

Thus an A could be a V or a Q could be a K or an F so that viewing a message encrypted without the proper series of warping lenses would be unreadable since even an apostrophe or exclamation mark, heck even a blank space could be made to appear as any letter.

Writing a program which warps pixels to mimic specific lenses on a blown-up image of garbled text would let the recipient decipher the incoming message.




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