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Infinite tabs

New tabs appear as you close old ones.
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Ever suddenly found you've closed all your tabs and windows and actually run out of things to do on your computer? How could this be when what seemed like yesterday you had countless Wikipedia articles, news stories, games, or serious pursuits open and waiting for you?

I say people should never have to experience that empty feeling of having run out of self-assigned tasks. Whenever the number of open tabs runs under the length of the tab bar, a browser extension should open a new page from Stumble Upon or from an RSS feed or from the "read it later" Firefox extension, or from old bookmarks (dig up old memories), or whatever.

Similarly, when the number of open windows falls too low, the computer could start up a random program-- possibly something you've downloaded and not tried yet, or maybe it could download something for you.

dranorter, Jun 15 2009

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Short name, e.g., Bob's Coffee
Destination URL. E.g., https://www.coffee.com/
Description (displayed with the short name and URL.)

       I thought this might help me at the bar.
bungston, Jun 15 2009

       //I say people should never have to experience that empty feeling of having run out of self-assigned tasks.//   

       Bloody hell. I might actually have to do my job...
Jinbish, Jun 16 2009


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