Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
"My only concern is that it wouldn't work, which I see as a problem."

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Frosty French Press

Chase the ice cream man for your caffeine fix.
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A coffee flavored ice cream push-up in the shape of a French Press coffee maker. The wrapper could reflect a virtual French Press and the soft coffee flavored ice cream in the tube could come in flavors dark, extra dark, and seisure-enducing dark. All varieties come caffeinated, of course.
Letsbuildafort, Jan 15 2004

Disposable French Press http://www.halfbake...le_20french_20press
[scout] [Letsbuildafort, Oct 05 2004]


       Right. Are french presses the same as those caffetiere thingys with a plunger in the middle? I thought it was something to do with trousers.
squeak, Jan 16 2004

       Ah, question answered in disposable trouser press idea.
squeak, Jan 16 2004

       [jutta] As you pull the ice cream out you hold it by the stick and eat arround it. In theory if you made the container sturdy enough, you could have a resealable lid, so you can have larger portions, and eat some and save the rest for later.
Letsbuildafort, Jan 16 2004

       sounds like heaven!   

       could the vendor sport a black beret and a french accent? :)
po, Jan 16 2004

       Of course! ... loverly idea, [po]!
Letsbuildafort, Jan 16 2004

       //Strong coffee ice cream tastes like hell. No thanks.//   

       I will have to agree with you UB. "Braums" makes straight coffee ice cream and it takes aweful.... Now their Cappuccino Chocolate Chunk is heavenly.;)
babyhawk, Jan 16 2004


       (little memories go dancing through head)
k_sra, Jan 16 2004

       I will have to send you some braums then....although I am not sure in what state you will get your ice cream after it has travelled that far..??
babyhawk, Jan 16 2004

       can you have too much of this stuff?   

       <wiggles rearend>
po, Jan 16 2004

       I will get it here in the state of OH. (thanks, [bbh].)
k_sra, Jan 16 2004

       wow, you have braums in OH?? I did not know..;)
babyhawk, Jan 16 2004

       is this something we might want in uk?
po, Jan 16 2004

       It is a fast food chain that has really good ice cream. Along with hamburgers, fries, chicken, etc. Plus it has a grocery store side to it. It really makes it a cute little "one-stop" place. Do your grocery shopping through a drive-thru window while getting lunch/dessert. I love the place. (mostly for their ice cream!!)
babyhawk, Jan 16 2004

       <aside> [babybird], that was a joke. We have no Braums here. *sniff* You wondered what state I would get it in and I said I would get it in this one...</a>
k_sra, Jan 17 2004


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