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Hidden pushbutton door lock

Buttons mounted on the inside of the door handle
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A pull-style door handle. On the back surface are three buttons spaced far enough apart that they can be pressed with fat fingers, or even fat fingers wearing gloves. These work an electronic lock when pressed in the right sequence.

Advantages being 1) Nobody can see what buttons you pressed, either looking over your shoulder from nearby or from far off through a telescope, 2) Nobody can guess the combination by looking at wear on the buttons, and 3) A mild degree of weather protection in outdoor use.

Three buttons might seem to limit the number of combos, but they can be pressed individually or "chorded" by pressing two at a time, and a sequence may be from 3 to 5 presses in length. This should give enough combinations for basic home security.

If this idea doesn't seem half baked or explodey enough, it could set off a glitter bomb or worse after too many failed unlock attempts.

a1, Sep 12 2022

Only three of these buttons ever get touched. https://ibb.co/r2MRhxm
[a1, Sep 13 2022]

Handle with thumb latch https://www.histori...blatch-pull-10.html
[a1, Sep 15 2022]

How Does the Jewish Calendar Work? https://daily.jstor...wish-calendar-work/
The complicated system that determines the High Holy Days is a relatively new creation, dating to around 350 CE. [a1, Sep 19 2022]

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       If they are on the inside, how to you get back in?
4and20, Sep 13 2022

       I like it, but I think you'll find that wear on such surfaces can be detected by touch.
21 Quest, Sep 13 2022

       Can it release a live tiger?
Voice, Sep 13 2022

       Yes. Tigers sold separately.
a1, Sep 13 2022

       I saw an ad for a gun safe like this. Not with an inverted handle, just opens with the same principle.
21 Quest, Sep 13 2022

       Yep, a gun safe like that was partial inspiration. But I wanted something that wouldn't look out of place on the front door of a home.
a1, Sep 13 2022

       You should seriously see if you can patent this and sell it to a security company like Brinks or Schlage.
21 Quest, Sep 13 2022

       // I like it, but I think you'll find that wear on such surfaces can be detected by touch. //   

       But with only 3 buttons and a sequence of 3 - 5 chords, I would expect all 3 buttons to have some wear. Also depending on the design, there could be wear on the buttons just from people operating the handle. I would say that this is much less of a problem than with a 10 digit keypad.   

       It could still be a problem if the user has a code that only uses one of the buttons.
scad mientist, Sep 13 2022

       Agreed ^
21 Quest, Sep 13 2022

       // wear //   

       I've attached a picture of a lock in my building. It's been in service for at least 6 years and gets used several times daily. Can you see any wear on the buttons? Hint - it's still set to the default combination from the manufacturer, and is only a two-press combo to unlock. Two buttons are chorded for the first press, and a single button for the second press.   

       I'm much less concerned about wear on a simple unlabeled metal button that you can't actually see, as opposed to the modern fashion of plasticy touch pads with printing that wears off.
a1, Sep 13 2022

       You could use a different code for the latter half of the year, utilizing different buttons to minimize wear, and so the buttons don't feel left out and ignored.
whatrock, Sep 13 2022

       Buttons on a moving or rotating handle would have to have wires extending through the handle. What if the handle and wires were damaged?
xrayTed, Sep 15 2022

       // what if the wires were damaged //   

       Things break. You try to design for necessary robustness and an intended life cycle.   

       But if that’s your concern, the handle doesn’t have to twist or rotate. It could just be a pull handle with a thumb latch.
a1, Sep 15 2022

       Now that I think about it, if it includes a thumb latch the rest of it doesn't have to be electric. If it can be made small enough to fit inside the pull handle it could all be mechanical. Pushbutton, non-electric locks are WKTE. Some Jews like them as they are prohibited from carrying anything (like keys) or using electricity on the Sabbath.   

       Therefore the need for Kosher Locks.
a1, Sep 15 2022

       //Some Jews like them as the are prohibited from carrying anything (like keys) or using electricity on the Sabbath.//   

       Reading through the mental gymnastics/justifications over what can/can't be done on the sabbath is actually very entertaining.   

       You can open the fridge, but only when the motor is already running, so that its not your actions that caused it to turn on.   

       I asked a Jewish friend: if I were to carefully measure fridge opening and compressor on times and show that there is indeed a causative link, would you then not be allowed to open the fridge?   

       "That would be a lot of work, definitely forbidden"   

       Ah, but I've been reading, and you can't command me to do/not do anything on the sabbath, hilariously, only hint.   

       "Oh, then I'll just turn the fridge to max cold the day before and prop the door slightly open. No change in compressor running time, no door opening if it's already open."   

       Judaism, practical training in the circumvention of arbitrary rules. I particularly enjoy that they've determined that Alexa is a non-jewish entity for purposes of lights etc. I wouldn't be surprised if Amazon starts using it "I'm going to re-order dish soap for you, tell me now if you would not like this..."
bs0u0155, Sep 15 2022

       // thumb latch //   

       With some creative wiring, should an individual (a miscreant, Shirley) depress the latch without first punching in the correct code, their hand could experience the tantalizing wonders of alternating current.
whatrock, Sep 15 2022

       // ... if someone depresses the latch without first punching in the correct code, their hand could experience the tantalizing wonders of alternating current. //   

       Unless they're Jewish. In which case the non-electric, purely mechanical lock could release a live tiger. But not a lion. as Daniel showed that may not be a deterrent.
a1, Sep 15 2022

       Ha! Have you seen Bill Maher's Religulous?
21 Quest, Sep 15 2022

       //circumvention of arbitrary rules//
No wonder jews are thought of as "smart people" (in some jurisdictions); they have to be, to perform the mental gymnastics of their rules & rule-avoiding rules!
(I suspect the sabbath idea of "I do no work, but other people/systems can on my behalf" comes from having slaves; so the ruling class did the "no work" thing while everybody else works on...)
neutrinos_shadow, Sep 15 2022

       // jews are thought of as "smart people" (in some jurisdictions); they have to be, to perform the mental gymnastics of their rule //   

       I don't think the Jews a monopoly on rules and how to conform or circumvent them. See George Carlin's routine "Special Dispensation" for one example, but most religions are full of observances and exceptions.
a1, Sep 15 2022

       In Exodus 20, perhaps the most famous exposition on the Sabbath, Moses gives a commandment from God expressly forbidding making slaves work on that day. I don't know how or if Jews twist that, but the mind that can turn that into "it's okay to hire someone on that day" by the old law can navigate an ant burrow without turning a single degree clockwise or clockfoolish.
Voice, Sep 15 2022

       Heh, you think the rationalizations around the Sabbath are twisted? Look at the calendar (link).
a1, Sep 19 2022


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